Recipes with Chicken or Turkey?

BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
I don't eat any meats or meat products other than chicken and turkey, and I'm pretty limited in cooking skills. Does anyone have any fabulous chicken or turkey recipes? :smile:


  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Do ya like feta cheese? There's a fabulous recipe for feta stuffed chik on my blog
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Oh! And another fav of mine & fam's is veggie lasagna with ground turkey.

    that one's on my blog too.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I just made chicken breaded in whole wheat pretzels... sounds weird but its really good. You just put the chicken in eggs or egg whites and then put both sides in crushed up pretzels and then bake or I used the george formin grill... really good!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I've just recently gotten into the whole ground turkey and chicken thing. I made a disasterous lasagna with ground chicken, and some nice tacos with ground turkey.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I just made chicken breaded in whole wheat pretzels... sounds weird but its really good. You just put the chicken in eggs or egg whites and then put both sides in crushed up pretzels and then bake or I used the george formin grill... really good!

    ~Leash :heart:

    That sounds interesting. :smile:
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    This is one of the easiest meals to make. My mom does most cooking to taste (no measuring!) and I kind of took after that :smile:

    Chicken Pieces over Salad

    Chicken breast cut into 1.5” cubes
    Olive Oil
    Onion salt
    Limes (lime juice)

    1. Cook cubes of chicken breast over medium heat with oil in pan
    2. Sprinkle garlic and onion salt
    3. Squeeze on lime juice
    4. Done when all white in the middle
    5. Put in large Tupperware and toss with whatever spice combo desired (here are a few that my mom and I use: - Garlic, onion and lime - Buffalo chicken mix - Chili and cumin - Lime and chives -Lime and tarragon)
    6. Great served on top of a basic salad!
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    This one's also really easy. It's a family recipe from my roommate from last summer. We made it a few times. It was delicious!

    Honey Curry Chicken

    3 pound chicken breast
    4 tablespoons butter
    .5 tablespoons honey
    .25 cup mustard
    Optional: rice

    1. Preheat oven to 350
    2. Melt butter, combine rest of ingredients minus chicken and stir until smooth
    3. Pound chicken breasts and cover with sauce
    4. Bake for 30 minutes
    5. Serve over rice if desired
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    I use ground Turkey in any recipe that calls for ground beef. Even Hamburger Helper Or Macaroni and cheese with frozen (cooked) peas in it is delicious. Noone can tell the difference.

    Our favorite is Bushs Chili Magic made with ground turkey.