Hi from Cork!

Sleepisam Posts: 24
edited December 20 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Cheryl. I'm 30 years old ( although I still feel 19). I weight about 13 stone, I've come down in the past month from 13 1/2 so I'm doing well so far.

I work in the gaming industry and am a big gamer when at home too which leads for a fairly sedentary lifestyle.

I gained weight a few years ago from being mis prescribed medication and developing lumbar spondylothesis, the latter holds me back from any kind of vigorous exercise.

I hate the person I have become and have decided now is the time to stop making excuses and just shift the weight.

Watching my mother go from one diet to the next to the next, has made me determined not to follow in her foot steps. So no fads for me. Not meal replacements, shakes or carb free miracle cure. I want exercise, smaller portions and swapping out certain foods for healthier alternatives.

Because everyone around me is on one fad diet or another it's very lonely and difficult to do this alone and so here I am. Hi :D
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