When to start weight training?

Basically, I wanna get into weight training, i'm 155lbs, 20, pear shaped.
My fitness level is pretty crap (after no exercise during pregnancy).

Should I continue with the weight loss first? Focus on cardio workouts before starting anything?
Orrrrr should I do both cardio and weights?

Lemme know please all you knowledgeable weight training peepz. :)


  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    If you start straight away you will retain more muscle than if you start later, which means a more toned figure later on. When people lose weight, you do lose muscle too. Weight training (and adequate protein) helps to reduce the amount you lose.

    Plus you get stronger, which to me is always good :)

    With a deficit (though cardio or food) you will lose weight regardless, plus as your fitness level is not that good, I'd still stick with cardio but include lifting as well for optimum results.

    Source: Been weight training myself, since before I gained / lost weight.
  • Sherriediva1
    Sherriediva1 Posts: 345 Member
    Bump....Interesting :)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member

    Take me for an example.. I'm a pear.. who lost 30 pounds and 6 sizes by doing a combo of a calorie deficit, cardio and strength training.

    Some people will tell you to avoid weight training on the bottom since you are a pear shape and that you will "bulk" up.. and it won't happen. As long as you are eating in a deficit, the muscles won't build beyond newbie gains.