Spirit80 has logged in for 130 days in a row! YOU?



  • kmshred
    kmshred Posts: 393 Member
    442 days
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    i just got my 240 days in a row today actually! shooting for a year!.. and 11 more lbs.. lol
  • proudtexan71
    proudtexan71 Posts: 203 Member
    Hit 115 today. :happy:
  • Zee48
    Zee48 Posts: 789 Member
    Congratulations Spirit 80! Setting up good habits helps with this weight loss journey and being accountable to yourself is one very good habit to set.

    I have 214 and counting.
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
  • htmlgirl
    htmlgirl Posts: 314 Member
    I really wish it kept track of how many days in a row you filled out your diary because I travel sometimes where I don't have internet access and can't login, but I keep track and add it when I can...

    I've kept track every day since Feb 6. Today would be my 119 day, but MFP says 25 days logged in
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I'm on day 262 today.
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    40 logged. but really its been over 2 years, lost my streak a few times due to a vacation and a surgery. and this last time, a cat scan.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    I have been with MFP for a year but actively logging for 174 days in a row.
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I think I'm around 180 or so? But if you log in after midnight it doesn't count >:(
  • rbear713
    rbear713 Posts: 220 Member
    Today I received the message that I have logged in 890 days in a row. MFP has kept me accountable despite traveling to LA, Chicago, Jamaica, Boston, Philly and a host of other cities. My friends and I are going on a Mediterranean cruise in September and I'm already researching internet capability so I can continue check in periodically.

    Great job everyone, let's stay committed/dedicated.

    Wow - comin up on 3 years! Fantastic!! I'm at about 205...but headed your way in a couple more years!

    DONT EVER STOP PEOPLE! keep up all the GREAT work!!
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    810 days today
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    665 days for me so far!
  • Losinitforgood
    Losinitforgood Posts: 28 Member
    Fantastic job everyone! It is so awesome and inspirational to hear about how long everyone has been logging on. Just hit 100 days for me. :)
  • legendary781
    legendary781 Posts: 62 Member
  • deaddivya
    deaddivya Posts: 102
    48 - it's a beginning. :)
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 659 Member
    about 225
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    220 days
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    230 days!
  • 2wawas
    2wawas Posts: 44 Member
    I've logged in every day since October 31st 2011. It's become a behaviour with me now (which is good). I have the app on my Blackberry too so if I am not at home, I can still log in...