Feeling so rubbish about myself! :(

I'm so annoyed with myself - I've eaten so much rubbish food this weekend, and haven't done any exercising. I currently weigh 140lbs (10st) - I managed to lose 7lbs in two weeks, two months ago and I have managed to keep this weight off which I'm happy about. I want to tone up and get slimmer (not necessarily weigh less, as I want to gain some muscle) for my holiday at the end of September, but I feel this won't be happening as I tend to eat so much rubbish food - especially takeaways and fast food at the weekends!

I currently do Forces Fit - which is basically a 'boot camp' type class once a week, run by current and ex military. I also own some kettlebells and try to do these atleast once a week, and I also try to get down to the gym once a week too. I just find it hard with working full-time, as well as studying two Open Uni courses

I think I just need some support...


  • sioark55
    sioark55 Posts: 52 Member
    It seems like you know where the problem lies, so really, you can have every single person supporting you on here but the responsibility does fall on you to actually do something about it..... I am in a similar situation; I have a holiday coming up and want to look better... the bottom line is I have been eating too much of the wrong food, if I dont eat less my figure will not change for the better! I find making short term goals really helps me to feel I have achieved something.... Maybe we can do something together?
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Here's the deal.

    For food, plan ahead.

    If you know you are going to be eating fast food, choose the be best fast food that is available to you. For instance, when I go to McDonalds or someplace like that because I'm far away from home I eat the grilled chicken sandwich on wheat (it usually comes that way anyway) with just the lettuce and tomato. They also have a killer southwest salad (without the southwest mega cal dressing).

    Going to chinese? Op for the veggie and chicken dish, no lo mein, no rice, no nothing. Still a lot of cals, but a lot less than when you add those grease laden starches.

    Every calorie you don't eat counts. And if getting into strenth is what really appeals then you need to start cutting your carbs down now. You don't have to blast them completely but you need to stop with the simple sugars altogether.

    For loosing weight/toning. Once a week ain't gonna cut it and you know it. So start doing those sit ups, crunches, push ups, pull ups, sitting chairs against the wall, working the triceps with books (or canned food or whatever), do what you can without having to go somewhere.

    If you want this, you will do this. You will pick yourself up, get a plan together, and start really working on it and don't whine about it. Just get off your *kitten* and start doing it. Believe you can and you can.