Diet Pepsi addiction



  • Yogi261288
    I am Pepsi Max addict. I used to polish off 2 x 2 litre bottles in a day.... I found keeping a huge bottle of sparkling water near by to be a good trick. Plus do your best not to buy any on the weekly shop! Instead look for a nice posh cordial to go with the sparkling water and you will end up phasing it out without even noticing.
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    i am looking at a bottle of pepsi max as i speak, per 250 ml 1 cal trace sugar no fat no saturates no salt, so weres the problem with it.
  • seekingstrengthX2
    I continued to drink diet pepsi while pregnant. My son, now 5, is missing one limb and has this odd eye twitch, but I dont think its related.

    Kidding, of course.....feeling silly today.
  • mad923
    mad923 Posts: 42 Member
    I've cut back on my daily intake of Pepsi Max (the ginseng! the caffeine!) from 2-3 to 1.
    I often find that during the late afternoon when I'm at the office, I just crave it.
    Could be fatigue, boredom, a dip in blood glucose...
    So glad it's Honeycrisp apple season - that helps a bit.