Creepy guy at the gym - should I have said something?

Levedi Posts: 290 Member
Normally I like my gym a lot. People are polite, it's clean and no body hassles me. But today on the elliptical machines this guy kept looking at me. He literally looked at me ten times in 6 minutes. i didn't have my music turned up loudly and I wasn't wearing perfume or old dirty clothes, so I doubt I was offending him. I've got good peripheral vision too. i'm pretty sure he was staring at my chest. It made me really uncomfortable.

At what point does it become okay to say "Hey, what's your problem?"


  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Maybe you had something on your shirt and he was thinking "..should I say something?? it might be awkward...she'll think I was staring at her boobs..." So he could have been in a constant mental struggle deciding whether or not to say something but you already left before he got the chance.