The healthiest AND Fastest way to lose 100 lbs?

Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
I have 107 lbs to lose, and I have no idea what to do! I am ready to live life like I used to, but not sure how to get there.... Obviously, I am not an expert on healthy living, and some support and tips would really be appreciated!


  • abencase
    abencase Posts: 34 Member
    I have a 100+ goal too. I think you are probably just going to have to try a few different routines for your body and lifestyle. Some just work better than others for different people. I started doing the "d" word about a week and a half ago. I chose the calorie/exercise route. When I was in a nutrition class in college (chose that over an actual PE type class which is probably a huge reason im in the position im in now haha) my prof told us that there is only one tried and true way to lose weight and that was to burn more calories a day than you have consumed. I'm taking that to heart (for real this time). I have lost 10 lbs so far. I switched to eating more fruits and vegetables, took all sugary drinks out like sweet tea (I do still have coffee with all natural creamer though), make sure i portion control meals, eat more meals throughout the day, and i set a 20 minute timer on my phone while eating main meals especially lunch and dinner to slow myself down. I also try to exercise everyday. It has been a pretty drastic change but I am extremely determined this time around. I wish you all the best Mikki and anytime you need some encouragement/support, just let me know!! =) Good Luck!
  • 77MOM2ATM
    77MOM2ATM Posts: 8 Member
    I would agree with "abencase"'s post. Dont focus on how quickly you can lose 100 pounds. Just take your time, make a few changes each day/week and most importantly make healthy decisions. The weight will come off, but you will feel much better, which is the best part! Eat more natural foods, do some exercise, dont starve yourself. Best of luck to you!
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Don't think of it as 107lbs to lose. Set small goals. For instance, maybe 50lbs to start off with. Once you drop 50lbs, set a new goal like 20lbs. Then set another goal. That is helping me. :)
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    I would agree with "abencase"'s post. Dont focus on how quickly you can lose 100 pounds. Just take your time, make a few changes each day/week and most importantly make healthy decisions. The weight will come off, but you will feel much better, which is the best part! Eat more natural foods, do some exercise, dont starve yourself. Best of luck to you!

    Thanks! I guess the biggest thing for me is that I freak out when I don't see a huge change in a short amount of time, and quit. I am trying to take it slowly.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I have lost 111.4lbs, and now I'm stuck. haha. The first 95lbs came off relatively quickly, in about a year..... pretty simple.

    My secret? healthy eating and exercise. Simple as that.

    Cut fast food. limit processed food. fresh is best. cook at home. don't skip breakfast. eat every 3 hours or so. Eat high protein, high fiber. very low calorie diets DO NOT lead to lasting weight loss. you have to fuel your body properly. drink plenty of water (10+ cups a day). get plenty of sleep.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I would agree with "abencase"'s post. Dont focus on how quickly you can lose 100 pounds. Just take your time, make a few changes each day/week and most importantly make healthy decisions. The weight will come off, but you will feel much better, which is the best part! Eat more natural foods, do some exercise, dont starve yourself. Best of luck to you!

    Thanks! I guess the biggest thing for me is that I freak out when I don't see a huge change in a short amount of time, and quit. I am trying to take it slowly.

    AND about this.... why would you quit if you didn't see a HUGE change in a short amount of time? Did you get to be 100+ pounds from where you want to be in a short amount of time? I'm pretty sure you didnt (I know my weight gain happened over years, and I was never small - and before I knew it I was at 303.4lbs). So (no offense) but anyone that quits after not really giving it a fair shot just doesn't have the willpower and isn't strong enough --- this translates to that person not being READY mentally to really make a change.
  • Sid422
    Sid422 Posts: 77 Member

    Thanks! I guess the biggest thing for me is that I freak out when I don't see a huge change in a short amount of time, and quit. I am trying to take it slowly.

