At a loss..and not the good "loss"

blond83 Posts: 4
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey Everyone!
First time posting. I've been working on a healthier life style and have been losing weight since January 6, 2009. I started with 2 other co-workers. I am the youngest of them by 20 years. Since April we had 1 of the co-workers decided she "couldn't" do it anymore. We had 1 other co-worker start with us. So we're really trying to keep going! The other 2 are behind me in the weight loss but are doing excellent for their goals! I have lost 27 lbs since January. But as of 2-3 weeks I haven't been able to lose and have gain back some of those pounds I lost (4-5lbs). I'm so down on myself and I feel like I need to just start starving myself (OH BELIEVE ME I WON'T THOUGH lol). What are some good things to try to do to help my plateau or boost my confidence? I'm so scared that I'm going to gain and have been trying to be really positive (no negative nancy here) any thoughts, ideas, or comments for all you successful weight droppers?

Thank you!
Heather E.


  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Don't give up - that 2 - 3 weeks is tough but it's all part of the many calories are you eating in a day? You should consider changing up your exercise - if you've been walking - throw in some 30 second jogs in the middle, up the intensity - if you've not been doing any strength training you should try it.

    You can do it!!!! Just don't blow it do to impatience! Lord knows I am about as impatient as they come!
  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    Hey Heather! Welcome to MFP! I recently joined as well and have hit that plateau that you're speaking off. I've always been an active person but within the last year the stress of getting ready to graduate from college and moving and all that has caught up with me. The things I used to do are not working for me this time in my battle to lose. I've found however that by incorporating new techniques of exercise (basically confusing your muscles with a new routine) it will sort of rev up your weight loss. And by switching your diet around, maybe try a new vegetable or start cooking with new spices. Your metabloism might get an extra boost. Hope this helps you out :happy:
  • blond83
    blond83 Posts: 4
    Well I use the calorie counter here but I haven't kept up to par on posting for the food diary. But it says 1300 calories a day. Which I what I stick to and I know with excercise you need more for energy. So I keep as balanced as I can. I will definitely try to intensify my fitness regim! I usually walk 30-45 mins a day if I can. But it could be that my body is used to it. I need to learn how to not be impatient especially with weight loss! Thank you Chrissyh for those thoughts.... I know I can do it!!! I will too!
  • blond83
    blond83 Posts: 4
    I definitely need that extra "boost" too! I will hopefully figure something out. I love this website and have used it since January but I have never posted and it seems like everyone cares so much for everyone's success. After all we are here for the same purpose...healthier lifestyle!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Try doing something different...increase one of the calorie categories (fat/carb/protein), or do a different kind of cardo (dancing, or skating, or bicycling or take a class), or do it at different times of the day.

    The thing gain a pound only if you eat 3,500 calories more than you burn off. So if there is something you're not taking into account (drinks, sauces, oils for cooking, snacks) or that your body has become too efficent at processing (following exactly the same routine/eating the same foods), then that could be part of the problem. So, even though you're eating healthy and walking, your body has figured out how to manage without burning up the calories you're giving it, so instead, they get stored as fat. Shake up the routine, surprise that old metabolism, eat more, eat less, eat differently...what do you have to lose, except pounds? :tongue:
  • blond83
    blond83 Posts: 4
    those are excellent ideas Stormie!!!
    I see that you've quit smoking...That is awesome. I was never a smoker nor will I but I think it's awesome that you can change your lifestyle by dropping those pounds and smoking! Congrats on that accomplishment!!
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