Will Power issues

wcasie Posts: 299 Member
Hey all! I need some will power help. Any tips or tricks anyone has learned to help you just say no to junk? I know what I need to do, but making my self do it is a huge issue. I have lots of support from the best man in the world and an awesome family, but I can't seem to stay on the wagon. I know food is an addiction for me, but I need some help. Let me know if anyone has any ideas. Also I am trying to get on here more and if you need a friend feel free to add me!



  • blacksagephoenix
    blacksagephoenix Posts: 22 Member
    Ugh. I have willpower problems with getting motivated to exercise. I am not much help. :(
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    Try these things -- they don't always work, but many times they have:
    - drink more water
    - take a short walk or do a little activity to keep your mind off of food
    - chew gum (I find that giving my mouth something to do keeps me from feeding it full of food)

    Find a couple of things that work for you and give it your best.

    You can do this.
  • SammyKatt
    SammyKatt Posts: 364 Member

    Ask yourself what you want more? Do you want that cupcake that is just a waste of your calories, wont make you feel any better, probably give you a sugar/carb crash?

    Or do you want to get thinner?

    I want to get thinner - cupcake not worth it!
  • sueannerojas
    i need motivation too plzz add me
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    Don't keep the junk in the house. And just do it. I know that's cliche but honestly we all do things we don't like (go to work, do laundry, scrub the toilet) but we do them because we have to. Well at some point you have to decide that YOU are worth it and that you would rather be healthy than have another piece of cake, a pizza, ice cream (whatever your unhealthy food is) and skip it.

    And realize that it's okay to indulge OCCASIONALLY too.
  • blacksagephoenix
    blacksagephoenix Posts: 22 Member
    Oh, wait! I can be of some help. My new favorite quote is: "What you eat in private, you show in public." Just think about that when you are walking through the kitchen and just want to eat that cookie while standing in the pantry seeking out your healthy snack. I also have a bad habit of eating a bite of leftovers before it gets put away. We eat first, then put it away after. I usually find myself taking a few bites between eating and putting it away. A good suggestion for that one, put the leftovers away before you even eat. Less chances of looking for seconds. But, really, that quote has really stopped me from those random binge eatings I try to keep private.
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    I started out by doing one day at a time. Just today I wont eat any chocolate/lollies/icecream and then after a few days it suddenly just became easier. I also spent alot of time looking at slim clothes and hanging out on here to remind myself what I really wanted. I also have a wonderful partner, so I talked to him lots about how I felt, and how important it was, and the more I talked about it, the easier it was to turn down the cake, sausage rolls, icecream and lollies etc. I also refused to stock them in the house in the early days.

    In regards to exercise - I found the more I exercised, the less I wanted to eat (and un-do, destroy etc all that I had just done). I am also a boredom eater (well I used to be, feels good to say I think I might have 'cured' it!!) - so I found that by making myself busy a couple of nights after work with the gym, or walking I was automatically busy, cant eat and do an exercise class hehe! Suddenly exercise became such an addiction, I loved the way it made me feel and look (I think Im hot all sweaty haha!) and again - all this just made me stop wanting to eat crap.

    So - in a nutshell. Take it one day at a time. Habits form, adictions are made - and a new you is the result!!! Go guys - you can do it if you want it!!! All the best :)
  • lyndime
    lyndime Posts: 6
    Stimulus Control is key. You can't always rely on willpower alone... it's very fickle.
  • SammyKatt
    SammyKatt Posts: 364 Member
    Ugh. I have willpower problems with getting motivated to exercise. I am not much help. :(

    I make myself workout before I can eat dinner. So If I want to eat, I have to workout or I just get a protein shake and no yummy dinner. It helps when my BF makes me workout tho =P

    make a list of how you feel after you workout and just keep telling yourself those things to get you thru the workout.
  • 4Shellie
    4Shellie Posts: 9 Member
    Imagine if they could bottle will power and sell it! WOW! Talk about being rich right? I have day's, sometimes a whole week! I will stick to my guns and not eat any junk or go over my calorie's. And that feeling of being in control is great! Then things wont go well. The kids get to fighting,..argue with my husband...my sister needs another favor and BAM! All will power gone. How does this happen? The food makes me feel better while I am eating it. Then the guilt sets in afterwards. And the shame I feel when I think "why didn't I just say no to it"?...How do you cure emotional cravings? There has to be a substitute other than food.

