Living with Lactose Intolerance & Loathing it ! Help!

Hello! Very new to MFP (just created my acct today) and I love pizza but it doesn't like me. The tasty milk in my cereal sours my stomach and my ice cream treats sweetly refuse to stay put.
Only in the past 2-3 years has my lactose intolerance really been a struggle. It has gotten so bad that every time I eat a tiny little bit of dairy I want to d i e! : ' ( Dairy also has been making my skin break out lately. So, I have stopped eating dairy altogether. But it's so HARD to avoid......!!! I have tried Lactaid and currently drink Silk Soymilk as a substitute...but I am wondering if there is anything *else* I can do? I also am curious if anyone has a favorite non-dairy/dairy substitute that they enjoy? Any recipes/advice/suggestions would be wonderful!

Thanks so much!



  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    Aren't there like, lactose pills to help with this?
  • ahecho
    ahecho Posts: 4
    @stfuriada yes, that is the Lactaid~but it doesn't always help!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    lactose pills and lactaid will only work for a short period of time.

    Your best bet is to quit altogether (and yes, dairy DOES cause acne, stomach problems, congestion and headaches for many people). Lactose causes the stomach distress, whey and casein cause the headaches, congestion and acne.

    Some people can tolerate hard, aged cheeses, and some can't even tolerate any milk protein ingredient in anything. Some people can tolerate raw milks and cheeses.

    If you are in acute pain from gas and bloating, you can take 2 activated charcoal capsules and lie down on your right side. Sometimes if you know you are going to have dairy you can take the charcoal in advance and more after.

    However, charcoal absorbs medication taken within 2 hours (either side), so be aware of this and don't take it within 2 hours of important medicine.

    Charcoal does not help with acne, headaches or congestion; only with gas.

    Cow's milk isn't really good for us. If you do a little looking into it, you may be disgusted.

  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    My daughter is lactose intolarent as well we live in the uk and there are quite a few things out here now, she love alpro soya products and also the dairy free icecream is lovely she wolfs it down,

    Its just a matter of finding the right products that taste like your fave foods.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Almond milk is an excellent substitute, as are hemp, soy, coconut and rice milks.

    Rice milk is excellent for baking and pancakes -- gives a great "rise" and texture when combined with baking powder.

    I find Silk brand Pure Almond milk delicious to drink straight, but I prefer soy in my coffee.
  • lichensandseeds
    lichensandseeds Posts: 41 Member
    One of my good friends is severely lactose intolerant and so is her father. They do most of their grocery shopping at a Jewish grocery and deli. Since it isn't kosher to eat milk with meat, there are a lot of dairy free options there.
  • paint_it_black
    paint_it_black Posts: 208 Member
    I've recently been trying to phase out some dairy (i'm addicted to the stuff but its not very easy on the waist line). I've found hazelnut and almond milk both to be delicious, especially the hazelnut in coffee.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Not sure why this is an issue, especially if it makes you sick? What is it about dairy you believe is necessary to your well being? If you absolutely love drinking milk, try coconut milk: take one can coconut milk, add enough water to fill a 64 oz blender, add 1 egg yolk (to emulsify coconut milk & water) and blend. Store in fridge for two days max.

    Been over a year since no dairy for me and it's no big deal.
  • kikiboniki
    kikiboniki Posts: 398 Member
    I completely understand! I have lactose intolerance and it sucks! I would say be careful with the soymilk cause it hear it can mess with your hormone levels. Scary, huh?
    I really like almond milk and sub it for regular milk all the time. It makes an AMAZING iced coffee, very creamy.

    Question? Can you handle yogurt. I find that I can because the cultures in it allow me to digest it. IF you can, I would suggest eating right frozen yogurt in the tub. Its so good! also, trader joes makes a lactose FREE yogurt cheese that tastes amazing and melts beautifully.

    Also, you can make whipped cream out of coconut milk that has been refrigerated. I also once made a chocolate mousse pie usig coconut milk and it was DELISH

    OOO and if you like cream cheese. tofutti makes a product called "better than cream cheese".. tofu based and DELICIOUS

    tofutti also makes really tasty ice cream sandwiches that are dairy free.

    hope this helps =) and sorry that you struggle. I know how sad it is

    as for pizza, I recently made a home made pizza with the lactose free yogurt cheese. OMG i was in heaven.
  • Bunnybeesweet
    Bunnybeesweet Posts: 165 Member
    Check out the vegan groups for tons of non-dairy alternatives. For pizza, find Daiya mozzarella cheese! Amy's frozen pizza has some that use it. For cereal, rice, soy, almond, coconut, oat, hemp...keep trying until you find one you like. For icecream, so delicious, purely decadent, coconut bliss...there's so many good ones.
  • jen7eleven
    jen7eleven Posts: 83 Member
    Like the other posters, I'm also a fan of almond milk, especially the dark chocolate one by silk - it's an amazing treat.

    I'm with you on dietary inconveniences though. Mine include lactose intolerance, high sensitivity to soy, watermelon, canteloupe, honeydew, bananas, avocados, and cuties clementines, then all the other fruit gives me acid reflux. :brokenheart:

    It's a trial and error process. I hope you find what works for you!
  • livestar
    livestar Posts: 140 Member
    I'm dairy allergic (after 30 years of endless cheese and ice cream) and I feel for you. Giving it up is tough, but it's doable.
    I don't do a lot of replacements, but there are some standbys.

