This has nothing to do with weight loss. I just need to vent.

My finace is in the military and we decided a long time ago that we would get married "on paper" this fall and just save our money and have our wedding as planned next June when he comes back from deployment. We didn't tell anyone about this and we weren't planning on it.

We decided a few weeks ago that we would go ahead and get married the following week until our roomate came home one day to tell us he was going to propose to his girlfriend! Out of courtesy for him we decided not to get married that same week because it wouldn't be fair to belittle their joy and we could wait.

After he proposed, I told his now fiancee (one of my very good friends) that we had planned to get married that week. She asked why and I explained it all to her. She came to me last friday to tell me that they signed their marriage license that morning!

My fiance is now in a SWAT team training class for the next month and won't have time to get our marriage license (which is why we planned this a few weeks ago) so we'll have to wait now... which isn't the big deal. The part I'm upset about now is that all of our other friends are gushing over the new "happy couple" and have completly forgot about us! Now we look like we're just doing it because they did and no one wants to share our excitement with us. :cry:


  • cboehm
    cboehm Posts: 462 Member
    that is tough - but try and remember that the only thing that really matters is that you two are happy about getting married and that even though your friends are busy enjoying this happy new couple they love ya and want to see you just as happy!!! Congrats and get married when you are ready don't worry about what anyone else thinks ---- best wishes cindy
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    We feel your pain Sistah! :cry:
    Sucks to feel like someone stole your spotlight. :grumble:

    But what's done is done. And when your fiance comes home you'll have the big blow out you really want. THEN you can tell people you've been planning for awhile but waiting for the right time.

    CONGRATS on your upcoming wedding & BIG party Girl! :flowerforyou: :love:
  • sheofthesea
    sheofthesea Posts: 123 Member
    If it makes you feel any better, I was in a (slightly) similar situation many, many years ago and it really seems to unimportant now. The year we got married, it almost seemed like a race (my sister got engaged after me and then got married before me, but she wasn't the only one.) Now that so many years have passed, we are either rejoicing that we've made it so far or the opposite!

    I know that it is frustrating and hard to share your special time, but it will pass and you will still be focused on your own happy relationship.