5'5 230 want to lose 80 lbs

im new to mfp and i need some motivation , i recently got married and was heavier than i am now ..
i really want to lose weight so i can take new wedding photos since the ones that i took on my wedding i try to forget and hide
i really want to put up my wedding photos and remember that day as something beautiful not looking at the photo and wanting to cry
i need some motivation because when i diet for a whole week and dont see any difference it makes me want to give up . i am no longer doing this for just vanity but for my health .
add me as a friend . also i would love to lose 80 lbs in 8 months since i will be going to trip and that will be where i want my new pictures taken . i will be fine with 70 before that time but if you want or have lost 80lbs add me and give that needed motivation '
