8 pounds overnight



  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I hate when the scale goes up like that after salty foods, etc.! It happened to me too! So annoying but you will be good :)
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    That's the problem with eating out -- even if you eat only a small portion, or you get something relatively low in calories, it's still super packed with sodium. I got a salad (egg, cheese, turkey breast, lettuce, onion, croutons) and fat free ranch dressing at cracker barrell the other day -- sure, I stayed under on calories that day, but that meal alone, although it was only about 500 calories, it still packed a whopping 1000mg of sodium in that ONE SALAD! water weight happens, and women especially have these crazy hormones that affect our weight on a DAILY BASIS!! Don't stress. drink more water. eat foods with less sodium.
  • BeautifulKristen
    Ok the question is DO YOU DRINK WATER OR 8 GLasses of it? Because if it was the sodium then that isn't your answer. You can get that sodium out of your body if you drink plenty of water.. YOu can't gain 8 pounds over night.. Weigh yourself tomorrow morning when you wake up. Watch it will go down again. But please drink water..
  • theladyy
    theladyy Posts: 176
    Cheez-its have 160 calories for 27 crackers. There are 13 servings in a box of them. In order to gain a single pound, you would have to consume a couple of BOXES of them.

    Don't worry about it. One cheez-it binge is not going to de-rail you. Just set aside the guilt and go back to doing what you were doing. It's a blip. You'll never notice in the long run. :)

    I had a couple hand fulls, thanks makes me feel better. At red lobster I had 2 biscuits and about 75% of a HALF portion of chicken linguine pasta.. That's it. Thats why I am so mad!

    That really doesn't sound like it would be enough sodium to make your weight different by 8lbs...
  • mnjanet
    mnjanet Posts: 2
    In one program I did, we called that "fluff". Weight that is gained over a bad weekend, or a couple bad days. If you go back on plan before it "sticks" it will be off again in a few days. Promise!
    Don't beat yourself up, as that makes it harder to do the "right" thing. Just get positive again and watch it disappear.
  • cmurray234
    cmurray234 Posts: 112 Member
    Cheez-its have 160 calories for 27 crackers. There are 13 servings in a box of them. In order to gain a single pound, you would have to consume a couple of BOXES of them.

    Don't worry about it. One cheez-it binge is not going to de-rail you. Just set aside the guilt and go back to doing what you were doing. It's a blip. You'll never notice in the long run. :)

    I had a couple hand fulls, thanks makes me feel better. At red lobster I had 2 biscuits and about 75% of a HALF portion of chicken linguine pasta.. That's it. Thats why I am so mad!


    Do yourself a favor. Do NOT get on the scale until NEXT Monday. You did not gain 8 pounds eating 1/3 of a portion of linguine and two of those EVIL (there, I said it) Red Lobster biscuits. You would not gain 8 pounds of fat eating a dozen of them.

    Don't let the disappointment de-rail you.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    It is weird how peoples' bodies react so differently to things, and gain differently. I have gone on 3 day benders before when visiting my mother, and the most I have gained, even with big meals out, chocolate, jelly beans and desserts is around 3-4 Ibs. Mind you, I once gained 5 Ibs in a day because I got through 2 loaves of bread, lol and didn't do that again. It was almost all gone the same time the next day after a long cycle and eating normally.

    I think the best thing to do is accept that if you usually eat really clean, or low calorie, and then have a blowout, or a change, your weight will be impacted temporarily, and remember each time, that it will go back down again in days. Fact is, there are all kinds of occasions in a year where you might want a meal out, or eat more than usual, such as Christmas, Easter, Birthdays and the like, and you can either enjoy them and anticipate a temporary gain, and relax about it knowing it will drop back down with a return to regular eating, or avoid all such occasions and occasional indulgence and not experience the fluctuations so badly.
  • rttvc4a6
    rttvc4a6 Posts: 2 Member
    Girl, life must have pleasure sometimes. Drink plenty of fluids and exercise this week. By the end of the week Red Lobster pounds gone. Your beautiful now or you wouldn't have been proposed to.
  • xoalyssaox
    xoalyssaox Posts: 320
    My fiance gained 6 pounds, and he ate grilled chicken and some biscuits and a salad..
    Cheez-its have 160 calories for 27 crackers. There are 13 servings in a box of them. In order to gain a single pound, you would have to consume a couple of BOXES of them.

    Don't worry about it. One cheez-it binge is not going to de-rail you. Just set aside the guilt and go back to doing what you were doing. It's a blip. You'll never notice in the long run. :)

    I had a couple hand fulls, thanks makes me feel better. At red lobster I had 2 biscuits and about 75% of a HALF portion of chicken linguine pasta.. That's it. Thats why I am so mad!

    That really doesn't sound like it would be enough sodium to make your weight different by 8lbs...
  • SylentZee
    SylentZee Posts: 262
    You both need to weigh yourselves in the morning, you'll see that it isn't 8lbs at all.
  • patltrimble
    Forgive yourself & pick yourself up & go one. I feel there is no one herre that hasn't had a sinilar expierence BUT the important thing is done't let one slip crash your plan! I know you can do it. Good Luck!
  • Linbo93
    Linbo93 Posts: 229 Member
    Don't weigh yourself for a week, drink TONS of water and just go back to your normal healthy eating habits.

    THEN step on the scale.

    Trust me. :)

    ^This, without a doubt!!
  • CherylGardner
    CherylGardner Posts: 75 Member
    Ah, I had a cheez it attack today too! My kiddos love them and I made the mistake of having one... which turned into several! So I can relate to that!
  • ForMe31217
    ForMe31217 Posts: 42
    hey, sometimes the body needs that shock to the system.. don't stress it too much! i'm sure you'll get it off sooner then you think :-)
  • Brunchstress
    I 'gain' weight like that whenever I have excess sodium. I've been working with a trainer and nutritionist and she has had me cut out all processed foods, most sodium and all artificial sweeteners. Drink lots of water and unsweetened tea. I know people say it's not healthy to weigh yourself every day, but I do because it helps me notice when things like that happen and then I can avoid foods that make the scale creep up.

    Good luck! I'm sure you'll be a beautiful bride!
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    I gain and drop 8 lbs of water in a day too. Stop vesting so much in what the scale says on one day. Look for trends over time (although ideally you should focus on body composition more than weight anyway).
  • mightyminerva
    mightyminerva Posts: 145 Member
    Don't stress! As others have said, it's probably water weight and sodium that's making you "gain" that weight. I was similarly shocked last week when I gained weight. However, I figured out that it was only bloating and hormones when I dropped 6 pounds in a night. I'm sure it's the same for you. Keep at it and don't give up! Fight back at the person who binged the other night and exercise, drink lots of water, and eat right. Show that Red Lobster and those Cheez-its who's boss!
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    You know you didn't gain 8 pounds overnight, so why is it worth worrying about? Seriously.
  • dig017
    dig017 Posts: 1 Member
    Cry and beat yourself up for a little bit then move on. It's good to have these negative emotions every now and then so long as we don't let ourselves get wrapped up in them. I'm sure all of us, myself definitely included, have had setbacks along our weight loss journeys. But the way I see it, all my past, present and future setbacks help to build the kind of character I need to be successful in my weight loss.

    So chin up, water up, and good luck on your weight loss goal, it's going to feel great when you reach it =)
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    Unless there's a monster under the bed feeding you cheeseburgers while you sleep.

    Holy crap! So THAT'S how I got fat!!

    Chain restaurant food in general is notoriously high in sodium. I don't weigh myself for several days after eating at one of those. It's like TOM without the cramps! -- Ugh.