Fat at my wedding



  • KrissyG83
    KrissyG83 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks to ALL of you for taking time to read and respond to me!!! I appreciate every one of the post. ALL is very helpful. I feel so much better.:smile:
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Getting engaged was definitely one of my first motivations. BUT I realized that I liked making time for myself to work out, and I liked eating healthy and seeing/feeling the effects of that. I'm really busy and always feel sooooo overwhelmed and stressed. For me, working out is my only me-time, and eating healthy makes me feel like there is at least something in my life under control. I try to focus on that, and that keeps my motivation up. I know that if I give up, I'll just go back to being unhappy and stressed with nothing to really balance it out. I also agree with what someone else said about letting yourself have the comfort foods you like- just in moderation, and try healthier versions of them.
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    Krissy, first of all, the only thing that is going to be fat at your wedding is your heart swelling with happiness! Your husband-to-be loves you for you and that’s all you need to be the most beautiful bride! Look at that smiling girl in your profile pic, she’s gorgeous!

    Secondly, you saying, “I guess I am okay with the fact that I failed my challenge” is not the kind of attitude you need to lose weight. You need to tell yourself, “I am *not *okay with the fact that I failed and I *am* going to work harder to prove that I can accomplish my next challenge!”

    Last night, I watched a TV program called “Extreme Makeover: Weightloss Edition” where a 398 pound man lost 200 pounds over the course of one year. During that year, his son passed away, his relationship fell apart, he was jobless, and he was homeless, living out of his car. But during that time, he did not let anything keep him from his goal. He pushed himself to exercise as much as possible and instead of eating fast food, he ate fruits and vegetables. He set his goal to lose 200, and he lost that 200! Nothing could keep him from his goal!

    You have gone through many struggles in the past year, and you have every reason to be stressed – but believe it or not, eating healthier (fruits and veggies) and exercising both help to reduce stress! Breathing exercises are also great – just sit up straight every once in a while, let your arms fall to your sides, and just take a long, slow deep breath in, and a long slow deep breath out. Repeat that a few times while thinking about relaxing each part of your body. It can be so refreshing to take that quick little time out when your head is going in circles. Even making time for 15 minutes of cardio once or twice every day can make a difference. Also, if you feel the need for a good cry, just let your emotions go. A lot recently, I’ve seen articles that encourage a good cry to improve your mood. Laughing helps too! When you hold your emotions in, you tense up and stress out more. Releasing stress can also help you to lose weight since stress hormones tell your body to retain weight. So it’s all the more reason for you to make time for healthier living before your wedding!

    Here’s my unprofessional medical advice for you:

    Next time that you’re upset about your mom, don’t run to eat ice-cream, think of how your mom would wish for your health and run a couple of laps up and down your street instead.
    When you come back from your run, if you’re hungry, eat an apple and a slice of whole grain bread – something natural and healthy.
    If you’re feeling emotional, think of some good times you’ve had with your mother over the years and allow yourself to laugh and then get out a good cry.
    Once you’ve gone through the motions, take a moment for yourself to do some deep breathing, and then get back to what needs to get done, your wedding plans, and just see how much more focused you can be and how much more you can accomplish once you’ve cleared your mind of emotional stressors.

    As for anything else that might go wrong, try to see the positive side of it. You get laid off – you get more time to focus on yourself and your family and your wedding. Your place gets trashed – you’ll have a great story to tell the kids someday, they’ll get such a kick out of it.

    You can get through this, you just have to take a breath every now and again and remind yourself that you can do it – and then just get up and get things done! Throw away any excuses and let health take over as a new lifestyle.
  • Init_to_winit
    Init_to_winit Posts: 258 Member
    I lost weight for my wedding, not as much as I wanted to but some. The problem was after the wedding since all I was doing was "losing weight so I wouldn't be a fat bride" I became a fat wife. You're still going to be a beautiful bride whether you have some extra junk in the trunk or not! Enjoy your day, it'll be one of the best ones of your life!

    Take things one day at a time, there is no short term weight loss solution, it's a lifelong process. You'll go up, you'll go down, you'll stay the same weight. But if you just take it day by day and set mini goals you can be a trophy wife! :)
  • cbaac03
    cbaac03 Posts: 152
    Yeah, me too. I guess it just wasn't my time. Something eventually "clicked" and i feel so much different about weight loss now. Anyways, i was fat at my wedding, still loved my dress, had a great time and proudly display my wedding photos for all to see. You will too!