    I've only been using MFP for about 3 1/2 weeks and I took the advice of a good friend that has lost quite a bit of weight. MEASURE yourself! When the scale doesn't show a loss you will still see a loss in inches. I'm thankful I took her advice. Good Luck to you.
  • janet0513
    janet0513 Posts: 564 Member
    Make healthy changes and do what you can live with. These need to be life long changes or you will end up back where you are or worse. Stop looking at it as a diet because it isn't something that can stop when you reach your goal. I know you want it to come off quickly, but you can't just focus on the numbers. Be proud of all the changes that come with it. Focus on getting fit and healthy. Log everyday even if you go over, exercise, weigh/measure your food, don't starve yourself and don't ever give up. Make friends that will support you and help you with tough situations. There are a lot of us with lots to lose.Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Fast and healthy do not go together in the diet scene. In order to do it fast you have to eat all wrong (which I am so what) and slow is usually the best chance of keeping it off ( or so they say ).
  • tmt2003
    tmt2003 Posts: 176 Member
    To do it the right way, the way that will mean keeping it off for good it WILL take a long time. When I first started, I felt like a year was too long, but guess what? That year was going to pass whether I was loosing weight or not. And here I am a year later, shy of my 100 pound loss, but healthier, happier and still going strong!

    Don't get discouraged. Focus on each day and each week. Make smaller goals along the way. Do you want to look back a year from now and wish you started and stuck with it? For the first time in my life, I'm not : )

    Good luck! You can do it!
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I have 107 lbs to lose, and I have no idea what to do! I am ready to live life like I used to, but not sure how to get there.... Obviously, I am not an expert on healthy living, and some support and tips would really be appreciated!

    There is NO FAST way to lose weight, 100 or 5 lbs. (EVEN having Wt. loss Surgery will take 1+ year to lose 100 lbs.) If YOU really want to lose the weight AND keep it off, Develop a MODERATE Eating and Exercise Plan; Tweek it as you need to and as you learn more about your Body and Nutritional needs. If you are 100 lbs. overweight then you need a Lifestyle change, NOT a Diet, that's why you should develop a Plan. Stay off the scale (and forget the "GURUS") so much and FOCUS on ADHERING to the Plan because the Body will do its own thing, it won't be like someone else or what the "science" says. Commit to the Plan and Be Patient!!! If you can not stick to a Plan, You will NOT lose weight, no matter how much exercise you do! Wt Loss and maintenance is 90% what you EAT and less than 10% Activity (no matter how strenuous.)

    As you lose wt., You WILL begin to feel good about yourself and you will feel Confident Doing More things, and buying new clothes, and getting compliments>>>So ENJOY The JOURNEY!!! Also, remember, your wt goal should be a RANGE, because NO ONE get to a number and stays there...EVEN if you eat right because of how the Body IS. Example: 160-165 lbs. or 150-160...Let the last number be your "drop dead" number that you will not go past.

    ETA: I have lost over 120 lbs. over the last 2 years. The Journey is up and down, but all the time I felt GREAT seeing My success and I'm not quite to My wt. range yet.
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    I would agree with "abencase"'s post. Dont focus on how quickly you can lose 100 pounds. Just take your time, make a few changes each day/week and most importantly make healthy decisions. The weight will come off, but you will feel much better, which is the best part! Eat more natural foods, do some exercise, dont starve yourself. Best of luck to you!

    Thanks! I guess the biggest thing for me is that I freak out when I don't see a huge change in a short amount of time, and quit. I am trying to take it slowly.

