I need motivation, and maybe a friend.



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    to stay motivated i :
    - think about the reasons why i'm getting healthy . some are vanity reasons, but others are genuine health concerns

    - set up bunch of small goals that i can succeed at and work towards. it can be things like drink x amount of water, limiting the amount of sugar i use in tea and coffee, walking/running a certain distance in less time, lifting a certain amount of weight, trying 2 new healthy recipes, etc

    - try to focus on what i've done rather than looking at all that i have to do.

    you can do this! just stay committed, try to stay on the course the majority of the days of the week. it's ok to have an occassional slip up. just keep at it and you'll reach your goals!
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Once you see the scale moving....or your losing inches, that is what keeps me going. Then I get to go out and buy cute clothes.

    You can add me if you would like : )
  • anniepep
    anniepep Posts: 2
    Just starting and can use some friends to help keep me motivated. :happy:
  • fels123
    fels123 Posts: 44
    Tell everyone your goal then you have to do it or admit you didn't!