50+ lbs to lose... Can it be done?



  • GiaFox
    GiaFox Posts: 48
    Well, of course you can make it. It's all up to you. Remember that there is nothing you can't do, but it's how much you persist on it.

    Crash diets aren't going to help you in the long-run either, though. I think I can help you a bit, actually, with basic, simple tips. If you'd like us to discuss this, then please do send me a message on here.
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    YES it can be done ive lost 60 lbs and want to loose another 60 but dont look at it as a strict diet, more of a lifestyle change with the occasional treat :bigsmile:
    good luck :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • mariagabriella
    mariagabriella Posts: 267 Member
    you can definitely lose 50lbs.

    I didn't questions whether or not I could do this, I just went for it. I've got a total of 58lbs to lose, it's a lot but I can do it. :)

    I'd say though... I think it would be really hard to lose that much on a strict diet.

    be realistic, be patient, stay motivated... and the results will show.
  • youngmommab
    Okay lets be really honest. We all have moments when we say "i'm gonna lose weight" but about a month into it you get burned out... but there comes that time in your life when there is no choice and you decide you are going to succeed this time around. Recently I had that moment. I have avoided doctors for the most part since I graduated high school 5 years ago and recently faced my fears to only be faced with the possibility of infertility if something isn't done.
    Now that was on monday may 21st 2012... a date that will forever be etched into my head. The day after I started a strict diet and have since lost 7.5 lbs, 1 inch on my hips, an inch on my waist, and a half of an inch on my neck. I have 50+ lbs to lose and really believe that cheerleaders are essential on this journey. 1 year and 4 months until my hubby comes home from overseas and I want it to be the shock of his life... Can I do it and beat the clock?

    So I want to know... have you had that moment or not? If you are serious about it this time around, I would love to be there to cheer you on so feel free to add me!

    I have 70lb to lose to hit my main target. I may decide to lose more after that, who knows! In 2 weeks I have lost 18lb :D and I know progress will slow down now but just having made such a good start and only having 52lb left to go has been a huge boost. I find keeping track of everything I eat and do for the day is definitely helpful. I didn't realise how many calories I was burning by running upstairs to put laundry away, especially as it takes 3 trips! And I certainly didn't realise just how many calories I had been eating in a day/not eating. I haven't logged it on my food diary but I did use the database to look into what I ate on a hungry day and on a non-hungry day and discovered I was eating 2,000 calories on a hungry day and only 500 on a non-hungry day. Couple that with the limited amount of exercise I was doing, and I didn't seem to be budging anywhere!

    I think I'm going to go weigh myself now and see how much progress I'm still making!

    Good luck! And I'm happy to be a cheerleader for you if you wish. I'm also hoping to surprise someone special as I'm planning to go back home to visit my cousins and my old best friend in a year and would love for them to see skinny me again :)

    You can do it hon! And congrats on the progress so far!! Keep us updated!!! x
  • kerr2010
    kerr2010 Posts: 219 Member
    50 pounds is my goal. That will put me where I was at the end of high school (15 years ago yikes!). I had a bit of a wake up call during my pregnancy. I was diagnosed with impaired gestational diabetes. At the time I was scared and devastated. A co-worker of mine lost her MIL to diabetes a week ago. I never realized what it could do to your body. I know that my chances of getting full blown diabetes is increased by having it while pregnant and I do NOT want that to happen.

    Anyway I am hoping to reach my goal in a years time.
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    Do it for you & nobody else! Yes he will get a lovely surprise but this is for YOU!! You can do this!
  • bakz4
    bakz4 Posts: 64 Member

    I am 190 lbs. I was 145 when I got married and that was 12 years ago. I want to lose at least 50 lbs. or more. I know it will be difficult but I will give it my all. Never really have followed a diet. I pretty much ate what I want, but now my doctor is telling me I got to lose weight. Wish me luck! ....:)

    WOW! You're exactly where I am!! I'm 50 and I too was married 12 years ago at 145 (or so). I've let myself get to just over 200! EEK! But I have a new mindset going into it this time, and I feel succes coming! But not success in getting to a goal weight, success in learning how to be healthy! I plan to be a 'fit ' grandma for my one-day grandchildren....(no, none are on the way, but I want to be ready for when they come)

    Good luck! You can do this!
  • Liasings
    Liasings Posts: 150 Member
    May 14, 2012.

    That was my "day". I'd had Bojangles for breakfast and a lovely lunch with my husband. Then, the doctor's office called with the results of my A1C tests. I will never forget that call. Despite knowing that I was a diabetic, I'd continued to live my life as I always had; like normal.

    It all ended that day. I redefined "treat" and "normal". I started exercising in a focused way. I set goals. I found MFP. My sugar levels are improved and I've lost thirteen pounds. This is not a diet. It is a way of life, and while the thought of never being able to inhale Little Debbie cakes or Logan's yeast rolls with impunity again makes me sad, I will (hopefully) be able to walk on my own two feet and see the beauty all around me and that is better than any carb.

    I know what you mean and yes, 50 pounds is so doable, especially with your attitude. Feel free to add me and we can cheer each other on.
  • parisiantwyst
    You can do it! When your man comes home, he's going to have the shock of his life- and be so proud of you!
    Be proud of yourself for taking a step forward, that first month is hard, and we've all tried and failed a few times! Stick to it, be positive, and look forward! You're making the choice to make a change, and its going to make a world of difference!
    I'm also working toward a 50lb goal, add me if you want!