myth or fact?



  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    3 pounds in 2 weeks is not bad. I'd say you are doing fine and just need to give it more time. What is the recommended loss rate your goals are based on in MFP?
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    3 lbs in two weeks sounds about right to me?

    Depending how you set yourself up on MFP the weight loss should be between 1 - 2 lbs per week.

    I am down over 70 lbs from my heaviest and the weight did come off at a pretty regular rate ( 1- 2 lbs per week). In fact early on I had a couple of 5 lbs weeks.

    Once I passed 50 lbs lost it started to slow down. But, it still came off.

    I am at 70 lbs down since I started MFP and this seems to be a good weight for me. I am now focusing on fitness goals rather than weight loss.

    One last thought, if you are not already doing so? Take body measurements. There may be weeks where the scale does not move but your body changes. I regret not adding the tracking of body measurements to my weekly check in.

    Best of luck on your journey.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    3 lbs. in two weeks is good. You should be proud. Keep at it. It appears you're doing things right.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I would also suggest making sure you are measuring out everything not eyeballing your portions if you aren't doing that already. It's surprising how small the portion sizes are at the beginning so make sure you measure everything.
  • bigdogc23
    bigdogc23 Posts: 66
    Well the weight loss in the beginning for people that need to lose that much weight are most likeley lose it a lot quicker for different reasons especially in the beginning. One, yes they tend to hold a lot more water weight not totally because they hold that much weight but a lot of it is attributed to their diet. Once they go on a diet to lose the weight they obviously go on a much stricter intake of calories so even if they are eating the same kind of food, they are usually eating much less than they normally do so therefore they are intaking much less sodium and that equals a lot of water weight loss.

    2nd, someone holding that much more weight is going to lose it rapidly because everything they do requires so much more effort and their body is not effecient what so ever at that point. They are burning a significant higher amount of calories from breathing, much higher constant heart rate, moving the body takes much more effort etc..... Also if they are working out, in the beginning stages they body will be absorbing a lot of nutrients to build muscle that is not there and to sustain that persons body working out at that weight so actual weight may not be lost initially but you should be getting a higher body fat loss rate until the body starts leveling off on building your new structure.

    3rd, someone with that kinda weight most definatly didn't have a healthy diet and probably ate a substantial amount of food most days so their intestines will be very full. They shoudl lose quit a bit of weight from cleaning out the intestines when going on a low calorie diet. I'm not sure the exact figure but when John Wayne died, it's said he something like 42 pounds built up just in his large intestines....

    Hope that helps a little, i'm sure there are other factore involved....
  • chenrytc2
    chenrytc2 Posts: 48
    Myth. Your body will react differently than mine if we ate the same thing, did the same exercise, etc. I wanted to see your food journal but it was locked.

    If you have not exercised for awhile, then it may take up to 4 - 6 weeks to get your metabolism going. Remember, your body is used to storing fat for energy and not burning. You have to work hard to reverse this current state.

    Lets look at this logically. The most you should lose in a month is 8 pounds if you are trying to lose two pounds a week. If you lose 50% of that through diet alone, that is noteworthy. You have lost 3 pounds so far and have not completed a full month.

    After 4-6 weeks of diet and exercise the results aren't there. Then reconsider what you are eating.

    Also, if you are doing all of the exercise mentioned and you aren't changing (body measurement), then you need to eat more. It sounds like your body may be in a state of starvation because you aren't getting enough calories. Sounds crazy right? Eat more to lose weight. Well it isn't. I didn't say eat an extra Big Mac. Eat more chicken and vegetables. You will see how few calories you get compared to how much food when you eat clean.

    Lastly - DON'T QUIT! You didn't gain that weight in a short period and you won't lose it in a short period. You can do it. Just remind yourself Rome was not built in a day.

    Best wishes...
  • omegamaster4040
    Just keep rolling! You are doing awesome. The only myth is if you eat less calories than you consume you will lose wieght.

    You are already doing the two biggest things right most people dont!
    - Net smart calories not just net calories (if you eat 50 pixie sticks in a day you may still be under your calorie limit, but wont lose weight)
    - Getting your calories at target by working out more rather than cutting calorie intake

    You are doing everything right and you are losing at a pretty good HEALTHLY rate.

    Every week you do things right, the habit gets formed deeper, every pound you lose makes you lighter and closer to your goal!

    Proud of you friend, keep it up!
  • queenofgrey
    queenofgrey Posts: 70 Member
    thanks, man. really. i needed to read that today. :)