weight watchers



  • stefanieceleste0530
    stefanieceleste0530 Posts: 177 Member
    I did WW back in 2009 on the old points plan and lost 35lbs. Fell off the wagon and went back in 2011 with the points plus plan...it did NOT work as well for me. I wasn't able to stick with it - always hungry. I find MFP much easier - and I enjoy it alot more. I have a group of friends that are all also trying to lose weight and we have Wednesday as our weigh in day. So far, I'm the only one of us that is using MFP, and I think I've lost the most weight of all of us so far also. I'm trying to convert them!! :happy:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I was on it for a year.. lost 50 pounds, and then stopped and gained 40 back. ugh.

    The frustrating part was that so many restaurants are not in their points guide. I spent too much time guessing if I ate somewhere not in their list.
  • Libb3C
    Libb3C Posts: 56 Member
    Someone mentioned not wanting to pay weight watchers for maintenance - you don't! Once you reach goal, after a set time you become lifetime - you only ever pay for a meeting if you are 2 lbs over goal. I made goal with them 9 years ago, it is a great program. I got cocky though and stopped going to meetings at least once a month and no longer tracked my food and put weight back on. I am on my way back to goal and once I reach lifetime again (9 more lbs) I will be going back for my free meetings!! It is a great program for local support.
  • blacksagephoenix
    blacksagephoenix Posts: 22 Member
    I am following both WW and MFP. I eat what I want, in portions, and count it as both calorie intake and for my daily allotted points. 1 point = approximately 40 calories. I am given 1200 calories as per MFP, and 32 points with WW, which 32 points = 1280 calories, so they aren't too far off. I am steadily losing weight. Only started two weeks ago.

    Also, just wanted to include that with following WW, I am never out of points and hungry. I have seen alot of people say that their experience with WW left them hungry, stating that there wasn't enough points in a day. I just ate a frozen, non-weight watchers, non-"healthy-labeled" pasta dish. Birds Eye Viola Cheesy Ranch Chicken, one serving, only about 275 calories, which is 5 points. Add some grapes and maybe even a slice of bread with butter. The grapes don't count, and the bread is maybe 2 more points. I have gotten pretty good at this calculating through out the day. I just eat right around 1200 calories a day. Enjoy all the fruits and vegetables you want, because they don't cost you anything with WW. The best way it was laid out for me: Look at your points as pennies. You get so many pennies a day, In my case, 32. If I "spend" 8 points on breakfast, 10 on lunch, and about 6 on snacks through the day, I just spend 24 pennies of my 32 pennies. Am I gonna be able to enjoy my dinner with 8 pennies, or should I have "saved" my pennies through out the day for treats. Also with WW, you are rewarded for exercising, rather than punished for eating.

    Edit: Also wanted to add, I have never once "signed up" for WW. I do it with the amount of knowledge available online. No need to pay for a membership with something as wonderful as the internet.
  • Falling2Grace
    Falling2Grace Posts: 220 Member
    Just wanted to update. I have been on a plateau for the past 10 weeks, on MFP. I joined WW on Friday. I am now down 1lb. I dont know if its because of WW or bc my body just finally got the memo, but figured i would update. Could be mfp. could be WW. could be my body finally cooperating...
  • Falling2Grace
    Falling2Grace Posts: 220 Member
    There are pros and cons to each, and I think you just have t find which works better for your life and personality. There isn't one single solution or program that works for everyone.
