3000-4000 steps???

Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
According to the NHS, the average person walks 3000-4000 steps per day.

I just got a fitbit, and without even trying, I've gone over 10000 every day so far. I really don't see how I could live my life on 3000-4000 steps. Just pootling around the house or going shopping takes up so many steps.

Have you ever found you had just walked 3000-4000 steps in a day? What was that day like?


  • tabbycat2482
    tabbycat2482 Posts: 2 Member
    I easily get close to 20,000 steps on days that I work. But I work in retail so I am on my feet my entire shift. Then I have been coming home and trying to get some additional exercise in as well.
  • dotti1121
    dotti1121 Posts: 751 Member
  • cheri07
    cheri07 Posts: 6
    I have a fitbit as well and I find that on days I try and actually rest, I can get around 5000 steps in. However, it actually drives me nuts to have a low number for the day. Before I was more active, I totally could see where I would only get 3-4000 steps a day. I was lazy!
  • Carolw12
    Carolw12 Posts: 36 Member
    It depends what you do for a living. I agree shopping makes me walk thousands of steps. I have a pedometer app. But I used to work in an office and now I'm unemployed so unless I wander around my neighborhood all day I don't do that many steps a day.
  • BG10708
    BG10708 Posts: 91 Member
    I have a desk job and really have to make an effort to get even 5000 steps in the course of a day. On the weekends when I am out and about I do a lot more. I too have a Fitbit and I find it a great motivator.
  • glittersoul
    glittersoul Posts: 666 Member
    When I was tracking my activity for awhile I was getting about 5 k on days I was being super lazy lol .. I am not sure.. it depends on what people are doing during the day (watching kids/shopping/cleaning/what they do @ work, etc)
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    6:30 PM and I'm only at 2304....that's what happens when you have to sit 8.5 hours for work, and the bathroom and even the breakroom are within 50 steps, and you have an hour drive each way....doesn't leave much time left over for walking around. I will spend the rest of the evening on the couch so probably won't hit 3000. Going to bed in 2 hours...

    even if I work AND work out in the same day, I lift heavy so it it fairly stationary and adds few steps, not like cardio...

    only day I ever go over 5000 is Sundays, if we are doing something outdoors as a family...but even some Sundays are spent on the couch, if it's raining...
  • jrlja5
    jrlja5 Posts: 59
    I start my days doing the wii fit free step aerobic workout. 30 mins is 3000 steps! That gives me a good head start each day. I work in a preschool so I am on my feet all day too. I just don't know what the step count is at the end of the day. I should look into that i guess.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I often say I became a teacher because I hate sitting down and shutting up! Even at home I tend to wander around the house. It's funny seeing it in black and white though.
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    At my current job, when I work on the floor, I easily can hit 15K-20K steps. However, when I work in the Control box, like tonight, I'm lucky to get 4000 steps in. So yes, I can see a person getting that low of a number at a sedentary job.
  • If you have a sedentary job and you work a lot of hours, you can easily be in the 3000-4000 range. I would venture to say that the more your work, the less you step. This has been my problem but wearing my fitbit has really helped me to see what I am doing to myself. If you work from home and say you are a writer or developer so on the computer for hours and hours, it's even worse. Now that I am aware, I take breaks often and find excuses to go up and down the stairs.