    Highly recommend--almond milk. It really is delicious.
    Ice cream--ciao bella sorbettos. There are a ton of flavors--lemon, mango, blood orange, coconut, dark chocolate. Also, tofutti makes great fudge pops and ice cream sandwiches. With these treats, I don't even miss regular ice cream. For a decadent dessert, or when there's company, I do brownies (duncan hines is dairy free) and coconut sorbet. It's a sure bet for rave reviews.

    Dairy is sort of the easy way out to making something rich and decadent. Over my year and a half of dairy freedom, I firmly believe that the true test of a good dish is weather or not it stands up to being dairy free.

    Just play with flavors and spices so you don't feel like you're not eating cheese, cream, and butter, and you'll become an enviable cook.
  • Summersadiva
    Summersadiva Posts: 111 Member
    I developed lactose intolerance about 25 years ago. It was HORRIBLE, bloating, pain, diarrhea, just awful. I'd miss so many activities because I was tied to the toilet. Lactaid drops (I don't think they make them anymore), Lactaid milk (sparingly because I don't like milk), and Lactaid pills became a way of life for me.

    After several years, I started just avoiding those products that caused trouble for me. This meant that I read labels religiously...nonfat dry milk solids appear in so many processed foods...and just avoided lactose at all costs.

    About three years ago, I decided to see if I could FORCE my body to tolerate small amounts of lactose and you know what, it worked! While I don't drink milk (see above), I do sometimes have a tiny bit of ice cream, eat a bit of my beloved Jet's Pizza (the all meaty 8 corner is heavenly), and enjoy baked brie and other cheeses. I'd have super small amounts and after a few bad starts, I can tolerate it without issues. Occasionally, I'll deal with gassiness rather than diarrhea as I have in the past, so it's fine. Nothing a little Gas-X can't solve.

    I said all of this to say that you should try TINY amounts of the lactose products you enjoy and see if you can EASE your body into accepting them. If you still can't then you'll need to try the soy/veggie-based alternatives.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm lactose intolerant after 8 oz of any diary product. and it sucks. The gas and the bloating are the worst for me!

    Since I know this about myself though, I try to limit my dairy to 8 oz or less.. and when I make a protein shake, I put my powder in a combo of milk/water or just soy milk.
  • tenshiblue
    tenshiblue Posts: 150 Member
    Does yogurt make you sick to your stomach as well? Some people tolerate it better because of the bacteria in it that digest lactose.
  • tallib
    tallib Posts: 13
    I usually have 'lactofree' from Arla. It`ll be fine if you are lactose intolerant but not if you have an actual dairy allergy. It`s cows milk with almost all the lactose taken out. When you first start having it, it smells like milk thats about to go off but now Im completely used to it and 'normal' milk smells really weird to me. Vitalite margarine is also great as its dairy free. I have almond milk in smoothies and Im able to tolerate yogurt although I sometimes have alpro soya yogurts/desserts in my smoothies instead of dairy yogurt.
    (Lactofree also do mini`s that you can put in your handbag for if your going to get a coffee while your out, although they have a VERY short shelf life so I currently dont bother with them until they start making them last longer)
  • I don't know why you'd be "loathing it." Why does everybody love dairy so much, anyway? Sort of mystifies me. I say, embrace the challenge. Make it fun. Learn to cook with coconut milk. I love the So Delicious coconut milk ice creams. . . they even have sugar-free flavors which is a bonus for me. They have yogurts, too. But just for fun, here's a short list of delicious things I have eaten lately which do not contain any dairy, since I never eat dairy by choice:

    Brussels Sprouts roasted with Bacon
    Roast Beef in a spice crust
    Baked Japanese sweet potatoes
    Chicken livers from Nando's restaurant
    Southwest Ranch flavor Kale Chips
    Shrimp and Scallops from the Hibachi joint downtown
    Omelet with peppers and onion
    Lara bars, any flavor
    Guacamole and fresh salsa
    Pork carnitas

    I could go on and on, but you get the idea. Food is supposed to be delicious and dairy is really not the be-all and end-all of yumminess. Embrace where you are and try to have some fun with it.
  • chinita96
    chinita96 Posts: 141 Member
    Have you tried doubling your amount of pills when eating milk products? For me, I need to take two Lactaid pills to eat yogurt. Also, as other posters have stated, almond milk is a wonderful alternative. And it has less calories!
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 839 Member
    Right there with ya! I've found veggie cheese (usually in the vegetarian aisle, if you've got one) that works as a cheese replacement and doesn't bother me. I use Lactose-free milk on my cereal and for any other use, but don't drink milk like I used to. I've cut out a lot of foods I know will bother me - ice cream is a real culprit. I don't really miss them and would rather feel good than eat them. You can get calcium from a lot of other foods and/or take a supplement.
  • kklemarow
    kklemarow Posts: 167 Member
    Check out the vegan groups for tons of non-dairy alternatives. For pizza, find Daiya mozzarella cheese! Amy's frozen pizza has some that use it. For cereal, rice, soy, almond, coconut, oat, hemp...keep trying until you find one you like. For icecream, so delicious, purely decadent, coconut bliss...there's so many good ones.
    Daiya cheese is amazing! There are also some hard vegan cheeses, made from nuts

    All the So Delicious frozen treats are great too (my favourite is Amaretto Cherry, made with coconut milk).