    This is exactly my problem!! I've been going 3.5 weeks and I keep thinking.. 'why haven't I lost 70 lbs yet?!?' :sad:
    I keep telling myself '2 lbs a week'. I literally sit there and say to myself '2 lbs a week'. =) You have to take your time losing that much weight because if you don't you will end up gaining it all back ..
  • unicornpoop
    unicornpoop Posts: 178 Member
    I make small goals for myself every month. This month it's to lose 3 lbs and make sure I am doing weights at least 2 times a week along with my cardio. Every month I make a new goal and tape it to my desk. Goals I have made are "Walk/Run/Elliptical/Bike 25 miles" or "Eat in every night this week". I tend to like baby goals the best because they are short term and easy to see success with. I also have a post it on my desk saying "You weighed this much in January 2012, look where you are now! Don't stop!" It helps me when i'm feeling like I'm not doing the best.
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    Took me 11 months
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    The healthiest and fastest way to lose weight is to do it as slowly and steadily as possible. Don't starve yourself to drop weight fast. Clean up your diet. Cut portions. Move more.
  • Fitfortat
    Fitfortat Posts: 47
    The only real way to lose that much weight is a lifestyle change. It took us a while to put this weight on and it will take a while to take it off. You will lose quite quickly in the beginning, the most important thing is to lose it healthily or you will just put it back on. Portion control is always the major aspect of losing weight, choosing healthy wholesome foods is the other. You are on the right track here, by tracking your calories, drink lots of water. Choose quality foods that will fuel your body and not just fill it. And remember we are right here with you, so make friends and become healthy. Feeling good is the best way to feel sexy and when you feel sexy everyone else sees it!! EAT LESS, MOVE MORE, SMILE OFTEN, AND LIVE FULLY!
  • Kimminer77
    Kimminer77 Posts: 39 Member
    I started doing the Turbo Fire Dvd workout system and using this website to track my calories and have been losing weight on a consistent basis but I'm realizing its going to take 6months to a year to reach my goal. There aren't really any "fast fixes" that are healthy. I bought p90x first but it was too hard for me just starting out. The turbo fire is fun but you sweat! Its a beachbody product but I'm not a coach or anything.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Don't think of it as 107lbs to lose. Set small goals. For instance, maybe 50lbs to start off with. Once you drop 50lbs, set a new goal like 20lbs. Then set another goal. That is helping me. :)

    Great advice here. I have mini goals as well. I started out at 344 and am now down to 270+/- My hope is to get around 225 .. could be lower (healthy weight is supposed to be 150-200 BUT I am not too sure about that with my current fat/lean ratio... I'll reassess when I get near 225.... None the less, forget the fast part..> You want a lasting weight loss. This means that you want a healthy weight loss of 1-2 lbs per week... At your weight, maybe you tolerate a little faster rate for a while... Anyway, this is the best method for morbidly obese (that is defined either as 100 lbs or more overweight OR a BMI of 40 or more)

    1. Eat less ... But eat healthy. Do not go less than 1200 calories on average per day. Avoid empty calories -- cakes, candy, ice cream you know... the things we all love to eat.... It is ok to have SOME of these things but avoid a lot of them... You need nutrients. Those with obesity are usually also malnourished. The MFP recommended calorie intake is a great place to start as a goal... Set it for a 2 lb weight loss and get as close to that as you can.

    2. Move more .... OK. At first, this is usually not that much of a priority... As you begin to feel better, start with a walk, then add other movement. For me, we joined a gym about a month in and started cardio with a little weight training. Now, my routine is usually about 50/50... More muscle burns more fat. Weight lifting may actually slow your progress on the scale BUT it does speed your progress as far as the impact on your health... For example, I currently weigh 270 but wear the same pant size that I did when I was last 199 lbs! To show the impact, it was a reduction from size 48 pants - tight - in January to size 38 pants in late May. Only a 74 lb loss BUT a 5 size difference in pant sizes and a full shirt size down (2X to LX -- I can wear Large but don't) -- If you add weight training, don't be afraid to lift heavy -- You won't bulk -- your body is not built that way... Keep your protein levels high for muscle development.

    Again, don't do crash diets and no need for a lot of expensive programs. It is ok if you follow a program but you can do the same thing simply by watching what you eat and moving more...

  • CreativeSunflower
    CreativeSunflower Posts: 6 Member
    I have at least 150 lbs to lose. I have lost 43 lbs since January. I am doing a 10 lbs goal a month. As you can see I am behind my goal but it does not matter I keep on trying to reach it every month. I am doing the calorise and exercise, try not to eat my extra calories earned, but they are there when I have special occasion and ate a bit too much. Patients is the goal. I can tell you I lost 43 lbs and I feel great. More to go. One day, one week, one month at a time.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    3. On the small goal issue.... The first thing I did was get to class II obesity (from class III ) -- 320 for me... Then I wanted out of the 300s... Then to class I obesity.... (280) ... Then a nice even 275.... Now, the mini goal is 250... Then 240 will get me out of obesity into being just "overweight" --- You get the picture. Large amounts of real estate is covered one step at a time... and these series of small steps get you where you are going.