I keep going over my protein goal!

Hi all!

I recently started using MFP again after a long period of not tracking and have had great success in the last two weeks (I had gained 8 lbs before starting to use MFP again, so it won't show on my ticker but I lost 2lbs last week!).

I originally set out to lose 1lb/wk, but MFP calculated that my calorie budget should be somewhere in the 1800's, which I felt was WAY too high--so I recently reset it for 2lbs/wk, and my budget is now around 1300, which feels much healthier.

I've only been sticking to the 1300 budget for about 3 days, which is why I will say I haven't quite settled into a calorie intake rhythm yet. But something I've noticed since I changed my goals is that I am consistently going over my protein limit of 56 units.

For breakfast, I usually eat a bowl of Kashi with a banana sliced into it. Today, I ate one banana nut pancake with a small side of bacon (not the most healthy thing in the world, I know, but it's Sunday brunch...and I actually only ate ONE pancake as opposed to my usual two or three!), which totaled to 33g of protein. Then for lunch I had a 3oz portion of salmon with some avocado and black bean salsa that I made (about 300 calories all told) but the salmon alone comes up as nearly 30g of protein, which already puts me about 10g over my limit--and I haven't even had dinner!

So I guess my questions are, 1) Is it okay for me to be going over my protein goal? and 2) If not, what can I do to lower my protein intake (aside from, you know, going vegan...which is very cool and I admire those who can do it, but I do not count myself as one of them, hehe)?

Thanks for any help you can offer!


  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    If you're going to go over in something, protien is your best option! Don't worry about it, I think MFP has a pretty low setting for protien anyway.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    i, personally, find the MFP percentages too low on protein & fat and too high on carbs. you can change the percentages in 'goals', 'change goals' then 'custom'. hope this helps :)
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    if your usual bowl of kashi doesn't have so much protein maybe it was just the weekend breakfast. Otherwise maybe try to lower the portion of your meat intake...