Will you be held hostage at your final goal?

Okay their are a lot of people, who seem to be very strict and gungho about the way they eat, exercise and ao forth they have very strong opinions, that I personaly don't find realist and i'd feel held hostage and held captive...let me be free lol..

I hear very militant comments like:

This isn't a diet, its a lifestyle.

Exercise isn't necessary for weight loss.


I drink 64 OUNCES of water daily.

and so many other very agressive and unrealistic things.

This is not a lifestyle for me. I don't want a life of eating chicken breast, grass and water.

I exercise so the weight will come off faster and so I can truly live a lifestyle, where I don't have to measure everything and eat and drink stuff I dont like or desire. Yes you can lose weight without exercise but who wants to eat 1000 cals a day? If it was NATURAL most of you wouldn't be here.

I'm just saying I plan on having a healthy diet.. NO ONE CAN EAT WHATEVER THEY WANT. BUT all these unnatural behaviors of measuring and drinking gallons of water and saying I rather not eat than exercise.. seem a bit radical to me...

Just as observation. Do what's best for you. I just had to vent :)


  • amanda3588
    amanda3588 Posts: 422 Member
    I completely agree. Last night I ate out and over-indulged. This morning, I worked out. No harm, no foul. I refuse to cut things out of my diet that are unrealistic long term.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    Diet can be used in other terms than weight loss. My diet has changed and will stay changed for the rest of my life. I will never go on a "diet".
  • Slynderize
    Slynderize Posts: 25
    I agree! I take all info into consideration and then target what is realistic. There are a LOT of schools of thought on all of weight loss topics, so you have to balance what's best for you and use common sense.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Your last sentence said it all...."Do what's best for you." Some things work for some but not for others. You have to figure out what works and run with it. We are not cookie cutter people.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I entered a weight goal, but I don't really have one, when my body feels strong and healthy I will set one. I have assigned no time limits to this. I have set a pace. I am at 2/week to start, but I will reduce to 1/week as I get closer to my goal.
    I am enjoying the changes my body makes along the way. Even the small changes. I don't want to wait to be happy.
    If this rings true to your style, please friend me.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Okay their are a lot of people, who seem to be very strict and gungho about the way they eat, exercise and ao forth they have very strong opinions, that I personaly don't find realist and i'd feel held hostage and held captive...let me be free lol..

    I hear very militant comments like:

    This isn't a diet, its a lifestyle.

    Exercise isn't necessary for weight loss.

    Measure EVERYTHING.

    I drink 64 OUNCES of water daily.

    and so many other very agressive and unrealistic things.

    This is not a lifestyle for me. I don't want a life of eating chicken breast, grass and water.

    I exercise so the weight will come off faster and so I can truly live a lifestyle, where I don't have to measure everything and eat and drink stuff I dont like or desire. Yes you can lose weight without exercise but who wants to eat 1000 cals a day? If it was NATURAL most of you wouldn't be here.

    I'm just saying I plan on having a healthy diet.. NO ONE CAN EAT WHATEVER THEY WANT. BUT all these unnatural behaviors of measuring and drinking gallons of water and saying I rather not eat than exercise.. seem a bit radical to me...

    Just as observation. Do what's best for you. I just had to vent :)

    i don't really see it as militant. for me i am changing my lifestyle. i dont' want to eat donuts and cake all the time. i think some of the time is ok, but not all the time like i used to. i want my new lifestyle to be eating healthy most of the time and exercising at least 4x a week. i dont think that is militaristic or unrealistic. the water is important. i try to drink as much as i can every day. there is no "i MUST drink x amount" but i do my best... i think it all depends on how you look at it. maybe it feels to restrictive to you. but i think measuring is ok too if it works for you. no one says you have to but i know it can help to know what a normal portion shoudl look like
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Why is saying that this isn't a diet, but a lifestyle change unrealistic?

    If you don't have that mindset, then I think you are setting yourself up to fail. Why do I say this? Because I have been there, done that. Several times. I had the same idea, get the weight off and then go back to eating "normal" foods. And I ended up gaining everything back. Because back then I didn't realize that I had to change my lifestyle, move more, eat less in order to succeed.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Okay their are a lot of people, who seem to be very strict and gungho about the way they eat, exercise and ao forth they have very strong opinions, that I personaly don't find realist and i'd feel held hostage and held captive...let me be free lol..

