What should I weigh???

This may be an odd or a common question but I'm a little confused on this. In 2008 I weighed in at 311.5lbs and I set out to lose weight and become healthier all around. Now I'm 31 years old 5' 10'' and currently 221lbs. According to my BMI I should weigh in at 174lbs at the most. I just feel like that is so small. What is your thoughts?

Here is a picture of me.

Before and after so far by shanejoshua, on Flickr


  • sm_4ever17
    sm_4ever17 Posts: 128 Member
    hmm well i think you should weigh between 145 - 160 lbs
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    Rule of thumb for women is: at 5' weigh 100lbs give or take 5lbs, for every inch over 5' add 5 lbs...so at 5'10" you should be around 145-150lbs...

    Now you need to consider your frame size...large frmae add in up to another 10lbs, meddium frame 5lbs and small frame 0 lbs...to determin your frame size, measure your wrist...more than 6" is large, 6" medium and under 6" small...

    So if you are a large frame at 5"10 you should weigh about 150-160lbs...

    I think you need to be a weight that is "doable" for you, but in my opinion, 221lbs for a 5"10" woman is still heavy...
  • dmwells3
    dmwells3 Posts: 42 Member
    BMI is just a average #. It would like me to weigh 120. @ 140 my ribs, hip, and collar bones were showing. I would shoot for an ideal (to you) body fat percentage. I am shooting for 25%, as of right now I am in the high 30's to low 40's. Everyone is different. Go ahead ad got to 180, and see if you like it. If you do, then concentrate on toning muscle and stop worring about weight. Just feel good about you.
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    hmm well i think you should weigh between 145 - 160 lbs
    I would agree with this.
    Were you at a healthy weight in high school? I read that our weight should stay within a dozen pounds of what it was in high school if we were at a healthy weight then. Of course if you have packed on a bunch of muscle then that's a different story. Currently I weigh what I weighed in high school... but the body composition isn't the same. I'm trying to lose fat and gain muscle at this point.

    Edited to correct spelling error.
  • Austin1988
    Austin1988 Posts: 243 Member
    Honestly I would get down to like 195-200lbs and work on body fat %. BMI doesn't factor that in, and can be fairly low weight for someone who has muscle on them. I am 6'4 and it says I should be around 180, which will never happen.

    Edited to add: congrats on your weight loss so far- great job!
  • JBurger2066
    JBurger2066 Posts: 161 Member
    I feel the same way, man. It tells me I should weigh 179 at the most. When I was playing college hockey, I was 210 pounds with around 8% body fat. According to BMI, I was obese...but I sure didn't feel like it! Haha. I don't know for sure, but I don't think BMI accounts very well for muscle mass or bfp. I feel small, only weighing 189, so 179 isn't going to happen.
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    Rule of thumb for women is: at 5' weigh 100lbs give or take 5lbs, for every inch over 5' add 5 lbs...so at 5'10" you should be around 145-150lbs...

    Now you need to consider your frame size...large frmae add in up to another 10lbs, meddium frame 5lbs and small frame 0 lbs...to determin your frame size, measure your wrist...more than 6" is large, 6" medium and under 6" small...

    So if you are a large frame at 5"10 you should weigh about 150-160lbs...

    I think you need to be a weight that is "doable" for you, but in my opinion, 221lbs for a 5"10" woman is still heavy...

    But what's the rule of thumb for a man? See picture

    ETA - I don't know the answer, but i'd be curious, my bf is in the same situation...same height and everything.
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    hmm well i think you should weigh between 145 - 160 lbs
    I would agree with this.
    Were you at a healthy weight in high school? I read that our weight should stay within a dozen pounds of what it was in high school if we were at a healthy weight then. Of course if you have packed on a bunch of muscle then that's a different story. Currently I weigh what I weighed in high school... but the body composition isn't the same. I'm trying to lose fat and gain muscle at this point.

    Edited to correct spelling error.

    I replied before you edited your post and added the pics....I thought you were female.
  • jacque1129
    jacque1129 Posts: 113 Member
    Maybe get into the 180's and work on gaining muscles, the bmi chart isnt very accurate because it doesn't take in fat to muscle ratios.
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    my dad is 5'9 and he weighs 175, and is healthy so i guess around there is good...if you put on a bit of muscle i would say 180-85 is fine also :)
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    teehee funny reading the comments ^

    Maybe you could get your body fat % checked at a gym or clinic and aim for a healthy BF %? Honestly, by your picture on the right, you like you are at a healthy weight. BMI is definitely a flawed measurement.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    hmm well i think you should weigh between 145 - 160 lbs

    that seems incredibly low.

    I think you should focus on body fat percentage, waist size, how you feel physically and mentally. if you get to a certain weight above what your bmi should be and you are in perfect health, who cares what the scale says.

    BMI is usually a bunch of bull anyways, especially for men I think as they have higher muscle mass.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    I think you should weigh wherever you feel comfortable. Personally I think 145lbs to 160lbs you would look much too thin.

    Feeling comfy in your own skin is the important thing.
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    Pfft. The WHO's BMI is a bunch of crap as far as I'm concerned. If I weighed 170 I'd be an emaciated stick.

    If you feel good, are in athletic shape and have good energy and stamina then actual "weight" is a secondary concern, IMO.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    i think you look great!
    how do you feel? thats all that matters
  • m16shane
    m16shane Posts: 393 Member
    hmm well i think you should weigh between 145 - 160 lbs
    I would agree with this.
    Were you at a healthy weight in high school? I read that our weight should stay within a dozen pounds of what it was in high school if we were at a healthy weight then. Of course if you have packed on a bunch of muscle then that's a different story. Currently I weigh what I weighed in high school... but the body composition isn't the same. I'm trying to lose fat and gain muscle at this point.

    Edited to correct spelling error.

    I replied before you edited your post and added the pics....I thought you were female.

    No problem, I added a pic a little late.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    It depends on how much muscle you want. Since you're a man, a significant portion of your weight probably should come from muscle. At 5'10", if you weighed 140lbs, you would have to be pretty scrawny.

    I would shoot for closer to 160-180. But getting below 200 would be a good goal for now
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    Considering my husband is 5'10" and weighs 220, and looks only a little overweight to me, I'd say 190 or 200 would be good for you.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    hmm well i think you should weigh between 145 - 160 lbs
    I would agree with this.
    Were you at a healthy weight in high school? I read that our weight should stay within a dozen pounds of what it was in high school if we were at a healthy weight then. Of course if you have packed on a bunch of muscle then that's a different story. Currently I weigh what I weighed in high school... but the body composition isn't the same. I'm trying to lose fat and gain muscle at this point.

    Edited to correct spelling error.

    HUH? 145 to 160 is what i would say for a female at 5'10"!

    i saw the edit...phew.
  • bergsangel
    bergsangel Posts: 131
    I think you look great now and should just keep up a healthy diet and routine. I cannot imagine you looking/being healthy THAT much smaller...jmo