What's the Deal With Dairy?

Hi mfps, just wondering what the "rule" with dairy is. Those milk commercials have drilled "milk times three is good for me!" into my head (I've caught myself singing and dancing to it in the mornings) and so I try to get three servings of dairy in each day between eggs, yogurt, fat free milk, and cheese..but dairy products seem to be more like calorie products! My boyfriend chooses coke zero over milk at dinner to save the calories and I cant seem to convince him otherwise...so, what's the deal? Are the calories in dairy products worth the health benefits they have? Besides vitamin d, what even are the benefits?

Also, I've read somewhere or other that people who have three servings of dairy a day lose twice as much fat as those who don't ... with no explanation. Anyone know anything about that? How or why or if?

Thanks in advance!


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Calcium and the odd vitamin would come from milk and not diet coke.

    I have read studies showing benefits of calcium to weight loss, and at least one that showed a bigger benefit from calcium supplied as dairy rather than as a supplement. However another study couldn't reproduce the dairy bit. I have also read about the benefit of saturated fats in the diet for de-fatting the liver and reducing internal visceral fat, dairy comes with saturated fats.
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I probably have more than 3 servings of some sort of dairy on a daily basis. I don't know if it has contributed to my weight loss at all, since I don't go a day without milk and I'm not willing to find out. I love my milk. I can't have my morning oatmeal without it. I also love my chocolate milk too. As long as ants can harvest honeydew from their aphid livestock, I'm going to keep drinking milk no matter what the naysayers say.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Everytime I would go to the gynecologist, he would ask me if I drank milk....I always replied yes. He would say, "Good." I am glad I like skim milk....I prefer to get my calcium from food and not from supplements. I cant say that it contributed to weight loss in the past.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    I find milk filling so I would actually eat less food when drinking milk. I like my milk with 2 shots of espresso!
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    Hi mfps, just wondering what the "rule" with dairy is. Those milk commercials have drilled "milk times three is good for me!" into my head (I've caught myself singing and dancing to it in the mornings) and so I try to get three servings of dairy in each day between eggs, yogurt, fat free milk, and cheese..but dairy products seem to be more like calorie products! My boyfriend chooses coke zero over milk at dinner to save the calories and I cant seem to convince him otherwise...so, what's the deal? Are the calories in dairy products worth the health benefits they have? Besides vitamin d, what even are the benefits?

    Also, I've read somewhere or other that people who have three servings of dairy a day lose twice as much fat as those who don't ... with no explanation. Anyone know anything about that? How or why or if?

    Thanks in advance!

    Im lactose intolerant but can eat cheese and yogurt in moderate amounts bc of the bacteria in it. A month and a half ago i quit all forms of dairy cold turkey because of a massive acne breakout. I lost 4 pounds because of it, in a week. I love dairy and it has alot of heath benefits, bit for now i enjoy my calcium supplements for the sake of my face.
  • yallcallmedeb
    There was something in Forks over Knives (a documentary about our food system and diet) that essentially bad-mouthed dairy and the "need" for dairy. I remember them asking a bunch of different people on the street why we need dairy and they all answered "calcium". Of course, I do not remember the important part of that segment other than that it really put in question if dairy is really needed or if dairy is just being forced down our throats/brains in order to support dairy farmers. It is a good documentary and is on netflix if you have time to watch it.
  • rainydaze613
    rainydaze613 Posts: 112 Member
    There are definitely good things that come out of dairy, such as calcium and Vitamin D. However, there are many other real-food alternatives that allow you to get the same nutrients. For example, almond milk has twice the calcium of cow's milk and soymilk has about the same. There are also soy and coconut yogurts out there that offer the same benefits as traditional yogurt. So, to answer your question, I'm not sure if it is a necessity to consume as much dairy as a typical food pyramid would recommend. There have been conflicting studies arguing whether dairy harms or helps one's overall health, so ultimately it's up to you to decide which path you want to take :) I wouldn't worry about not being able to fit in a certain amount of dairy in a day, as long as you are getting adequate nutrients from other sources.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    If you want the best recommendations on how much dairy to consume, the best sources of that information are:

    "The China Study" T. Colin Campbell

    "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease" Caldwell Esselstyn

    "The Mcdougall Program for a Healthy Heart" Dr. John Mcdougall

    "Forks Over Knives" The movie or the book.

    "Dr. Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart Disease" Dean Ornish

    These information sources should tell you EXACTLY how much dairy you need. Check into them, especially the top 2.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member

    "The China Study" T. Colin Campbell

    "In sum, “The China Study” is a compelling collection of carefully chosen data. Unfortunately for both health seekers and the scientific community, Campbell appears to exclude relevant information when it indicts plant foods as causative of disease, or when it shows potential benefits for animal products. This presents readers with a strongly misleading interpretation of the original China Study data, as well as a slanted perspective of nutritional research from other arenas (including some that Campbell himself conducted)."



    "Forks Over Knives" The movie or the book.

    Another steaming pile of garbage.
