Two questions for those at or near goal weight



  • krisaddress
    krisaddress Posts: 43 Member
    I'm 2.5kgs away from my goal weight but to get there for the first 4wks I ate 1200 cals per day and did not eat my exercise calories back at the time I was averaging around 400 exercise cals per day.

    After the first 4 weeks I increased my calories to 1350 and did not eat my exercise calories back.

    Now I'm almost at my goal weight and my calories are at 1500 and I eat some of my exercise cals back - but I usually have at least 400cals left (in the MPF green)

    My exercise is:
    Monday: 5.6km rum and Personal Training doing upper body strenght
    Tuesday: RPM (cycle)
    Wednesday: Day off
    Thursday: Strenght training (legs)
    Friday: 40mins of Interval training (Treadmill, after warm up - run 12kmsph for 20seconds, jump off for 10seconds x5. Rest 40seconds, increase speed to 13kmph and perform the same. Get to 17kmph do the same twice then perform the same but going back down in speed)
    Saturday: Day off
    Sunday: casual cycle around 20kms.

    I also walk to and from work which totals 40mins per day...

    Funny thing is I didn't have that much weight to loose but I have completely changed my body shape - I wanted to loose 8kgs and get from a size 12/14 to size 10... I am now a size 8 and I'm still not at my goal weight... but I am very happy where I am at.

    I am going to Thailand in 1.5 weeks to do a Thai fitness camp for a week so I figure ill hit my goal weight then.
  • tarapickett
    tarapickett Posts: 34 Member
    Great questions!

    1. Did you eat the number of calories that MFP recommended to lose max weight or something higher? If more, how much more? MFP recommends that I eat 1490 every day and I generally eat about that with the exception of one cheat day a week.

    2. Did you eat your exercise calories back or not? If I'm hungry, I eat them. If not, I don't. I figure it's all about how I feel.

    3. If you are comfortable saying, how much weight did you lose total? I came to MFP to lose about 10-12lbs and so far am down 7+lbs.

    Good luck to you. Feel free to add me.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    For those of you who are at are near goal weight...

    1. Did you eat the number of calories that MFP recommended to lose max weight or something higher? If more, how much more?

    2. Did you eat your exercise calories back or not?

    3. If you are comfortable saying, how much weight did you lose total?

    Ok - I know that's 3 questions - sorry!

    No offiense, but I would really love to hear only from those who are at or near goal weight - I am interested in the experience of those who actually made it all the way to goal (or really close).


    1. I ate the number of calories that MFP recommended - 1200
    2. Many times I did not eat them back, sometimes I go into them by 50 to 100, the rest I leave
    3. I have lost just under 30lbs - I have 0.8lbs to go lol
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    For those of you who are at are near goal weight...

    1. Did you eat the number of calories that MFP recommended to lose max weight or something higher? If more, how much more?

    2. Did you eat your exercise calories back or not?

    3. If you are comfortable saying, how much weight did you lose total?

    Ok - I know that's 3 questions - sorry!

    No offiense, but I would really love to hear only from those who are at or near goal weight - I am interested in the experience of those who actually made it all the way to goal (or really close).


    1. I set it to net 1200
    2. Yes! Not if i wasn't hungry, but if i was hungry I did.
    3. 50 lbs (20 more than my original goal!)

    sw: 174
    OGW: 145
    LW: 123
    CW: 128
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    1. Did you eat the number of calories that MFP recommended to lose max weight or something higher? If more, how much more?

    For the majority of my weight loss, I ate what MFP recommended, which was 1200. I then upped my calories to 1400, and lost there for a while. I now eat at maintenance and let my exercise create a deficit.

    2. Did you eat your exercise calories back or not?

    YES! But not all of them all the time. I eat back to at least 1200, or more if I am hungry.

    3. If you are comfortable saying, how much weight did you lose total?

    I've lost 50lbs.
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 798 Member
    I'm within 5 lbs of what I'd consider goal weight. I don't think I'll lose much while lifting weights so I'm happy where I am. I like how I look and that's really what matters.

