Smokin Hot Green Peppers



  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Hey all ! Great to see all the faces here:)
    MISS SASSSSSSSSSSSY~ no stressing sweets you know it is gonna come off because to are a strong willed woman! I love the pictures, and you look so pretty!
    Kelly~ Im getting back into the program here and following all the wisdom from your side;) thanks for the help and support
    Kitn~ I know we were talking about the daycare issue. Well guess what sweets. I got a letter in the mail from my kid's school saying that they FAILED:angry: the state testing 2 years in a row and for that they have to give all the parents the option to switch to a school that 100%ed it. School is supposed to start on the 10th of SEPT. NOW i have to fill out all the paper work twice and send them in and they will tell me what school my kids will get to go to by sept 1st:angry::angry: :angry: :angry: :grumble: :grumble: :noway: :noway: :noway: So mad...any you know waht tops this sunday?!?! the school that they might go to has uniforms, so that means take the clothes back and get uniforms but they will all be sold out by the time I get notice if they are gonna go there!:noway: WOW!!! so girl I think we got put into a boat together!:bigsmile:
    Stressing, but hoping to get back to normal this week:)
    thanks again all for the love and support:) i love you all beyond words:)
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Hey all ! Great to see all the faces here:)
    MISS SASSSSSSSSSSSY~ no stressing sweets you know it is gonna come off because to are a strong willed woman! I love the pictures, and you look so pretty!
    Kelly~ Im getting back into the program here and following all the wisdom from your side;) thanks for the help and support
    Kitn~ I know we were talking about the daycare issue. Well guess what sweets. I got a letter in the mail from my kid's school saying that they FAILED:angry: the state testing 2 years in a row and for that they have to give all the parents the option to switch to a school that 100%ed it. School is supposed to start on the 10th of SEPT. NOW i have to fill out all the paper work twice and send them in and they will tell me what school my kids will get to go to by sept 1st:angry::angry: :angry: :angry: :grumble: :grumble: :noway: :noway: :noway: So mad...any you know waht tops this sunday?!?! the school that they might go to has uniforms, so that means take the clothes back and get uniforms but they will all be sold out by the time I get notice if they are gonna go there!:noway: WOW!!! so girl I think we got put into a boat together!:bigsmile:
    Stressing, but hoping to get back to normal this week:)
    thanks again all for the love and support:) i love you all beyond words:)
    ~Vita you and I ARE in the same boat! I am so sorry that you have to too go through these changes with the school. And to have to deal with the clothes issue too!:noway:
    Some businesses or even people just ARE NOT considerate in any way!!!!
    Oh well, what doesnt kill us only makes us stronger! :drinker:

    ~I started hannah up at a new daycare center just until I know for definate where the state will fund the kids from her school to go and let me say I AM VERY PROUD OF MY LIL ONE!
    Shes only 4 yrs old and have went to only 1 school and she wasnt frightened at all!!! :drinker: :bigsmile:
    we got there...talked to another parent from her old school that was up there and after filling out the paperwork to get her registered she was telling me bye and trying to push me out the door. :tongue: :sad:
    I loved her independance but come on.....a lil missing me would be great!
    But I was very happy that she took to it so well. We walked to her class, she went right in and introduced herself and her friend and then went to playing. WOW! shes is so grown up.....but why!! Why did my baby girl have to grow up. :sad: :sad:
    I am so proud of her and that just made my day! b/c otherwise I would be ON EDGE ALLLLL day!!!!!! though I am counting down the time till I can go pick her up!!! 1 hour to go!!!!
    ~well this weekend was jam packed with fun! went off with some friends and ate at the melting pot (its a fondue place) and then sunday went to my moms and hung out and did some work around there and then went home and painted! I kept really busy. But excited b/c tomorrow I will be officially starting back to the gym with no excuses b/c my sister in law; whom I started up with, is going back too and we both go more often when we have eachother to keep company. SO NO MORE EXCUSES!!!:bigsmile: :drinker: :happy: So we are getting on the right track! will let you all know tomorrow....
    Hope you all are having a wonderful monday. Excited about Thursday of this week b/c headed to Florida for VACATION! taking daughter to the beach...the last time she went she was a baby....I so want to see her out there having a blast in the sand and in the water! I cannot wait. So....
    Stopping the rambling and telling you all hey and bye and lots of :heart: to the SHGP!!!! Keep it up!! Woohoo!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    HI ALL!!

