Missing since 2010 - Metabolism - Last seen wearing size 8



  • aquapup
    aquapup Posts: 81 Member
    I like Jillian Michaels DVDs for rainy days. 30 day shred is only ~20 minutes and the 6 week six pack is ~30. They both make me sweat. I ignore her when she says things like "your heart should be gurgling in your chest right now" though. That's crazy - I try to keep my heart rate more in check like I can talk with some huffing and puffing. Otherwise her workouts are great b/c she has beginner and advanced so you don't get discouraged or bored as easily as some other DVDs I've tried.
  • Thanks for the advice, will check out Jillian Michaels!
    I like Jillian Michaels DVDs for rainy days. 30 day shred is only ~20 minutes and the 6 week six pack is ~30. They both make me sweat. I ignore her when she says things like "your heart should be gurgling in your chest right now" though. That's crazy - I try to keep my heart rate more in check like I can talk with some huffing and puffing. Otherwise her workouts are great b/c she has beginner and advanced so you don't get discouraged or bored as easily as some other DVDs I've tried.