Really need help, encouragement... change

I've been a member on here for about a year, and it has really helped me in the past, I'm hoping to start it up again starting to today. I am in bad shape...literally. I really need to start looking at my day in and day out food intake, exercise and healthy living. Here's a bit about me.

I went from 290 lbs June 15/2011 to 250 August 15/2011, from then until about exams which was about a month and a half ago I steadily continue to grow in weight and size, I Kept myself between 255 and 270 for the most of the winter, but I'm currently maxing out at 300 lbs.

This is so discouraging, but it's just a reminder that ignoring it doesn't make it go away, I really need to pay attention to my life style, cause I can feel my body growing weaker, and i'm only 24 years old. I have another 3.5 years of college, sitting through 3 hour lectures, close to 6-9 hours a day studying each day of the week during regular semesters, and some summer courses. I need help figuring out how to balance school life (which involves a heck of a lot of sitting) and healthy living (Eating/Exercising). I don't even know where to begin. I just threw out every kind of desert and sugary type of food I could find in my fridge and eager for some thoughts from other members who have gone through similar situations and especially what they did to beat it.

I am determined to loose the weight to stay healthy, my aspirations haven't changed since last year, I want to raise a family in the future and not have to worry about keeping up with them. my family has huge problems with weight, but I know if I don't ignore the issue, I can defeat the things standing in my way... I just don't know how at this point.


  • Momma_Grizz
    Momma_Grizz Posts: 294 Member
    I'm definitely not an expert and my weight loss started in my late 40's - wish I would have done it when I was your age. Kudos to you for cleaning out your fridge - it's a start.

    For me, tracking everything that passes my lips is key. I never drank water before - at the beginning of my weight loss I had to force down at least 8 glasses a day but now, I crave it. Once I got the tracking food down, and realized exactly what I was eating, then I tried to move more (and track it). For extra motivation, I even had a jar where I would throw in a looney (Canadian dollar) in, for the days that I worked out and packed a healthy lunch for work. Sounds like your day is pretty busy with school and studying but can you book an 'appointment' with yourself - half an hour to go for a walk or something. Have some ME time - it's important.

    At the beginning, it was a long road to goal for me and looking at that long road was too depressing so I took it in 5 pound increments. I'd lose 5 pounds, then think yup, I can lose another 5 pounds....and so on. I found patience on that road - I didn't gain all the weight over night so there was no way I was going to lose it overnight. Also I would never think I was on a 'diet' because it would make me feel deprived, so instead of a 'diet', I was learning to live; never think of yourself as being deprived; just find alternatives.

    Not sure if my blabbering will help, but I wish you the best and hope it works out for you.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    It is definitely tough while going to school. Sounds like you are making a great start though. Finding healthy food on campus can be rough too but do your best. Don't expect to be perfect always. Drink lots of water and carry healthy snacks with you at all times (I know when I was getting sleepy in class I had a tendency to snack so it was helpful to have healthy options available.) If your school has a gym take advantage! Also working out can be a great way to get rid of the stress of studying all the time!