DON'T "Just Do It"



  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    Sounds like you're whining needlessly to me. Lots of people find "Just do it" to be great motivation. It's direct, it's to the point, it's void of excuses. If I want excuses? I cry to my Mommy. If I want to change or improve or move on with something? I "Just Do It."

    Personally, though, I much prefer "Suck it up, Buttercup" as my go-to expression. I like that little bit of "edge" to it.
  • DianeMomof2
    DianeMomof2 Posts: 5 Member
    We are all here because we want to change our eating habits and get healthier. The first step was to admit to ourselves we have a problem. Second step was to decided to do something about it. The only way to make these changes it to change our behavior. Sometimes it is hard to take that first step but we just do it. When you keep making those changes we modify our behavior and start making our good choices our new habits. Sometimes we all need a little tough love but I think when someone from this forum tells us to just do it, they are providing some tough love and telling us something our friends and family may not have said. Make better choices, big or small, just do it.
  • stormyraine
    stormyraine Posts: 1 Member
    We are all here because we want to change our eating habits and get healthier. The first step was to admit to ourselves we have a problem. Second step was to decided to do something about it. The only way to make these changes it to change our behavior. Sometimes it is hard to take that first step but we just do it. When you keep making those changes we modify our behavior and start making our good choices our new habits. Sometimes we all need a little tough love but I think when someone from this forum tells us to just do it, they are providing some tough love and telling us something our friends and family may not have said. Make better choices, big or small, just do it.

    I love everything that has been shared in this quote. 6 years ago, I admitted I had a problem with drugs and alcohol and the second step was to do something about it. I have been clean and sober since then. Next was to learn how to take care of my body in a healthy way ... I again admitted I had a problem and the second step was to do something about it. "Just do it" to me means, stop all the excuses and the stories you tell yourself that are not true and simply do it. No matter what my head is telling me of why I can't do it .... I put on my running shoes and head out the door. I am so very grateful to MFP for giving me the tools to understand how to eat healthy and to my fitbit for motivating me to meet my goals. I think it is a wonderful website for people to get the support we all need to make healthy choices in our life. I was told to "hang with the winners!" I found a great place for that!!