Frame size crisis...

So, I have convinced myself until now that I'm just 'big boned', and used that as an excuse for some of my size.

Today, I calculated my frame size. According to my wrist circumference measurement, I have a small frame but according to my elbow breadth measurement, I have a medium frame. Either way, I can no longer use the excuse that I'm just big boned!


  • CarmenSandiegoInVA
    CarmenSandiegoInVA Posts: 235 Member
    I can relate, I'm a big girl even with my weight loss. But I know I have a small frame. I've always had small wrists and ankles. Just need to drop the rest of the weight to show it off.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I spent most of my life thinking i was 'big boned' and had for many years resigned myself to the fact that i would always be large. My mother told me so. I believed her. Turns out, i have a small-medium frame and i have no excuse to be big.
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    According to both wrist and elbow data, I am large framed. Which is interesting because I have always been considered pretty petite and small. But it makes sense that I'd always look smaller than I actually am because I don't have to lose much weight to have protruding bones.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I haven't tried the wrist thing, but I didn't the elbow test & it told me I was small frame. I wasn't surprised. Being small framed kinda sux sometimes, cuz that means u have to go down more than everyone else to look good. *sigh* A lot of ppl my height & weight look fine, but not me. Oh wells.
  • teagirlmedium
    teagirlmedium Posts: 679 Member
    I did not hear about this untill now, and I'm not sure what you all are talking about test wise, but I think I am small boned because weight shows on me very easily.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    I'm really confused about my frame size. I can see my ribcage when I suck in, and it looks fairly large, but my wrist is small. :I Maybe I'm just an apple?
  • Neahpata
    Neahpata Posts: 322 Member
    Same as me, I always thought that I was big boned but I may actually have a small to medium frame.
  • amanada11
    amanada11 Posts: 24 Member
    There are measurements you can take to determine your frame size:

    When I do elbow, I'm a medium frame, when I do wrist, I'm a small frame. So I guess I'm in between...
  • amanada11
    amanada11 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one! I guess I might need to adjust my goal weight though, now that I am learning to accept that I'm a med-small frame. :(
  • fatchiick
    fatchiick Posts: 105
    lol I didn't need the test, I'm definitely built like a football player with boobs lol... it confirmed I'm a large frame.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    My Mom told me I would never be thin because I have big hips. However, the thinner I get, the more I notice that my hips bone structure underneath is normal... not big or wide or any of that. I just have fatty buns and thighs. My wrists and ankles are tiny.
  • changling82
    changling82 Posts: 137 Member
    yep, sounds like me!!!! I've always said i was big boned, and everyone told me the same thing. I had the same crisis when i started losing weight. I found out that i was actually small boned. i thought no way....until i started losing. the closer i get to my goal, the more i can tell how small boned i really am.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Wrist circumference puts me at a medium frame (6" at 5'5"), elbow breadth puts me at a large frame (4" at 5'5"). I'm not really surprised, I have massive knees and I'm just generally compact and muscular.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I've always known I was big boned, I have long limbs, huge hands and size 11 feet, and my wrist circumference is around 6.5" I believe.

    The upside of having a smaller frame is that as you lose weight, you will dramatically go down in size! I have about 60 lbs left to lose, but I only anticipate going down another 2-3 dress sizes.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    Im 5'5" but I wear a size 12 shoe. Odd... only did wrist and it said "large". Hmm...
  • SweetSammie
    SweetSammie Posts: 391 Member
    It's important to think about muscle mass, too. I am small - medium framed by the tests, but even my Dr. has noted how muscular my legs are, and said I should have my body fat % checked when I get close to goal, rather than beat myself up for not being able to get to the middle of the healthy BMI for my height.
  • histora
    histora Posts: 287 Member
    I did both and it came back as large. I'm not surprised, because my ribcage is *huge* without any padding, my hips get their own ZIP code and my feet are a size 10.

    I'm actually the opposite of you, OP...I'm a little saddened by the fact that I will never be a little petite thing. No matter how much weight I lose, I'll still be pretty blocky, lol!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i have a small frame (small wrists, ankles, rib cage, pelvis, short waist) but quite a bit of lean body mass. for my height even if i stripped all all the fat on my body i'd still be considered overweight on the BMI scale :laugh:

    i generally look 25-35 pounds lighter than i actually am
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    i have a small frame (small wrists, ankles, rib cage, pelvis, short waist) but quite a bit of lean body mass. for my height even if i stripped all all the fat on my body i'd still be considered overweight on the BMI scale :laugh:

    i generally look 25-35 pounds lighter than i actually am

    I am similar. Small frame by most measures. But a good amount of muscle mass. I always see people with my measurements/similar height and they weigh 30 pounds less than I do (and look way different)!

    I also know that I need to get down to "small" measurements to look the way I want. But that won't be a small number on the scale.