I feel so bad...

A friend and I started our weight loss journey together. In the beginning she seemed like she was working even harder than I was--she was doing 2 workouts a day several times a week. The last month or so, she hasn't been able to work out as much as I have due to her family obligations and chronic migraines....

anyway, I feel so bad because we have been working out for 4 months, and I have lost almost 16 pounds, and she hasn't lost a single pound :( Lately I have been NOT telling her about my losses because I don't want to rub it in. I felt even worse today because I lost a pound over the weekend despite some cheats and TOM--I was so shocked that I had to get back on the scale because I didn't believe what it said.


  • Myslissa
    Myslissa Posts: 760 Member
    You are a good friend and person. Her problem may be stress.
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    Ewww, I feel your pain. Although it is entirely possible that she is not eating as well as you are. If the explanation is as simple as that, then she will be well aware of why she isn't losing any weight. There might also be medical stuff that isn't allowing her to lose weight, like thyroid-y type stuff. If she isn't asking you for advice I'd just keep doing what you're doing. If she IS asking you for advice, I guess you could suggest she see the doctor. I know that probably doesn't help you feel any better though!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    we have talked a little about what *could* be keeping her from losing. I'm trying to get her to hop aboard the low carb train--both because I have had success with it, and because I think that she may have a gluten sensitivity that is triggering her migraines

    I can almost guarantee that stress is part of her issue--she has 3 children, 2 of whom are 5 and under, plus she watches a little girl who ( I believe) has some special needs that have not been addressed by the parents. She and I are alike in one way for sure, our go-to stress/depression remedies are made by Hershey's and Godiva ( I have been avoiding as much as possible)
  • andymf85
    andymf85 Posts: 18 Member
    I can imagine how that feels, I'm doing a lot of exercising right now with a close relative and good friend, but he's starting from a heavier weight (we're the same age and height). He has every bit the athleticism I do, but he's carrying around more of that physical burden right now... so I try not to talk in weight loss numbers, just in terms of how I feel, how my clothes are getting looser, because in those terms we're able to relate.

    I would say keep encouraging your friend, even as you show sensitivity to her other struggles, by emphasizing the team aspect of your getting fit together. It's like athletes in team sports not fretting over individual accomplishments and statistics, just staying focused on getting the team win. Obviously you have your own goals, but a team concept can really make people greater than the sum of their parts, or in this case get even better results.