
So i just started this today and surprisingly I don't eat enough calories so I've had to have a few snacks. Anyway my problem seems to be motivation. I have a few friends in cross country and they said I should join. The only problem is that they meet every morning at 8 to run and all the girls there have been in it for a while. I'm afraid I'll be way behind everyone and will justslow people down. I'm pretty self conscious about working out in font of other people. I know joining would give me the motivation I need and would be excellent, but I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up at all. Any advice?


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Just do it! No one will expect you to be at the same level of fitness as people who have been doing something for ages.
    Give it a try and if you really don't like it, then you can quit - but at least you have given it a good go.
    I used to be pretty self concious about running and felt that everyone was watching me - but you know, most people are much more focussed on themselves and if they notice you at all, it will be for a millisecond before they go back to their own slef-absorbtion!
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Don't worry about it....Everyone starts out at their own pace. If your behind you will catch them at the end. You may meet others that are just starting out also.
  • clindy33
    clindy33 Posts: 12
    Thanks :) originally it was going to be me and one of my best friends but she's going to miss the first few runs, and now her parents won't let her join. She joined the national guard and was my motivation. We would go joggin once or twice a week or something before she went to basic. I only know 2 girls on the team sort of so itll be interesting. Would you reccomend eating like a granola bar or something before going? I might try and make it to the run tomorrow morning.
  • fivezero15
    fivezero15 Posts: 9 Member
    Yes, definitely eat something light before you work out and make sure you have something to drink. I teach classes in the morning and make sure I fuel up about an hour ahead with cereal and fruit and milk.
  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    Doooo iit! I do track and I am ALWAYS the last one but you know what? I put in more work than half the girls there and that is all that i need to know. It doesn't matter if you are first or last it just matters how hard you work.
  • clindy33
    clindy33 Posts: 12
    Alright oatmeal and water it is tomorrow, and possibly a run if i get over being self conscious and just tell myself it'll get me in shape! It'll help me come out of my shell a bit without my friend there too. Thanks for the advice and pep talk everyone! I should get some sleep now.
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    Give it a try!!!!!!! I remember the day I first started to walk on the treadmill and then the day I tried to actually jog. I am eternally gratefull for the support I got from the others at the gym who encouraged me every step of the way. I thought I looked so silly trying to run next to a lady who was training for the Boston and New York marathons. She turned out to be my best supporter and gave me some tips on shoes and interval training, but most of all she encouraged me to keep going and was thrilled at my progress. My first day at jogging was for thirty seconds every 5 minutes. That was in January of this year. I now run seven miles a day 5 days a week. You never will know unless you try!!!!!!!
  • clindy33
    clindy33 Posts: 12
    Thank you all so much..I'm so glad I found this, this is the kind of support group I need but never had. :)
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    So i just started this today and surprisingly I don't eat enough calories so I've had to have a few snacks. Anyway my problem seems to be motivation. I have a few friends in cross country and they said I should join. The only problem is that they meet every morning at 8 to run and all the girls there have been in it for a while. I'm afraid I'll be way behind everyone and will justslow people down. I'm pretty self conscious about working out in font of other people. I know joining would give me the motivation I need and would be excellent, but I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up at all. Any advice?

    Ok, here's the deal about running...and running long distances. (1) if you are over-weight there is a chance you will damage your feet; (2) Running is good exercise BUT runners are one of the high level groups that are "ripe" for joint replacements as they age(around 40+ if they are avid), (3) so the Focus should be "Whether the Activity is HEALTHY?" Many people choose high risk activities (Running, Excessive High Poundage Wt Lifting, Excessive Tennis...) especially when young because of the "Rush" and the "Burn" but they do not know when to Stop or reduce the activity. They end up with severe arthritis, limitations, pain and joint replacements. The Activity ends up doing the Opposite of what it was intended to do...keep you healthy, especially as you age. The weird thing is that some (Idiots) who have had joint replacements are so addicted to these activities that AFTER the Replacements they STILL don't get it, they go right back to the same stuff, instead of MODIFYING their activity!

    So use YOUR BEST judgement, running cross country is NO joke...I did it in college and I will be having hip replacement in August (and I modified My activity after college) but that wear and tear and pounding can't be reversed. My advice: Walk, Walk Fast, Use an Elliptical, Cycle (stationary or Bike,) Swim, LOW impact aerobics, Pilates, Stretching, Toning Wt Lifting...You get the Idea, Do yourself/Body a favor NOW. REMEMBER: 90% of Wt loss and Maintenance is What You Eat, 10% is Exercise/Activity (Including your everyday movements!) Don't stress over the exercise...Focus on the 90% and do enough exercise to stay/get toned...Fitness level - If You can walk a mile without stopping or huffing and puffing, you're fit!
  • clindy33
    clindy33 Posts: 12
    I definitely understand where your coming from, my mom had double knee surgery from all the sports she placed in high sch i ool plus working in a factory for 13 years. I figure going with them and going my own (slow) pace will help with my endurance a bit and I'll gradually go up. I don't plan on running with them every day and I may only do it for just this year since I will be focusing more on studies and band in college. I really appreciate your advice and concern though! I will definitely keep that in mind when I'm exercising.
  • shanker702
    shanker702 Posts: 2 Member
    check out this blog, has some good stuff
  • Kaylee_law_123
    Kaylee_law_123 Posts: 450 Member
    I HATE exercising with and/or in front of other people - so I generally do so on my own. Sometimes I log the exercise before I do it to keep me accountable, as I don't want to mislead MFP friends.

    Slowly but surely I am better at exercising in front of people because I am getting faster and less wobbly lol! And I find my ipod keeps my mind occupied and off whether people are watching my butt wobble as I walk :-)

    Good luck with it :-)