  • closemoore
    I feel your pain, I am faithful with my workouts but I struggle to eat clean on a consistent basis. When I want to cheat I chant my mantra of "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" ~ sometimes it helps !!
  • rebeccasedwards
    I try not to buy it. Granted with boys in the house that doesn't always happen. I do have 100 calorie snacks for times when I just have to have something. I love the 100 calorie Kettle Corn popcorn bags. Gum and flavored water helps too. But it comes down to if it's not in the house then you can't eat it.
  • cbjpl31
    cbjpl31 Posts: 5
    Find a distraction! It will help you change your habits. I used to eat out of boredom all the time. When you get the urge and you know you aren't hungry go for a walk, clean something, read a book or magazine, text or call a friend, paint your fingernails (you can't eat with wet nails!), write in a journal (that's good therapy too!). It will take some time but eventually you will not automatically go to food. Also, I notice that I don't crave food on the days when I drink enough water.

    I hope this helps. :)
  • Stargirlsmiles88
    Stargirlsmiles88 Posts: 52 Member
    Try to find something you like to do for exercise...I'm at 281 lbs. and really enjoy doing Just Dance 3....they even have a setting with sweat points. I don't like running...so if I start exercising with running, I'm probably not gonna stay at it long. As far as eating things, I honestly eat whatever I want as long as my calories allow it. My husband is also trying to lose weight, and he helps with new recipes to try that are healthy. Also, I make sure that I report in to my sister in law by a certain time of day and if I don't she'll text me about it. It's really helpful to know you'll have to answer to someone if you don't. Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • nicolemariemclovin
    nicolemariemclovin Posts: 55 Member
    I'm not sure I know any good "tricks," but I will say this - I always look at self-discipline as a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it becomes. At first, it's weak from underuse, and it can be easy to give in to the temptation of certain foods, or the desire to stay home and watch TV instead of go to the gym. In the beginning, the best way to stay motivated is just to remind yourself every day why you're trying to lose weight, or achieve whatever goal it is you're aiming to achieve. Maybe you want to be a healthier version of yourself, or have more confidence in yourself, or any number of things - whatever it is, that is the thing that drives you in the beginning of your journey. After some time, maybe a few weeks, or a few months, you strengthen that will power and it becomes easier to make better decisions. Be persistent, and your actions will become habits. Again, not really and great advice, just my two cents :) When it comes to avoiding junk, don't keep it in your house. Stock your fridge and cupboards with healthy meals and snacks, and log EVERYTHING you eat! You are much less likely to binge when you are holding yourself accountable to every single calorie that you consume. Finally, put your gym clothes on to force yourself to workout! Lol I did this in the beginning when I hated going to the gym, I would come home from work or wake up and just put them on right away. I knew as soon as they were on I wasn't going to change my mind. Just little tips that have worked for me :) Hope they help! Good luck, and feel free to add me!!
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I finally came to the realization that my strength comes from my deep religious conviction that overeating is a sin and when I pray the Lord's Prayer "give us this day our daily bread" it means my daily portion to live and no more than that. I fight everyday temptation with distractions ( exercising, taking a walk outside, chewing gum,hobbies etc or I move to a different room of the house) and although I have lost over 175 lbs this past 18 months I am still tempted on a daily or sometimes hourly basis. I do fail occassinally as I am human and imperfect. It is easier to not put myself in a situation where I'll be tempted and I plan for alternatives ( nutritious snacks in my purse). I am upfront with everyone about my dieting and true friends want me to succeed.
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    I have will power issues also
    working nights does not help
    I find that i definitely will binge if I am overly tired
    I try my best to get enough rest :bigsmile:
  • cbjpl31
    cbjpl31 Posts: 5
    A couple more things I thought of that help me.

    Drink a cup of coffee (decaf if it's late lol), brush your teeth, chew gum, get some low calorie/sugar free hard candy and suck on that. Hard candy will help a sweet craving too.

    Also...don't deprive yourself of everything. Allow yourself some "cheats" because the more deprived I feel, the more I binge. If I really want some pizza, I eat some pizza! I can get that craving out of the way and move on with my day. And often times if I just pay attention to the portion I can eat that pizza or taco or whatever, kill the craving and still be at my calories for the day.
  • wcasie
    wcasie Posts: 299 Member
    WOW!! Lots of great responses!! Thanks!!!
  • lisabruce12
    lisabruce12 Posts: 77 Member
    I take it a week at a time. I say to myself...I can do anything for a week. That usually kills the cravings for me. I hope it helps!