overeating and struggling to get back on track

so i thought it was a bad few days, then it turned into a bad week...then 2 weeks....
i have overeaten so badly and i feel so awful for it, my body feels sluggish and ****, i have no motivvation to do anything and i'm bored.
I so desperately need to get back on track but i'm struggling so hard, everyday i say i'll get back on it tomorrow and it never happens.
just weighed myself and ive put back on loads of weight :(


  • steph124ny
    steph124ny Posts: 238 Member
    Today is yesterday's tomorrow. Start right this instant. No beating yourself up. No guilt. Just start right this moment with logging your food and exercising.
  • creativephoenix
    creativephoenix Posts: 23 Member
    It's so easy to beat yourself up, but please try to remember that if you think positively and reward yourself for little successes, it makes a huge difference. Try not to focus on the scale so much right now. but do as steph124ny suggests--start now and keep moving forward! Add me if you'd like another support buddy!
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    Doll I'm there with you my downfall was vacation and a birthday splurge. Today is a new day. Lets do this. Stand up to your doubts, take authority over them and refuse to listen to them!
  • rmrpender
    rmrpender Posts: 16
    I know what you mean. Memorial Day weekend threw me way off my eating plan and this past week I have had a difficult time not eating any and everything. As a result I am fatigued and don't feel like doing any of my workouts. This is especially sad since I have just recently joined MFP and had started to make progress. I just plan to keep moving and keep healthy foods in the house. I am sure you will get back on track. Don't be so critical of yourself - that will just make you feel worse and will keep you from getting back on your eating plan.
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    You can do this! You don't want to gain back those pounds you worked so hard to lose. You can't change the past two weeks, but you can change today, and tomorrow. Remind yourself why you started here, and recommit yourself to those goals.
  • kje2011
    kje2011 Posts: 502 Member
    Oh darln' I hear ya!!
    Been there, done that...and prob do it again. BUT ~ don't give up. If you those calories in you're mouth, don't keep doing it.
    Don't just say, 'oh, i screwed up, might as well keep eating crap'... STOP !!

    You know you feel better when you eat better !
    OKAY, This is all what i say to myself!!!
    anyways~ Be honest, Be healthy. You can do this!!

    I very very recently did this.. Was on a diet that i thought would cure all, be a miracle. I gave up. I quit it, I ATE EVERYTHING after that for a few weeks, and boy, did i ever gain weight. eeks.

    And honestly, today. Today i am started new!
    Went for a walk/jog this morn. I missed doing that, why the heck did i quit?

    But it is that, getting back on the wagon that i fell off with a Bang. Damn.

    Let's do this! We can beat that negative attitude :)

    Keep smilin`
    keep movin`

  • kazza2cats
    kazza2cats Posts: 87 Member
    Just draw a line under last week and start again tomorrow. Perhaps if you are finding 1200 cals too low up them a bit so you don't feel like you are starving yourself. Find an exercise you enjoy and do it a few times a week.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • ajohn252
    ajohn252 Posts: 158
    I've had somewhat the same problem this week,
    just being over all lazy when it comes to exercise and logging
    everything that passes my lips.
    Everyone knows weight loss is not easy thing but you've done so
    well in weeks past and it would be a shame to let a few measly
    days undo all that great progress.
    You know you can do it and the site's records of your weight loss
    over time are proof of that so like the others above said just
    put it behind you and start getting back to healthier habits.
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    First of all take a deep breath....now forgive yourself for the damage you've done...now move on fresh!!!

    I find that's what I have to do when I get on a runaway, not dwell on the negative but decide to start fresh and leave my mistakes in the past.

    Keep yourself away from foods you binge on, plain and simple don't have them in your home, then the temptation will not be there. When you feel like binging, get out of the house, go for a walk, put some music on on your I-pod and walk and clear your head till you feel like you no longer need to binge.

    Hope that helps! Good luck!!!
  • anawhatsme
    anawhatsme Posts: 261 Member
    i could have written your post.
    it sucks being where you (we) are.
    i am finding that exercising helps get me back on track.
    i feel stronger and just plain healthier when i exercise.
    i think it's the boost of confidence that comes from completing a good work out that helps me get back on track with my eating.
    i hope you get back on track soon!
  • You are beautiful ! Always remember that every morning is the start of a new day!! EVERYONE falls off the wagon & has bad days/weeks/months! Don't beat yourself up <3