I need some serious motivation...

I don't have the support I need at home to do this so I need as much help as I can get on here. My motivation is super low. I need to get my butt to the gym like everyday and have nothing stop me! I'm looking to lose at least 100lbs in the next year so I need to get moving. HELP!!!


  • gan1087
    gan1087 Posts: 4
    Well, I know everyone is different so I'll just share what I did/doing. Any time I feel like being lazy I just imagine what I will look like when I am done with all of this, how good I will feel and to prove naysayers wrong. I don't really have a support system either but it feels good when people notice all the hard work you are doing. Just like anything else you have to take it on day at a time. Don't feel bad if you have a bad day just learn from it and keep going. Hope this helps in some way and good luck
  • clarebrad
    clarebrad Posts: 188 Member
    Feel free to add me, happy to give support and in return ask for the same, been on here nearly a year, but feel getting a little less motivated, need to keep it going,
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    Having the lack of support at home super sucks...but does not mean that your goal is impossible.

    Why do you want this? Are you willing to make the sacrifices in order to gain what you want?

    Schedule in your workouts for this week and COMMIT to them. Ideally schedule them at a time that you know you won't be interrupted, and don't let self doubt or laziness get in the way. If you want this, then kick those negative voices out of your head!! Just notice that they're there and choose not to listen.

    Know exactly what you want and go get it...motivation doesn't last, life enevitbly gets I'm the way. If you want this for yourself then YOU need to make a commitment to yourself.

    Go get girl - you got this :)
  • vanessalillian82
    vanessalillian82 Posts: 350 Member
    The last time I had success losing weight it was because I scheduled time to do exercise, and didn't compromise on my dietary goals. I pretty much had the realisation that my fitness was more important than watching a certain TV show each night or eating a slice of someone's birthday cake, so I made that time exercise time. It didn't take long to start seeing a difference, and I always felt proud of myself afterwards. And it doesn't mean you can't eat yummy foods, just not like you used to.

    Nothing beats the feeling of walking into a fashionable store, taking a pair of jeans off the rack in a certain size and slipping right into them for the first time in your life. That's what I'm using as my motivation, because I've felt it once before and it feels GREAT! Harder if you haven't felt it, but believe me, it feels GOOD :) Feel free to add me.
  • ToniC9
    ToniC9 Posts: 9 Member
    Feel free to add me! :) I was one of those people that wanted to loose weight so badly and EVERY Monday- I swore it was going to be different...this would be the week that I eat healthy and start working out~ but then I didn't do it. Prior to MFP, I lost 16 lbs and am now at a total of 33 lbs. lost and I can honestly say that deep down, I NEVER thought I'd be here. A couple of tips... set small goals along the way and LOG everything that you eat. Be honest with yourself and use the resources on this site to help you. It truly helps having friends to be "accountable" to and it's great to find people to help cheer you on and to pick you up when you have a bad day. Exercise wise... start slowly by walking. Trust me, the first 30 lbs will fall off you without a ton of exercise. Be sure to drink your water. This process is 80 mental and 20 percent hard work, but I know if I can do this- so can you!!! Best wishes, friend! :)
  • 1546mel
    1546mel Posts: 191
    Make it top priority to exercise. Know that the first 2 weeks are the hardest, after that it starts becoming routine. Allow yourself 2 days off from the gym for rest and schedule them maybe on your really packed days. The problem i had was making my exercise a low priority and everything took over. I have 2 young kids, so i have lots of excuses. I started telling myself "excuses are like @****es, everyone has one" and that stopped my excuses. Once you get rid of excuses, you can do this :)