Tenunderfour's untrained, kick-*kitten* half mary race report

A little background..... I'm a distance runner. I've completed 4 marathons, 7 half marathons and countless other races. I have always said that my fitness level would allow me to go out and run a half marathon at any time. But, of course I had never tested that..... until today!

My mother runs 5Ks. She really wanted me to run this race with her. There is a 5K, 10K, and half marathon option. This was my first "big" race 6 years ago when I started running. It was my first half marathon. So while we were waiting in line to register on Friday - she offered to buy me half marathon registration for my birthday (which was yesterday). Game on!! I have done only short distances since the Philadelphia Marathon last November. My longest run was a 7 miler - maybe 2 months ago. The rest were 3-5 miles, easy pace.

So I got to the race this morning. I was nervous. Waiting in the port-a-potty line killed some time though and I got to the start with 5 minutes to spare. A loud gunshot.... and we were off! It usually takes me a mile or two to settle into a good pace. The crowd was thick at the start. For those new to racing.... please, please if you are faster start toward the front. If you are slower.... start at the back of the pack. If you are a walker or a run/walker.... please stay to the side. Nothing worse than trying to jockey for position in a race.

Anyway.... my goals were to 1. finish, 2. run the whole thing, 3. have a great time. (not necessarily in that order). I managed all 3. I ran pretty consistently.... between 10:00 and 10:30/mi pace. I took it easy - wanted to have some gas left in the tank at the finish. Except for a bit of chafing that started at mile 9..... I felt great. My legs felt strong. Final time 2:16:55 according to my Garmin. I'm VERY pleased with my time. :bigsmile:

So I guess now I actually CAN claim to be able to run a half marathon at any time. :smokin:
Now it's nap time.