Birth Control Pills and Fitness

I have been struggling for years with losing fat. I looked up birth control pills this morning to see if anyone else on the pill was having this problem. It turns out that the pill makes it difficult to gain muscle and it also affects glucose metabolism making it hard to lose weight!!

So if I'm on the pill I guess I need a low carb diet?

Is anyone else on the pill and having trouble gaining muscle and losing fat?

Here are the websites I was reading:


  • Kori18
    Kori18 Posts: 48
    I have the implanon in my arm. I honestly have not had too much of a problem with muscle tone (but then again I've been a runner for a while). Weight wise, I lose it at a good pace but I can gain it back at a good pace too.

    I was told by my doctor that the average person gain 2 to 7 pounds total.. and that it's mostly water weight.

    I don't associate any weight gain from the hormones, just from my lack of diet.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I have the implanon in my arm. I honestly have not had too much of a problem with muscle tone (but then again I've been a runner for a while). Weight wise, I lose it at a good pace but I can gain it back at a good pace too.

    I was told by my doctor that the average person gain 2 to 7 pounds total.. and that it's mostly water weight.

    I don't associate any weight gain from the hormones, just from my lack of diet.

    Ditto. Since I actually started trying and watching what I eat, I haven't had any problem maintaining muscle mass or losing weight on Implanon. Gaining weight, well, that's my fault lol
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    I have been on BC for 12 years and have never had a problem with it. I'm still trying to lose my last 10 lbs from having my son and I talked to my doctor to see if the BC could be making losing it difficult. She told me it's very rare that the BC actually affects your body enough to stop you from losing the weight.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I will look at those links. I am on a mini-pill (I am 42 and begged my OB to put me on the pill), so I am on a mini-pill. But, now that you mentioned this, I did not start losing my weight until I dropped my carbs to 100 grams. I assumed it was my age, but maybe it was because I am on the pill too.

    I hate taking BC pills, but I have 6 kids and really do not want anymore. So I am limited to surgery or pills (too nervous to put my trust into other forms of BC)
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    Im with Kori18 except Im on the nuva ring. I did gain some weight back but that was my lack of continuing with my life change and falling off the wagon. Other than that had no problems loosing weight or gaining muscle.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I don't think it has that much negative effect. I gained weight when I started the pill but it was mostly due to other things like: getting comfortable with my boyfriend, school, moving out on my own etc.

    TBH, most of the weight gain I had when I went on the pill was on my chest. I think, for the most part, the pill does nothing other than make you hold on to a little water weight.

    and I can assure you, it had ZERO effect on my ability to gain muscle.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Hmm, I don't know. I've lost weight and built muscle on b/c pills before. I'm doing it again now, but on PoP (only has progesterone). I'm breastfeeding too, which affects hormones as well. I think that the pill affects different people in different ways, but for many women it regulates hormones and makes fluctuations through the cycle more moderate, which could actually make it a bit easier. But for some women, the pill really can add a whole new set of challenges.
  • cwe1229a
    cwe1229a Posts: 34
    i had taken two different types of birth control over the past year or so. in my experience, my weightloss was more affected by my first one (lo loestrin fe), it was very difficult for me to drop the weight, i had to exercise twice as much as i do now to even lose one pound in two weeks ; ( i'm on beyaz now and it's become much easier for me to lose weight. i don't know if they had a significant impact or it was other factors (stress for ex.) but that's what happened with me : o i can't say about muscle, because i don't think i've really gained any muscle yet.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    This is definitely something I would talk to my doctor about. What I have learned about birth control (and female reproductive health generally, for that matter) is that it is so, so variable. We really are all very different, and these things affect us in different ways.

    I, for instance, absolutely love the pill. Without it I have hideously painful cycles that give me vomit-inducing cramps and life-interrupting fatigue. The pill has so far given me absolutely nothing but freedom from that-- which I accept ever so happily! It has very seriously changed my life entirely for the better. Both of my sisters, however, struggle with them. They have both tried several different types with varied results-- extreme mood swings, weight gain, etc. etc. And we share genes. Your body is going to respond differently, too.
  • whit1108
    whit1108 Posts: 94
    I have the 5 year Mirena In and have had no problems with fitness or losing weight. and i have not gained any weight at all from it and know lots of ppl that have the same thing. It has also helped my cramps.. But i do know some ppl that have gained LOTS of weight from different birth control pills and shots.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    off subject you have an amazing bod at 42 hope to have a bod like yours at your age. Great work!!!!!
    I will look at those links. I am on a mini-pill (I am 42 and begged my OB to put me on the pill), so I am on a mini-pill. But, now that you mentioned this, I did not start losing my weight until I dropped my carbs to 100 grams. I assumed it was my age, but maybe it was because I am on the pill too.

    I hate taking BC pills, but I have 6 kids and really do not want anymore. So I am limited to surgery or pills (too nervous to put my trust into other forms of BC)
  • nauticaboo
    nauticaboo Posts: 38 Member
    I'm actually the opposite. I'm Insulin Resistant, so when I got back to trying to lose weight again, I actually went back on the birth control pill. I was on it for years, and was at a good weight, while exercising and eating right, and as soon as I stopped taking it to try to get pregnant, I gained like 35 lbs in 6 months, with no diet or exercise change.
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    I was on hormonal BC pills for years and tried to blame them for being fat. Then once I realized I ate 5 cookies everyday and Mexican food 4-5 times a week without exercising I realized my diet was to blame. Once I started controling my portions and eating healthy I dropped 40 pounds. The only thing I can blame on the pill is my mood swings.
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    I have hormone issues that started after my son was born. I stopped having periods and started piling on the pounds. I wasn't on BC becuase we thought we wanted to have another child ASAP. However, that was not in the plans for us.

