


  • hmmm i'm not sure if anyone else already asked it (didn't see it on first skim), but OP, which of the following was the case:

    1) you were walking around outdoors in barefeet (i grew up in a small town, definitely spent a lot of time walking barefoot on lawns), and then proceeded to walk indoors
    2) you were wearing flip-flops or sandals or open-toed shoes of some form, and when you took them off at the door your feet were obviously bare
    3) you were wearing covered shoes with/without socks, and took them off at the door

    the first one is obviously no better or worse than walking into someone's house with shoes on, which, as multiple people have already pointed out, some people don't like, particularly in various cultures. the last one i can see being kind of gross just because the insides of your closed-toed shoes seem like a nice warm haven for smelly bacteria (thinking athletic shoes here). the one in the middle seems the most likely, and i admit i can see this going either way, but with your ocd friend might just be nice to play it safe...:)