    I hear very militant comments like:

    This isn't a diet, its a lifestyle.

    Exercise isn't necessary for weight loss.

    Measure EVERYTHING.

    I drink 64 OUNCES of water daily.

    and so many other very agressive and unrealistic things.

    This is not a lifestyle for me. I don't want a life of eating chicken breast, grass and water.

    I exercise so the weight will come off faster and so I can truly live a lifestyle, where I don't have to measure everything and eat and drink stuff I dont like or desire. Yes you can lose weight without exercise but who wants to eat 1000 cals a day? If it was NATURAL most of you wouldn't be here.

    I'm just saying I plan on having a healthy diet.. NO ONE CAN EAT WHATEVER THEY WANT. BUT all these unnatural behaviors of measuring and drinking gallons of water and saying I rather not eat than exercise.. seem a bit radical to me...

    Just as observation. Do what's best for you. I just had to vent :)

    Ya, I don't think you get the lifestyle thing.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I have a question then. When you get to your goal, how do you plan to maintain your weight and not gain it back? I hear what you're saying, but for many people such as myself, I will likely have to count calories for the rest of my life in order to stay at a decent weight. I've tried in the past to just make healthier choices, and after years of counting and measuring you'd think I can eyeball servings and keep a decent tally in my head. Nope....human nature takes over and we tend to overestimate how much we work out and underestimate how much we eat.

    Like I said, I agree with some of what you said, but this IS a lifestyle change. If you don't like eating chicken breast, grass, and water then you're not doing it right because you have to be able to work everyday foods that you enjoy into your diet now, so you can maintain weight later. So if you eat chicken, grass, and water now to lose weight, and go back to eating whatever it is you DO enjoy, the weight will come back on, trust me.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    i measure so i can accurately account for my foods, thats not ridiculous. i do agree that some ppl take it too far but it really is a life change. if you diet to lose and then go back to your old eating habits, most likely you will gain. if your smart about it and keep it going, you should be fine. ive noticed that some of those ppl are out for a quick fix or have EDs... idk but to each is own, dont let someones opinions affect your life, opinions are like *kitten*, everyone has em and they usually stink!!! lol anyhoo, have a good day :D
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Okay their are a lot of people, who seem to be very strict and gungho about the way they eat, exercise and ao forth they have very strong opinions, that I personaly don't find realist and i'd feel held hostage and held captive...let me be free lol..

    I hear very militant comments like:

    This isn't a diet, its a lifestyle.

    Exercise isn't necessary for weight loss.

    Measure EVERYTHING.

    I drink 64 OUNCES of water daily.

    and so many other very agressive and unrealistic things.

    This is not a lifestyle for me. I don't want a life of eating chicken breast, grass and water.

    I exercise so the weight will come off faster and so I can truly live a lifestyle, where I don't have to measure everything and eat and drink stuff I dont like or desire. Yes you can lose weight without exercise but who wants to eat 1000 cals a day? If it was NATURAL most of you wouldn't be here.

    I'm just saying I plan on having a healthy diet.. NO ONE CAN EAT WHATEVER THEY WANT. BUT all these unnatural behaviors of measuring and drinking gallons of water and saying I rather not eat than exercise.. seem a bit radical to me...

    Just as observation. Do what's best for you. I just had to vent :)

    I see the word diet as a negative thing and a lifestyle change as positive, I still eat everything I did before, just less/healthier versions. I weight everything to keep my portion control in check, and learn what a proper portion is! Before I'd be eating for 2!
    If all you are eating is chicken, grass and water you'll put all the weight back on once you stop.....!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Okay their are a lot of people, who seem to be very strict and gungho about the way they eat, exercise and ao forth they have very strong opinions, that I personaly don't find realist and i'd feel held hostage and held captive...let me be free lol..

    I hear very militant comments like:

    This isn't a diet, its a lifestyle.

    Exercise isn't necessary for weight loss.

    Measure EVERYTHING.

    I drink 64 OUNCES of water daily.

    and so many other very agressive and unrealistic things.

    This is not a lifestyle for me. I don't want a life of eating chicken breast, grass and water.