    Miss V ~ I like your attitude and hope everything is ok for you now! Stay strong and positive!! I can't believe the S*** you and kitn are going thru! this is so aweful! my supervisor told me last year of a few local schools that were below the red line as well. it IS scary. I am lucky I guess that my youngest is a Sr this year, but it really bothers me that you are having to go thru this. i feel your anger!! if you are stressed, just remember not to Eat the stress! It won't help the issues at hand. You can do it Miss V and we are right here to help you along! take care! :flowerforyou:

    kitn ~ oh, so bittersweet for you! your lil girl loves you....she's just showin you how much she has matured! i bet she was thrilled to see you and told you all about her day! how exciting! you must be proud, you have done well! yeah, the gym for you and a buddy, can't beat that! will be thinking of you while you are on the beach in Fla!! have a great time with your family! :flowerforyou:

    have to dog sit today for my folks, so 4 here and glad it has cooled off, they can run in the yard. would like to mow, but too wet from all the rain Fri > Sun. off to do C25K. have a good one green peppers!
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Hey where are ya all?????
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    couldnt agree more Mrs. Sassie :bigsmile: but no ones been on today.
    well, finished up my day.
    And....Congrats to myself b/c I actually made it to the gym. I did only 35 mins on the elliptical but burned almost 300 calories and did 2.5 miles. Very happy with myself b/c its better than I have done. So I will be trying to go again tomorrow
    Hope everyone has had a good day....will get back on and check in tomorrow.
    In the mean time....
    Keep it real HOTTIES and have a great night! :bigsmile: :laugh:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Yay kitn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wishin' I could get motivated, I am generally passed out as soon as I get home from school and up late every morning before school.

    Have not been loggin food for what seems like months, so I logged today and........I ate 2000 cals. So, I need to start widdlin it down again to get to 1400 at least.

    Did get all of my water in today though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a plus. Has been a while since I did that.

    WHERE ARE YA ALL~!~!~!~!

    ~~Mrs. Sass
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Morning all:)
    Sorry taht I didn't stop by yesterday when everyone was MIA! But yesterday was the day that I kicked myself in the you know what!:bigsmile: Well not in dieting but in another form or my lifestyle LOL:laugh:
    So I got ahold of my last college (2006) and requested my transcripts, contacted the VA to change over my GI BILL to the new one taht suplements your housing money:happy: and filled out a million job applications! :happy:
    I hate the thought of going back to college (I feel like an old idiot there) :laugh: but i need to finish what I started or else my money taht I worked so hard for will go to waste! and soon!!:grumble:
    SO that is all good:bigsmile:
    I ate some veggie pizza lastnight , but the kids and I picked about 5 whole pounds of fresh blackberries from down the hill and I have been munching on them :) just gotta figure out waht to make with them:bigsmile:
    I am glad to hear that everyone is doing fine
    today is my day off so I am gonna go WALKING so this 5 pounds stays off and more of its old friends decide to follow its lead:laugh:
    By all
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    hehehe...feeling real good because I went and got my toes did.....and on my lunch break at that! woohoo....did it all in an hour. My toes are perty.......woohoo:bigsmile: :wink:
    So I am leaving tomorrow morning for the beach...woohoo. Going with my lil one and dad. Should be real fun. I love my daddy and its some great time between him and i to be spent. I am such a daddys girl. :bigsmile:
    Going to take the lil one and the nephews to the beach and also doing some sort of moms day out luncheon with my sis (whom we are visiting and staying with while down there; woohoo free place to stay) and the kids get to be the chefs and make their own pizzas. So cute! will tryand upload pics when i get back. I dont know how to put pics on here but surely I can figure it out. :tongue:
    Hope everyone is doing great.
    MissV-good luck with college. Its great to get back and do some schooling. Now a days without some sort of education you cant get a decent job. I start next month and it gets to be ALL online. I cant wait. I will get 2 diplomas that will allow me to become a branch mgr or even approve and make loans. Woohoo. I need to start making some more money to start planning a better retirement for the fam and I. If i dont get on before tomorrow I will talk to you all as soon as I can. Maybe can get on while down but if not, Sunday at the earliest. Keep up the great work. Rememeber we ARE the best team out there. We are THE SMOKIN HOT GREEN PEPPERS!!!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey all, hope everyone is doing good and movin forward on this journey!

