Help! Eat to Lose or Intermittent Fasting???

Help. I just started MFP and I can't figure out how to eat... Go figure. Haha. I was super excited to read about the Eat to Lose and reworking my calorie needs from the standard 1200 calories to lose 2 pounds/wk formula, but as I researched more I stumbled upon Intermittent Fasting boards as well and I went from having an "A-HA!" moment to a "What the...?" moment... I'm not sure how these two strategies work together or if they are completely conflicting points of view?

IF doesn't sound much different then binging after severely restricting calories (which according to some Eat to Lose boards was how a lot of women got into this weight gain in the first place). I'm really confused and open to anything...

Stats: I'm 29, 5'5", currently 175 lbs with 33% body fat and want to be 130 lbs and/or 22% body fat. I am aiming to work out about 4 times a week for 30-45 min, mix of cardio and weight training. I'm a size 12/14 and want to be a size 6/8.

Any help is appreciated. I've only been working out and watching what I eat for about 3 weeks and have found it really hard to stick to 1200 calories without feeling really hungry and then end up eating horribly for a day before I get back on track. Scale keeps going up but have hid it from sight for now. I just don't want to start down a path of eating 1700 calories and working out and end up getting BIGGER nor do I want to starve myself and then binge and eat way over my calories.

What have you tried that has had the most success when just starting off on this journey? Not for those losing the last 5-10 pounds or cutting, but those of you who had 40 pounds to lose?

Thank you in advance!


  • Kandyhar
    Kandyhar Posts: 95 Member
    Bump? (I don't know how to get replies on here!?)
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    This is a great question. I don't have an exact answer for you. The thing is everyone is different and what works for some, doesn't work for others. They key is changing your lifestyle to something that is sustainable. If you lose weight in a way that is not sustainable and you don't make changes to the way you "live" you life - you won't keep the weight off.

    I am sure both of these ways work to some degree - however, which one do you see yourself taking on as your lifestyle?

    You will have to make a plan of action, follow it through for 3-4 weeks, see what happens and take the feedback you get and tweak your plan for the next 3-4 weeks.

    I hope this helps.

  • Kandyhar
    Kandyhar Posts: 95 Member
    Thank you Stacey! That does help and I think eating 1600-1700 calories a day sounds more sustainable than fasting 1 or 2 days a week (I imagine sitting at my desk and not snacking would be hell) but maybe it will work if I'm on R&R and able to sleep in. I appreciate the feedback and I'll continue tracking. Just want to make sure I have all the information, and the correct information... I would hate to find myself 8 pounds heavier a month from now :-(
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I'd suggest that you first do the following:

    1) Come up with reasonable calorie intake and macro intake (protein/carbs/fats).
    2) Come up with a general exercise program.

    Intermittent Fasting is a good fit for some people (and not for others) but the core of it is just a different schedule for eating your calories. It's largely a personal preference item and I wouldn't spend much of your time worrying about it at this particular point. You should first focus on how much you're supposed to eat in a day and how to train.
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    But that being said i eat to loose, only way it ever come off for me. I think i plan to do this till i reach my last few, that are the hardest to get off, then try IF>
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    You need to try the 1200 calories first. Try it for 2 months and if there is not significant weight loss then go to zig zagging your calories. If that doesnt work then try the fasting. 1200 calories is enough you just need to learn what to eat. Lean proteins are the way to go to stay full. I have been on 1200 calories for the last 6 weeks, it was challenging at first but now is quite easy. I have breakfast, lunch, snack and then dinner. so 250 calories for breakfast, 400-lunch, 150-snack, and 400-dinner. Drink LOTS of water. When you get hungry chug a bottle of water, you will realize you may not have been hungry at all.
  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    I don't like IF because it doesn't fit with my lifestyle.

    Personally, it's all a matter of choice. If you're the type who goes out to dinner a lot, intermittent fasting might be for you as it pretty much gives you the calorie leeway you need for it. You don't restrict calories in IF, just the timing. If you go to the Lean Gains website, Martin Berkhan explains it well.

    With IF you STILL have a daily calorie limit. But instead of dividing it to 6 meals over the course of your waking hours, it's how many big meals you can break your 1200 calories in 10 hours (women do 14 fast, 10 feed hours vs men's 16/8). Berkhan prescribes a 3 meal per feeding hours broken into 10%/10%/80% of your daily calories. The 80% after your workout.

    People on IF claim it gives them more freedom to be social in the evenings as their eating isnt as restricted. It's a matter of pooling calories.

    I don't personally IF consciously, but it works out that way sometimes.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Yep. First ignore salespeople.

    Second - do what ever Sidesteal says. That guy knows what's up.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    You're going to get a lot of different (and passionate!) opinions here.

    I am in the eat to lose camp (well, mostly). I must admit I've never tried IF (aside from the periodic religious fast, but that isn't to lose weight). But I have seen several people who seriously stalled out in their weight loss and when they started eating more the weight started coming off again.

    You're afraid to bump it up to 1700 calories because you don't want to gain. But think if it this way - if 1200 is really what you "need" to lose 2 lbs per week (which isn't working, it sounds like) then 1700 calories would be the setting to lose 1 lb per week. This may be a better way to go, anyway. And if you are feeling really hungry on 1200 calories, that is a clear sign you aren't getting enough to eat. (Also, I strongly suggest eating back at least some of your exercise calories, but that is a whole other debate). Your body needs the calories - and the nutrients - to support daily activity. If it's not getting enough, it's going to slow the metabolism to compensate.