    I exercise so the weight will come off faster and so I can truly live a lifestyle, where I don't have to measure everything and eat and drink stuff I dont like or desire. Yes you can lose weight without exercise but who wants to eat 1000 cals a day? If it was NATURAL most of you wouldn't be here.

    I'm just saying I plan on having a healthy diet.. NO ONE CAN EAT WHATEVER THEY WANT. BUT all these unnatural behaviors of measuring and drinking gallons of water and saying I rather not eat than exercise.. seem a bit radical to me...

    Just as observation. Do what's best for you. I just had to vent :)

    You are correct that people need to do what's best for them, but I think you are missing the point.

    This is a lifestyle for me.....I say that and it does include eating pizza and donuts sometimes. But more often than not, it means eating healthy (no grass though! lol!). It means measuring everything. Because that's what will work for me for the rest of my life. I will never be able to disregard my attention towards food. That's not militant, that's being realistic. Sorry if it bothers you that I am planning on living like that, but that's what is best for me.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    For me, all the stuff you listed, is stuff I'm willing to do for the rest of my life. But that's just me...

    I would rather weigh and measure my food, exercise 6 days a week, drink my water, and track my calories if that means I get to stay at a healthy weight for me.

    As for eating chicken breast, grass, and water everyday? Ummm... no.... that's not for me either! LOL I have found a happy (and healthy) balance of nutritious foods and the occasional indulgence.

    Does my plan work for everyone? Nope. But it does work me and that's all that matters. :happy:

    Find your balance and live a happy, healthy life! :flowerforyou:
  • mrsvatitagain
    mrsvatitagain Posts: 275 Member
    I agree with much of what you said, only it is a lifestyle. I can never go back to fast food every day and some of the other old lifestyle habits I had that held me hostage as my waistline grew bigger.

    Now that being said, I do not eat chicken every day etc and my eating could be cleaner as they say but it works for me. I have cut out nothing, just reduced portions. I still eat sweets and carbs, especially BREAD! If you look at my diary which is open you might think wow NO WAY, I know I do sometimes. I have found an exercise that i LOVE (ZUMBA), so it doesnt feel like I have to do it, but I will have to exercise for the rest of my life as part of the plan to keep the weight off.

    I think the FACT is you cannot eat the way you were eating ever again and expect to see results or maintain the results. I think thats just a no brainer...hence why its a lifestyle change and choice. I choose to not go back to old habits. That's just me.

    Now if I went on a DIET, I would probably be much further along in my weightloss, but I woudl not be happy, I'd be bored with the limited food choices and frankly I like it this way......
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    :tongue: I do believe the first one about it being a lifestlye. If somebody wouldn't be able to continue with what they are eating now, then why use that way to lose weight? I think of it as a lifesytle because even when losing weight, I eat the stuff I like and just make sure most of it is healthy. It's something I can stick to during maintenance or bulking as well by just upping the calories with the same foods. But sticking to a certain type of food just for weightloss....seems like asking for trouble when you start eating another way after losing the weight. Just my opinion.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    im so confused
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    I don't feel like a hostage....wait am I???? LOL
    I actually enjoy counting cals and measuring my food...it keeps me accountable!
    To me, this IS a lifestyle change....I had to change my entire life and my mindset in order to succeed!
    Good luck with your goals.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    im so confused

    I'm with you.

    So are you saying you're on a temporary diet that you plan to end as soon as you hit your goal weight? Sorry but from the sound of things that's what you're saying...
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I have to agree with a few others. If you are thinking you'll eat temporarily well then forget all that when you stop you'll end up back here trying to lose the weight again. It really is a lifestyle change. Sure you don't have to eat bland 24/7, but start learning healthy habits you can live with forever or you'll be more likely to gain it back.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    im so confused

    I'm with you.

    So are you saying you're on a temporary diet that you plan to end as soon as you hit your goal weight? Sorry but from the sound of things that's what you're saying...

    She doesnt want to change her life, only her diet - BUT she wants a lifestyle full of healthy food and something else but not as a lifestyle cause its too militant to go that far, but she only wants to do this for a little while, so she can get the results she wants? but not in a way she can sustain... because that would be a lifestyle... i quit