    Mrs Sass ~ wow, love the pics! :smooched: i was a floatin in the water too....easy to do on these hot summer days!

    kitn ~ good for you in makin it to the gym!! how special for you to get some good quality time w/your dad! :heart: memories :heart:

    Miss V ~ i too should finish my degree. in '85 i graduated as a Medical Asst, and started to take classes for AA Science. got busy with a fulltime job and never finished. think i need like 10 or 12 credits. not sure what it would help me with in the field....and currently a bus driver :ohwell: i know it would make my parents proud tho... good for you in doing so! wish ya all the best sweets! mmmm blackberries! i would freeze em all! all berries are very low in carbs/sugar. my inlaws have lots, and not sure who picked them all this yr. :tongue:

    have my 'back to school' meeting tomorrow! 1 WEEK AWAY now!! i am getting as excited and nervous as the kids!! :bigsmile:

    thinkin of ya all, here or not....keep at it Green Team! :flowerforyou:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Just checkin in to see how ya all did goes it Greenies?????????????????
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Hey sass - congrats again, nice avatar photo! Girl I haven't logged food in months myself and I don't want to think about my totals, guess that explains my stagnantcy and gains :grumble:

    kitn - we must be on the same wavelength, I made it to the gym yesterday (although Raffy had to practically drag me :laugh: ) and I'm gettin my toes done up today too (haven't been in a month and half) so that's neat!

    Vita, kellya - back in school mode I guess!!! scary I can't imagine all that extra cash when we're so hard pressed as it is, I don't envy you!

    Yall want to hear something weird? You know that advertisement we've seen on here for like EVER, with the girl in the black tank top on the left then in the white shirt to the right super skinny? I think it says she lost 42 lbs of belly and is skinny *****? Well, on my local news this morning, turns out the girl on the right was not the girl on the left and is a local here in Ft. Lauderdale and never gave permission for her image to be used - her mom was totally pissed!!!! I always thought these things aren't supposed to happen?????? Makes queasy to think of all the peoples images that could be used for lewd reasons if I've been looking at that damn commercial for months!!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    christi ~ ME too!! :bigsmile:

    had bus meeting this am guys and i am a little bummed, didn't get a daily shuttle..that is $3,000 of my wages :sad: have a Sr this year, and will buying his pics soon.....not a cheap yr....SO, will be doing lots and lots of activity driving. and get this, i have the most seniority out of our 8 route driviers! and that don't mean C***!:grumble: anyways, i am still excited and have called all my kids, just waitin to hear back from some. 6 MORE DAYS!! :smile:

    countin the calories today, laundry, prep deck to stain and C25K later!

    how ya doing Mrs Sass? school? i need to get my toesies done again. they was so perty for my LV trip! :flowerforyou: will be doin a highlite too. what has been the funnest thing you have learned so far? my mom always told me i could never wrap a perm! :tongue:

    kitn ~ hope your lovin the beach vaca! have FUN IN THE SUN!! :glasses:

    jacque ~ thinkin of ya girly :heart:

    miss vita~ how ya doin with the kiddos? heard anything yet on the school issue yet? what will you be taking in college?