    Another thought: if you struggle to eat only 1200 calories a day, won't IF be an extra struggle? (But this may depend on your eating habits)
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Have you thought of trying both? It's possible. IF doesn't have to be an all day fast, there are some that do a 16/8 (or in some cases for women, 14/10), where you fast for 16 hours, and eat in the 8 hour window. Usually skipping breakfast, having lunch and dinner and any snacks in the 8 hours (or 10). You can still eat more than 1200 calories in that 8 hours.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    IF is a controlled 'binge'. It is not at all the way you are thinking. Using IF is more about mind over matter. Most people do binge after a period of fasting, however, they don't really monitor the calories that they consume. They just eat whatever they want to fill their stomachs. People who practice IF eat healthy calories and are very careful not to exceed their allotted calories. Really it is just about finding the way that works best for you.

    I have thought about using IF before, but I don't think I have the will power. I would like to do it and be successful at it just so I can take more power over my eating habits, but I'm just not sure I'm ready for that.

    Hope this helped. Good luck!
  • GreenEyedLady1
    I have lost slowly, but consistently, by eating.

    in other words, i found out what my BMR was, and went from there. i eat about 1850 calories a day. i eat HEALTHIER foods. i find that when i eat healthy foods, i get to eat a LOT more food each day, helping me feel full and not craving anything. i also keep track of pretty much everything i eat.

    just how it works for me.

    Good luck!!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    You need to try the 1200 calories first. Try it for 2 months and if there is not significant weight loss then go to zig zagging your calories. If that doesnt work then try the fasting. 1200 calories is enough you just need to learn what to eat. Lean proteins are the way to go to stay full. I have been on 1200 calories for the last 6 weeks, it was challenging at first but now is quite easy. I have breakfast, lunch, snack and then dinner. so 250 calories for breakfast, 400-lunch, 150-snack, and 400-dinner. Drink LOTS of water. When you get hungry chug a bottle of water, you will realize you may not have been hungry at all.

    No, you don't have to do this. Please read the topics on here about BMR, TDEE, etc. Especially read "In Place of a Roadmap." It will explain why you need more than 1200 calories and why you will actually be more successful in the long run if you eat more.
  • tobnrn
    tobnrn Posts: 477 Member
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    Everyone is different so you need to find what works for you. I know I couldn't survive on 1200 calories a day, but it may work for you. My stats are very similar to yours. I'm 34, 5'5" and my starting weight was 158 size 10/12. The smallest amount of calories I ever had my ticker set at was 1370 (and that's because I agreed to let MFP change my goal after I had lost 10 pounds and they took 50 calories away!) and I have consistently lost. I'm to the point now where I'm being greedy and want to lose that last 1/2 pound to see 30 pounds lost and then I plan to go to maintenance. The biggest thing is whatever you decide to try, try it for 4-6 weeks so that you can see if it is really working or not. Good luck!!!
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    I lost consistently by eating my allotted calories, plus most of my exercise calories. I was working out 4-5 days a week, alternating cardio and weight training.

    When I hit plateaus, I would adjust my calorie intake to find the new "sweet spot," and would get back on track. I'm about your height, and when I was at 175 I think I was given 1300-1400 calories per day, so I would make sure to get those, and if I worked out, I would eat more (healthy food) to get back some of those calories.

    I think it's mostly about what others have said - try a few different things for a couple weeks at a time and see what works for you, and what is sustainable in your lifestyle. Good luck!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    Just an FYI, if you want to aim for 22% body fat, then you want to aim for 140, unless you want to lose 10 lbs of muscle. You can do ESE or IF if you want, but it's not necessary. Or you can start by figuring out your TDEE and cutting 20% and then getting into a good workout routine that incorporates strength training and cardio.
  • Kandyhar
    Kandyhar Posts: 95 Member
    Just an FYI, if you want to aim for 22% body fat, then you want to aim for 140, unless you want to lose 10 lbs of muscle. You can do ESE or IF if you want, but it's not necessary. Or you can start by figuring out your TDEE and cutting 20% and then getting into a good workout routine that incorporates strength training and cardio.

    Thanks for pointing that out! Being fit and firm is more important to me than the number on the scale so that helps... I did the TDEE - 20% today and that would make my daily calorie goal about 1700 calories/day (when I set the activity level to moderate)
  • maryb2374
    maryb2374 Posts: 137 Member
    You and I have very similar stats. I am 5'5" and started the year at 175 pounds. I lost 10 pounds on my own but wasn't really looking at calorie intake and gained back 5 which is when I signed up here at MFP at the end of March. I was at 170 then and today weighed 151.2. My goal is 135.

    I originally had my numbers set by MFP to be one pound lost a week. My calories were a little over 1400 and I ate back my exercise calories. I then found fat2fitradio and the Eat More to Lose group and have set my own macros. Now I have my calories set to 1800 and I don't eat back my exercise calories. I try to net at least 1400/day since that's my BMR.

    Good luck! I personally like being able to eat a little more (I still count everything) and still lose weight.
  • Kandyhar
    Kandyhar Posts: 95 Member
    I lost consistently by eating my allotted calories, plus most of my exercise calories. I was working out 4-5 days a week, alternating cardio and weight training.

    When I hit plateaus, I would adjust my calorie intake to find the new "sweet spot," and would get back on track. I'm about your height, and when I was at 175 I think I was given 1300-1400 calories per day, so I would make sure to get those, and if I worked out, I would eat more (healthy food) to get back some of those calories.

    I think it's mostly about what others have said - try a few different things for a couple weeks at a time and see what works for you, and what is sustainable in your lifestyle. Good luck!
