How to lose Visceral (belly)fat??

mrsprazak05 Posts: 109
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Anyone have any good pointers on how to lose belly (visceral) fat?? I am losing weight, but my belly area doesn't seem to be shrinking too much! I've had two C-sections...and I have the "lower bulge" that I've always dreaded! Above my belly button looks great...but below! I can't afford a tummy tuck! I do a ton of I know that's not the problem. I've heard about certain foods helping to rid your body of the viceral "belly" fat. Also, I know that carrying fat around this area is the worst for your heart! I need help...because this is getting me frusterated!!


  • I wanna know too!
  • Me too... I've lost 60 pounds and gone down 3 pants sizes so obviously my belly has gotten smaller, but it hasn't shrunk nearly as much as the rest of my body. I HATE IT... hope it goes away soon. I know sugars and bad carbs tend to settle in the belly area.
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Actually, visceral fat is the fat found on internal organs - , intestines, liver, kidney, stomach, heart, lungs. That will go away with tons of cardio. Whats left is the fat that sits between muscle and skin. I have great set of 6-pack abs, but you wouldn't know it by the layer of fat between the skin and muscle. That is due to age, and the fat content in my diet, which is a lot of work trying to adjust. Cardio, cardio, cardio, patience, and lowering any fat content in your diet. You need to eliminate any LDL's and improve the HDLs in your diet in order to get control of your belly. That, and save your pennies for a tummy tuck.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Yup cardio cardio and then some more cardio... good luck and stick with it! :happy:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • My understanding is the same as the other ladies - once you reduce your body fat, it will also reduce. I believe your fat distribution is genetically programmed - I have a small waist but lots of junk in the trunk - just my natural shape!
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    My problem area as well.
  • Sometimes.......that belly/baby fat, will shrink, but not go away. No matter if you do a million crunches a day. I've had 2 c-sections as well, also had a hysterectomy 4/30/09. The skin in that area gets so stretched and sometimes even the ab muscles (that expand when you have a baby) never fully go back together. I know mine ain't going anywhere without a miracle or surgery. Yes, I can improve it and I am, but I can only expect it to improve so much, realistically.

    Some women have kids and can get that area back to 'near' normal in no time.......then there's the rest of us :grumble:

    Heck! You're kinda lucky. At least you've kept it below the belly button......pfffffft I WISH! My first kid was a ginormous beast (for my family) and my 'baby damage' is WELL above the button :laugh:
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