    1. I generally eat 1600-1800 calories worth of food everyday. On days I exercise I typically will add a light snack somewhere,

    2. I'm hesitant to eat back ALL of the exercise calories, because actual calories burned can vary so much. I'm just trying to lose fat and tone the muscle I have.

    3. I'm at 24 lbs lost. If I wanted a "healthy" BMI, I could try to lose another 20 lbs but I think I'd look like just skin and bones and that's not attractive.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    1. Yes, I netted 1200 calories. Though last week I upped them to 1300 and this week to 1550. My BMR at my goal weight is 1650 is really I'm still kinda low.

    2. YES!

    3. 55 lbs and went from a 14 to 3-5, some 1s in pants/shorts and dress size xs/s 1/2.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    For those of you who are at are near goal weight...

    1. Did you eat the number of calories that MFP recommended to lose max weight or something higher? If more, how much more?

    2. Did you eat your exercise calories back or not?

    3. If you are comfortable saying, how much weight did you lose total?

    Ok - I know that's 3 questions - sorry!

    1- i started here after i had lost 45 pounds on my own. The first few months i was set to lose 2 pounds a week, 1350 calories. as i got closer i backed down to 1 pound a week, a few months ago that meant 1680 cals, now it's 1470.

    2- in the beginning i did not, i was struggling to eat that much in good healthy foods. I was too strict with myself i think. Now i am a bit less cautious and i do eat my exercise calories most of the time.

    3- i lost 46 pounds on my own before i started here, it took about 8 months. I've lost an additional 35 pounds since joining MFP at end of January. 81 pounds total.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    For those of you who are at are near goal weight...

    1. Did you eat the number of calories that MFP recommended to lose max weight or something higher? If more, how much more?

    2. Did you eat your exercise calories back or not?

    3. If you are comfortable saying, how much weight did you lose total?

    Ok - I know that's 3 questions - sorry!

    No offiense, but I would really love to hear only from those who are at or near goal weight - I am interested in the experience of those who actually made it all the way to goal (or really close).


    Hey there!!! I am at my goal weight and to answer your questions:

    1. MFP stated I should eat maybe 1,230 or something like that. I ate 1,600 calories on a 50/30/20 ratio I set for myself. I knew that I would need more calories than the suggested amount so I went with the 1,600 and it worked out perfectly!

    2. I didn't make it a point to eat them back since I set them myself but on days that I have super big burns (over 800 caloriess) I may go eat up to half of them :)

    3. I lost a total of 47 pounds :)
  • mauryr
    mauryr Posts: 385
    My initial goal was BMI of 24.9 (highest "normal" value). I'm past that by a little now.

    1. Did you eat the number of calories that MFP recommended to lose max weight or something higher? If more, how much more?

    I ate the recommended calories. Still do.

    2. Did you eat your exercise calories back or not?

    When I had much weight to lose I didn't eat 'em back, and it was no problem. As I got about halfway between "overweight" and "normal" BMI, my appetite started kicking in, and I started eating back exercise cals, or most of 'em.

    3. If you are comfortable saying, how much weight did you lose total?
    Fluctuates between 73-78 lbs. (start weight 224, start BMI >35, start BF > 30% current weight 145, current BMI 22.7, current BF <16%. I'm 5' 7")

    It seems to me that the simple calories in-calories out equation of MFP works quite well, especially when one is significantly overweight. My weight loss graph was a straight line, pretty much exactly as MFP predicted (that is, until I got close to goal, then it got harder).
  • sherry9300
    sherry9300 Posts: 149 Member
    1. Did you eat the number of calories that MFP recommended to lose max weight or something higher? If more, how much more?

    For the first three months I ate 1200 calories a day. We were doing a biggest loser sort of thing at work and after the final weigh in I upped my cals to 1450 because I was just so sick of "dieting" and was a little more than 10 lbs from my goal weight. I figured doing it slowly and eating more would be the way to go. Imagine my surprise when I continued to lose at a steady rate...mind you, my last ten pounds, which are supposed to be so slow and difficult, came off without starving.

