Water Retention?

So I'm NOT a big water drinker--at all. In fact, I drink more diet soda and coffee than anything else, so I'm probably dehydrated 90 percent of the time.

But for the past two days I've been drinking about 8 glasses (two 34 oz bottles) a day. I'm surprised how easy it is because I simply take the bottle every where I go and I can't help but drink it. I still have a coffee in the morning but I try to make up for it by drinking an extra glass of water.

Here's the hitch. I've lost about ten pounds in the last month using MFP. I weigh myself weekly on fridays. I weighed myself today and I was 2-3 pounds UP from last week!! I haven't excercised much but I've stayed within my calorie budget. The only thing I've changed is the water drinking (and I also weighed myself in the afternoon and not first thing in the morning). Could I be retaining water?

I think I'm going to wait a couple days and weigh myself again to see if I'm back down again. I feel like it might take a few days for my body to adjust to this water drinking thing too because I'm peeing every five minutes! (probably tmi :tongue: )


  • jdonahue
    jdonahue Posts: 41 Member
    So I'm NOT a big water drinker--at all. In fact, I drink more diet soda and coffee than anything else, so I'm probably dehydrated 90 percent of the time.

    But for the past two days I've been drinking about 8 glasses (two 34 oz bottles) a day. I'm surprised how easy it is because I simply take the bottle every where I go and I can't help but drink it. I still have a coffee in the morning but I try to make up for it by drinking an extra glass of water.

    Here's the hitch. I've lost about ten pounds in the last month using MFP. I weigh myself weekly on fridays. I weighed myself today and I was 2-3 pounds UP from last week!! I haven't excercised much but I've stayed within my calorie budget. The only thing I've changed is the water drinking (and I also weighed myself in the afternoon and not first thing in the morning). Could I be retaining water?

    I think I'm going to wait a couple days and weigh myself again to see if I'm back down again. I feel like it might take a few days for my body to adjust to this water drinking thing too because I'm peeing every five minutes! (probably tmi :tongue: )
  • zenmama
    zenmama Posts: 1,000
    Every function inside the body is regulated by and depends on water. Water must be available to carry vital elements, oxygen, hormones, and chemical messengers to all parts of the body. Without sufficient water to wet all parts equally, some more remote parts of the body will not receive the vital elements that water supplies.

    Water is also needed to carry toxic waste away from the cells. In fact, there are at least 50 reasons why the body needs sufficient water on a regular, everyday basis. Without sufficient water to constantly wet all parts, your body's drought-management system kicks into action. The histamine-directed chemical messenger systems are activated to arrange a new, lower quota of water for the drought-stricken areas. When histamine and its subordinate "drought managers" come across pain-sensing nerves, they cause pain. This is what I discovered in my research that I mentioned earlier.

    This is why dehydration produces pain as its first alarm signal. If the dehydration persists and is not corrected naturally with water, it becomes symptom-producing and, in time, develops into a disease condition. This is why people who take antacids to silence their bodies’ thirst pain become more vulnerable and eventually develop other serious complications of dehydration.

    As for retaining water......women tend to do so more than men...especially if the are on their menses or after a major workout....?

    sorry not much of a help huh?

  • FatDancer
    FatDancer Posts: 812 Member
    Hi there...everyone here advises that you weigh yourself same time at each weigh-in...lots of people weight more in the afternoons and evenings than they do 1st thing in the morning...you'll be fine!

    Good job drinking an extra water for each caffeine drink...hope you can get yourself off the soda...try herbal icetea...herbal teas don't dehydrate you...if you like naturally sweet and cinnamon spicy you'll like Celestial Seasons, Bengal Spice Tea.

    Take care,
    Fat Dancer