Runners' knee? Help!

I am a fairly new runner, running/walking from anywhere between 20 and 45 minutes a day for the past two weeks or so. My last couple of workouts, my knee (just the right one) has started to hurt/feel sensitive just above the knee cap. I did a bit of research and it sounds like it might be runners knee. I tried giving it a rest day, but it still began to hurt within the first few minutes of my run. I've been trying to correct form and where my foot hits the ground, but it there anything else I can do? I really don't want to have to stop running.

Also, it kind of clicks and pops on occasion after running.


  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Strengthen hips to help knee pain when running. Squats, lunges, every direction...wall sits, leg lifts. Find a good butt and hip routine. I use Brazilian butt lift because it was more fun than boring pt exercises.