    I tried losing weight while not on BC and I couldn't.. no matter how hard I tried.. it was terrible.

    Then, my doctor put me on Loestrin. I didn't lose weight right away.. but I didn't gain either. And once I started eating right again and exercising.. the weight started coming off. I think the pills straighted out my hormones, and allowed me to lose the weight.

    This might not be the case at ALL.. but it's how it appears to me.

    So, not everyone gains with BC, and I've found it easier to lose weight now that I'm on them.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I'm on the birth control pill and I have been able to lose weight and build muscle just fine without having to do anything special to my meal plan.
  • tinabell153
    tinabell153 Posts: 298 Member
    This is definitely something I would talk to my doctor about. What I have learned about birth control (and female reproductive health generally, for that matter) is that it is so, so variable. We really are all very different, and these things affect us in different ways.

    I, for instance, absolutely love the pill. Without it I have hideously painful cycles that give me vomit-inducing cramps and life-interrupting fatigue. The pill has so far given me absolutely nothing but freedom from that-- which I accept ever so happily! It has very seriously changed my life entirely for the better. Both of my sisters, however, struggle with them. They have both tried several different types with varied results-- extreme mood swings, weight gain, etc. etc. And we share genes. Your body is going to respond differently, too.

    I guess I should just discuss this with my doctor. Everyone is different and it could just be me that is having a problem losing weight while on the pill. I've been on it for 5 years now and have switched pills 3 times. First pill gave me migraines and terrible mood swings. The second made me gain 10lbs but I didn't mind, but does give me mood swings. The third I gained 20lbs and was happy as ever! But I was not liking being so big and having to hide my fat under my clothes so I switched back to the second pill I was on.

    I lost the weight I gained by doing the Atkins diet. I quit because I was tired of being on such a strict diet so I joined MFP to do low calorie. Now I have stalled and it feels like it's impossible to lose. So maybe I should go back on the low carb diet and see if it works.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    It may or may not impede your ability to gain muscle or lose fat. The biggest effect hormones have on your body is emotional - Specifically, motivation and appetite. I lost 40lbs while taking birth control and built a lot of muscle at the same time. It may be an obstacle but it isn't insurmountable.

    Check out Lo-Loestrin FE. It is a very low dose hormone and is "weight-neutral", meaning it should not in any way impact your weight loss.

    On an emotional level... It helps to do whatever you can about the obstacles you face (maybe by changing BC pills), tell yourself that you can do it anyway, then keep on going. It doesn't have to be a complete roadblock IF you are honest with yourself about how consistently good your diet and activity level is.
  • RuthieCass
    RuthieCass Posts: 247 Member
    This is a myth. I think many women use this as an excuse for their weight gain. Studies have shown no connection between weight gain and pills ( It may cause you to gain a slight amount of water weight temporarily but it is generally not going to cause you to gain fat. Do you check your body fat percentage and measurements or are you just going by the scale? Also, if you are very concerned about the hormones, you could switch to the mini-pill as it has a lower dose of hormones (but you have to be more vigilant about it).

    You say you've been going through this for years, but be honest with yourself. Have you consistently been following a healthy diet throughout those years? Have been recording what you eat strictly throughout that time? I'm sure if you've been on a plan for a while you realize how in denial/ wrong we can be about how much we're eating. If you've been at a plateau for a while (say 4 weeks), the first thing you should do is look at your diet. Are you always measuring what you're eating with a scale? Counting everything single thing you eat (dinners out can wreak havoc on your goals)? Even if you use measuring cups, you are likely eating more than what you think you are. If your goal weight is close to your current weight, you have less room for error since your goal calories should be relatively close to your TDEE (hopefully then your aiming for 1/2 lb a wk). Also, if you are "eating back exercise calories", keep in mind that MFP overestimates these.
    I lost the weight I gained by doing the Atkins diet. I quit because I was tired of being on such a strict diet so I joined MFP to do low calorie. Now I have stalled and it feels like it's impossible to lose. So maybe I should go back on the low carb diet and see if it works.

    Low carb diets can help you lose weight very quickly-- but a lot of that weight is water weight. Reduced calorie diets should also help you lose fat. You can also get rid of water weight by cutting sodium and not exercising, if that's what you want. I'd recommend using some measurements other than just weight to track progress. Oh and my last tip: don't weight yourself when you're on your period. :-)
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    Everyone's body handles it differently. DO talk to your doctor and DO know what you are putting into your body.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    i had taken two different types of birth control over the past year or so. in my experience, my weightloss was more affected by my first one (lo loestrin fe), it was very difficult for me to drop the weight, i had to exercise twice as much as i do now to even lose one pound in two weeks ; ( i'm on beyaz now and it's become much easier for me to lose weight. i don't know if they had a significant impact or it was other factors (stress for ex.) but that's what happened with me : o i can't say about muscle, because i don't think i've really gained any muscle yet.

    Ha ha ha.......... I'mthe exact opposite of you. I had a terrible time on BeYaz, gained weight, heart palpitations, massive headaches etc. I switched to LoLoestrin FE, and have dropped 5 lbs and have had no other side effects. :-)