whats YOUR Program

So whats everyones Workout / eating program they have for themselves?
I think it would be great to hear some feedback from guys and girls who have gone from tummy to toned and what u did to get to where u are Please detail, i feel this could be a stepping stone for myself and others looking for alternative programs and other ways to try :)


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Staying within my goals, eating whole healthy food and portion control.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I do a combo of cardio and weights(I see a trainer so he writes up a program for me and then I follow it) and just eating at a moderate deficit(like 250-300 calories).

    A lot of people here are fans of Strong Lifts 5X5 or New Rules of Lifting for Women. I personally don't follow those programs, but I have seen people that have had good success with them. I do more a medium to high rep program with medium to heavy weights that focuses on total body.
  • morninglilli
    morninglilli Posts: 194
    Making better food choices, Logging everything, lots of fiber, lots of protein, and getting by *ss off the couch and to the gym even when I am sore or feeling lazy! My weight hasn't changed all that much, but my body is completely different!

    Oh yes, and HIIT paired with resistance training changed everything!!!!!! I will forever be a full hearted believer in the 20 minute HIIT!
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I don't have a program really... I try to stay within calories and exercise at least 3-4x a week. I will do whatever exercise I feel like doing that day. Usually hiking or walking, but I have been trying to run more to get ready for a 5k in July. I have Zumba and 30DS for rainy days. I do want to get more into lifting to tone my arms more.