What I have learned so far.

1) Slow and steady wins the race. Over the long run 2 pounds a week is going to be the maximum sustainable loss. One pound a week if you are not very overweight, and half a pound as you near your actual goal.

2) Starvation just makes your body horde calories. About 1,200 calories a day should be the absolute lower limit.

3) Take measurements. You can turn fat into muscle without having the scale notice, but you can't fool the tape measure.

4) Exercise and then exercise more. And plan to eat back most or all of those calories.

5) Eat for the rest of your life. You need to find a food pattern that you can continue after your fat is gone. Find nutritious recipes that you like to eat.

6) Everybody is different (and you are not always the same.) Don't expect consistent weight loss and don't be afraid to try a week of a few hundred calories a day more or a few hundred less.

7) Good people have bad days. Learn from your diet mistakes, but don't hit yourself over the head with them.

8)Water. Your body needs more than you think.