    HI to the rest of the SHGP! hope you're all doing well and check in when you can! take care! :flowerforyou:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Where is everyone? I miss my updates and rants/discoveries :laugh:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi christi! :bigsmile: how's things in FLA??

    just came in from the outdoors. gonna be steamy here today. i am in the process of re staining our (11 yr old) have been takin off the old. ugh....someday....someday, if i ever have a new house i will have that nice decking ...or maybe i could have a cool patio.....ho humm....i love, LOVE to dream! :wink:

    i had a perfect day with my calories yesterday, but pry some over in sodium. and so i am up a few from last friday, which could also be from my not so wonderful week eating otherwise....:ohwell: still hangin on...
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    green team? :huh:

    have a nice weekend all :flowerforyou:
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    kellya - Things in FL are hot, we cleaned out the pool yesterday and started to re-fill, will def never let it get that way again unless I'm draining to fold it up and put away. My shoulders hurt from using the brush broom to clean in weird areas - I may do my cardio at the gym but it's nothin compared to "manual labor" in the back yard with 99 degree temps. I am not cut out for it :laugh: With all that said, it's flippin dark right now at noon cause it's 60 percent chance of rain - murphys law i tell ya. Deck work - another yuck - but nice after the results. You know tht stinks that you didn't get a normal route for bussin after all the seniority........that's alot of money!

    All right - where the dang heck is everyone else? I need my motivators -- I have officially said I'm starting to log again on Monday and gotta beat some more lbs before my 20 year reunion in Oct..
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Kelly......perms SUCK, they are tough to wrap and the longer the hair the tougher....and its not so much that they are hard as much as they are tedious. I like all of what I have learned thus far.....and 1 week left and I finally hit the salon as a Jr. Stylist........cutting hair and coloring!

    I gained another 3 it is coming back on fast......I have got to get this back in gear darnit........ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:angry::angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell: :ohwell:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Mornin SHGP~

    Well, here we go onto another week of transformation! Let's all try to stay focused on health each day, and try harder at making better choices! Remember to get in the water and exercise when time allows....or make time :tongue: will be gettin my bus this afternoon and i already know i need to work on the floor and remove GUM! :grumble:

    christi~ hope your shoulder's feelin better today. i hear ya, on the yard work....i always get sore after trimming all my bushes, pullin weeds... are you loggin foods with me today?

    Mrs Sass / Jr Stylist! how cool is that! my hair is so, SO straight, and i used to get perms, many many yrs ago. it is pretty short now, but flat and that makes me mad....i just want some life and texture! and, i absolutely cannot use conditioner no way! have fun at the salons girly!

    hope the rest of GT is doing good, thinkin of ya all and missin ya! have a great day!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hi all, well its been rough. playing nurse to a teenager is rough. Well I am up a few pounds since I last logged in. But started a new on Sunday. Hope all is well with you all. Still working the 2nd job and now I added a class so keeping way to busy. Will try to log in more between jobs.
    Hope everyone is trying to stay motivated. I know its hard esp with school starting, but try to remeber take it day by day.
    Yay hurricane season is here!! (sarcasm you all) This time last year is when things really got rough so hopefully we will be spared this year. the workers justed started last week and my home is finally starting to look a little nicer. Still in boxes, have a way to go but at least they started.So with that in mind hope you stay safe in Fla. Christi it looks like Ana is headed your way. thank gooodness it looks like bill is headed East and not touch you all. but I will keep tracking it my fall hobby hahahahah NOT!!!
    Have a good week yall
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Happy Tuesday SHGP!

    Been trying to get to bed earlier and wake earlier....gonna be tired like the kiddos come tomorrow! :yawn: I am so excited to see them all again! Did some work in my bus yesterday and today I will be doing my seat assignments....hmmmmm, let's see, where to put 50 kids ages 4 > 18 :tongue:

    HI Jacque ~ good to hear from you. sounds like you are busier than ever. glad dd is ok. when do you start school? i've been watching the news too on the H's, for relatives nearby. hope you are all spared their unpredictable fury. take care :flowerforyou:

    have a great day all