    2. Did you eat your exercise calories back or not?

    For the first three months I ate back some of them every day, after I upped my calories I tried to eat all of my exercise calories.

    3. If you are comfortable saying, how much weight did you lose total?

    I lost a total of 32 pounds. Currently trying to get accustomed to maintenance.
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    1. I ate around the number of calories that MFP suggested for a 1lb weight loss a week. I had good weeks where I would lose more than 1 pound and bad weeks where I would lose nothing. At about 2 pounds from my goal weight, I now have MFP set to only .5 pounds loss a week. I also have a bodymedia fit, so I base my calorie intake on that more than MFP suggestions.

    2. I eat most of my exercise calories back, especially if I am hungry. If I'm not hungry and I have calories left after exercise, I don't eat. I have learned to listen to my body after this year.

    3. I have lost 38 pounds so far. I started at 200 and I am now around 162 (maybe 163 today!).
  • Anyaaaa11
    Anyaaaa11 Posts: 242 Member
    For those of you who are at are near goal weight...

    1. Did you eat the number of calories that MFP recommended to lose max weight or something higher? If more, how much more?

    2. Did you eat your exercise calories back or not?

    3. If you are comfortable saying, how much weight did you lose total?

    At first I ate what MFP told me to eat.. I looked into it more and the sedentary, moderately active thing threw it all off. I'm sedentary for the most part but work out 5x a week so I put very active in and set to lose a pound a week. I ate over 100 calories more and still lost a pound each week. Confusing I know. So it was within 100 cals I guess. & I normally burn 100-300 and eat all the calories back. So far I've lost almost 10lbs in 3 months and have about 5 more.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I usually ate over what MFP said to eat very often when I started. Later on after losing maybe 10lbs I upped my calories.

    I always eat the exercise calories back when I'm hungry.

    Total I lost 33lbs from last year June I believe to January. I maintained around 135lbs for a few months and recently I'm trying to get down to 125 pretty much for vanity reasons only. Overall, I lost 36lbs I think to date.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    For those of you who are at are near goal weight...

    1. Did you eat the number of calories that MFP recommended to lose max weight or something higher? If more, how much more?

    2. Did you eat your exercise calories back or not?

    3. If you are comfortable saying, how much weight did you lose total?

    Ok - I know that's 3 questions - sorry!

    No offiense, but I would really love to hear only from those who are at or near goal weight - I am interested in the experience of those who actually made it all the way to goal (or really close).


    I was pretty much at my goal weight, but have gone back up a few kg, so I'm paying attention to the numbers again (aiming to lose very slowly now, really aiming to get into good long term maintenance habits).

    To answer your questions:

    1. I started at about 1660 net cals/day (setting of "lose 1/2 pound per week"). This changed around a bit, but never went below around 1400 net calories a day - this is the extreme edge for me in terms of staying sane and not horrendously grumpy.

    2. I always ate my exercise cals. The numbers above are net calories, so that means total cals/day would have been anywhere from 1500 - 2400 depending on how much exercise I did. Frankly, I don't see the point in not eating them - this is not a race to me, it's my life and I want to stay healthy and happy while I lose weight. Why deprive myself when I am losing weight eating them??

    3. I lost about 22 kg (nearly 50 pounds) though I've put back on about 3kg. My weight loss averaged out about about 1kg (2.2 pounds) every 10 days though it was never as simple as dropping 1kg every 10 days, my weight goes up and down like everybody else.
  • skullik
    skullik Posts: 142 Member
    1. Did you eat the number of calories that MFP recommended to lose max weight or something higher? If more, how much more?
    At the beginning I ate the MFP recommended 1350 calories for a 1 lb / week loss. After loosing about 20 lbs I went up to 1700 as the 1350 just felt too low.

    2. Did you eat your exercise calories back or not?
    always! That is how I motivate myself to work out!

    3. If you are comfortable saying, how much weight did you lose total?

    I lost 25 lbs, I am now toning and working on my maintenance strategy.