Here's my story.. can you relate??

Hi Everyone,

First time poster here, but i'm desperate and need to reach out!
I'm sure many of you will be able to relate to my experience, and I hope many of you have tips/tricks and advice to share!

I used to be thin, maybe even too thin, a couple years ago. I wasn't eating healthy at all and it definitely wasn't the right way to be, but i had learned a few things (but didn't do nearly enough research to really educate myself) and had will power like none other, and was super strict. Until i went on vacation and saw how i looked in a bikini, and didn't like it.. i could see bones on my chest and it didn't look attractive, so i decided i needed to gain weight again.. Well i sure had fun doing that. But i got serious and got down to my original weight, but in a very healthy way (following medical weight loss diet)

But the weight started to add on. It shouldn't have based on what i was eating, but what i wasn't aware of, was that i had hypothyroidism.. I tried several diets, and anything i could think of to help. Low fat/low carb, changed calorie totals 1200, 1500, 1000. Eating back exercise calories, not eating them back, only eating some. I set goals for the next years vacation, etc, and no luck. I wasn't gaining (too much) but i sure as heck wasn't losing, and at that point i should've weighed zero pounds! I tried changing my birth control medicines, etc, etc, and finally i asked to get my blood checked for hypo thyroid, and sure enough i had it. Mild, but had most of the symptoms (the symptoms do not correlate with how severe the condition is, so if someone had severe hypo, they might not experience any symptoms.. unforunately, i was at the other end of that spectrum)

So i'm on medication and have been regulated for a long while now, i've never need to change dosages, and i've shared with my doctor my struggle and said that I am capable of losing weight, i'm at a good level and have a good enough chance as anyone else (I've heard "horror stories" on here about peoples doctors not really getting them into the range, but not to their highest potential - but i have a great doctor, and i know he isn't shorting me, he's wonderful!)

Granted, i didn't gain TOO much, and i know i'm not "fat" but i'm not comfortable, and i want to lose weight to feel better about myself and fit into the rest of my skinny jeans! I've recently joined LA Fitness and have been working out on average 4 days a week cardio/weights. Mostly cardio. And i walk my dog everyday!

I'm 5'6, i used to weigh a healthy 118, but i am now stuck at 137 - 140.. So i have a solid 20 pounds that i would LIKE to lose.
I don't want to open my diary to be public.. 1. i haven't been on for a couple weeks due to vaca, but 2. i know i'm educated enough that i'm eating healthy and should legitimately be losing, as i've been dealing wtih this for over 2 years..

Anyway - if anyone has ANY words of advice or ideas of what i could do to help, please share!!

Thanks much! - Alaina


  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    Okay, so you may not like this but here goes. I also have hypothyroid I have been on medication for years. Last year I could not lose weight, I was working out for 1-2hours a day doing cardio and weights, I was eating 5-6 small meals of high quality food. I could not lose. I went to the dr and the endocrinologist... everything was fine. They upped my meds a little but said there was nothing wrong with me. this spring I got 100% serious about my diet, i went back to tracking WW points instead of calories and the weight in coming off.. granted, not quickly (I have lost 7lbs in 7 weeks) but I'm getting there. I have about another 12lbs I want to lose. i have NO wiggle room in my diet at all, if I am not 100% honest with everything I will gain. Unfortunately that's something you have to deal with with hypo. I know this isn't very helpful but if you have any questions/concerns please message me.
  • sandy0723
    sandy0723 Posts: 21 Member
    I can totally relate. I'm fortunate that I don't have any medical issues or medication that are really impacting my ability to shed weight.

    I was super thin and in great shape all the way up to my mid 20's and then 25-now has been not so great. I put on about 80 pounds in the five years, due to a myriad of reasons that aren't important now.

    For me the need is to just focus and really focus on my food. I've been successful at losing weight primarily by focusing on my intake of calories and fat. But most of it has been easy by using some common sense and focusing on all natural foods and smaller portions. I honestly believe when you think your skinny you actually start being skinny. For so long I felt like a fat person and the moment I started thinking that I could be thinner and healthier it started happening.

    I'm not sure how to help you with the last 20lbs, aside from motivation, but good luck and let us know! If you efver need a buddy let me know.