Losing weight but not inches?

Hi, I was just wondering if anyone has experienced this before?
I know that it's normal to not notice a change in the way you look as you lose weight, but I last measured myself 15lbs ago and I've only lost 1 inch from around my waist and none from anywhere else. Since I started losing weight I've lost 65lbs but I haven't lost very many inches at all.
I thought it might be a fault in my scales saying that I've lost more than I actually have, but I regularly check my weights on it and it shows an accurate reading for those so I don't think it's that.
I was just wondering if this is the usual rate of losing inches? My body just isn't changing even though the scales say the weight is going down. Could it be due to not enough exercise so losing muscle?
It just seems so strange to me that I can have lost 65lbs but feel like I look no different at all, and not measure any significant difference.

Thanks in advance for your help!


  • cazzy147
    cazzy147 Posts: 47
    I feel exactly the same, i havent lost anywhere near as much as you (which i have to say is an amazing achievement!)
    But with what i have lost i havent really lost any inches which is what i was looking forward to the most.
    Sorry im not able to help, as i dont know much about it either.
    All i know if that youve got to do a lot of cardio to get rid of fat, and then weights to gain muscle which burn a lot more.
    I hope someone on here can help
  • Sheila_Ann
    Sheila_Ann Posts: 365 Member
    Have you had your body fat % tested? You could be losing muscle. If you lose weight but your body fat % stayed the same, then you are losing muscle. If both go down, then you are losing fat.

    Sorry I'm not much more help, but hopefully someone on here will shed a light.

  • seamaiden1000
    seamaiden1000 Posts: 76 Member
    Congradulations on your weight loss so far, no mean feat! Get on a scale that measures your fat % as you could be loosing muscle, and keep monitoring. I do weights as well as cardio and make sure that I have enough water and protein for muscle repair and development, so I don't loose muscle. However, if everything OK on the muscle vs fat side I would not worry as long as something is shifting. Could be you are loosing weight from arms, neck, face etc before loosing from areas you want to attack.