did your belly return to normal?



  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    I responded to the other mom thread as well. Some women can bounce back. I looked great with my first 3 kids. No stretch marks or loose skin, then kid four (first 4 kids in 5 1/2 years) BAM....stretch marks. Then even more with kids 5 and 6. I gained 50-60lbs per child and my last 4 babies were 9+ lbs.

    Anyway, it can go back to looking great or you could have some loose skin. In my profile picture, I am posing to show that I can stretch it out to look good for a picture. But below is what it looks like when I am standing normal. Just remember, I had 6 kids, so my tummy got REALLY stretched!!!

    8 months pregnant with child #6

    Lost all weight, but you can see the looseness of the skin.

    AMAZING for 6 kids. And not trying to sound creepy but if that's your bum in your ticker - wow, you are doing alright!
  • jroja021
    jroja021 Posts: 74 Member
    I was young too and mine went back to normal. That's a plus to being young I suppose!
    that's what I'm hoping!
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    You look great!! And wow contests on the big babies! Mine decided to come early but everyone told me he wouldst been a big one if he had stated cooking for the rest of the 2 months he had left.

    Do you believe my doctor induced me 10 days early because they were getting so big and I wanted to deliver them. He said 10lbs babies are hard to push out, and I am a small girl. And my breast milk was pure lard from my 50lbs of fat gained during pregnancy, i swear they were butterballs until they started walking!!!
    AMAZING for 6 kids. And not trying to sound creepy but if that's your bum in your ticker - wow, you are doing alright!

    Thanks...and yep, that is my butt. Now you know why I have 6 kids!!! haha!
  • laurensayz
    laurensayz Posts: 70 Member
    I have a 3 year old and 2 year old. I was 105 pre pregnancy with #1, gained to 170, lost back to 115, got pregnant again 4 months later and then gained back to 165.

    This was about a month or two after I delivered my second. I was 165 before delivery and probably 135 in the photo. This was in May of 2010.


    And this is me about 1 year post partum (1 year ago), probably about 125-130, but I could tell my skin was getting a little better.


    And this was a month or so ago at the gym, the wrinkles are ALMOST gone, and are going away even faster now that I'm drinking 8+ cups of water a day (staying hydrated helps tons!). I'm not doing any special lotions or anything, just my normal Olay body lotion.


    Its kinda hard to see the few that are left in that last picture because I used a phone not a regular camera but whats left are like light wrinkles and really only show up when I'm sitting down or suck in my stomach a lot.
  • jroja021
    jroja021 Posts: 74 Member
    You look great!! And wow contests on the big babies! Mine decided to come early but everyone told me he wouldst been a big one if he had stated cooking for the rest of the 2 months he had left.

    Do you believe my doctor induced me 10 days early because they were getting so big and I wanted to deliver them. He said 10lbs babies are hard to push out, and I am a small girl. And my breast milk was pure lard from my 50lbs of fat gained during pregnancy, i swear they were butterballs until they started walking!!!
    AMAZING for 6 kids. And not trying to sound creepy but if that's your bum in your ticker - wow, you are doing alright!

    Thanks...and yep, that is my butt. Now you know why I have 6 kids!!! haha!

    LOL butterballs... thankfully the baby made me lose weight and let me eat a ton every day! I miss the days where I could eat a whole pizza take a walk lose a pound a week!
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    You look great!! And wow contests on the big babies! Mine decided to come early but everyone told me he wouldst been a big one if he had stated cooking for the rest of the 2 months he had left.

    Do you believe my doctor induced me 10 days early because they were getting so big and I wanted to deliver them. He said 10lbs babies are hard to push out, and I am a small girl. And my breast milk was pure lard from my 50lbs of fat gained during pregnancy, i swear they were butterballs until they started walking!!!
    AMAZING for 6 kids. And not trying to sound creepy but if that's your bum in your ticker - wow, you are doing alright!

    Thanks...and yep, that is my butt. Now you know why I have 6 kids!!! haha!

    LOL butterballs... thankfully the baby made me lose weight and let me eat a ton every day! I miss the days where I could eat a whole pizza take a walk lose a pound a week!

    I called breastfeeding my liposuction!!
  • jroja021
    jroja021 Posts: 74 Member
    Lauren you give me hope!!! I am definately hoping back on the water train!
  • maddiey
    maddiey Posts: 231 Member
    I hope this helps! I am also 20, well just turned 20 a couple weeks ago. I used to weight 210, and now I weigh 171. I lost the weight over 2 years. I've noticed as I lose weight the stretch marks look smaller, and definitely less noticeable. Espeically on my arms, where my fat has definitely disappeared! On my tummy, they look better, but not fantastic. I hope that helps! I'm waiting for my belly to look better (:
  • jroja021
    jroja021 Posts: 74 Member
    Thank you all for your advice and experiences!
  • Salvi30
    Salvi30 Posts: 196 Member
    I hate my stomach! It will never look right. Even if I starve myself, which I have. Sucks.
  • paulsmisses
    paulsmisses Posts: 178
    I'm still on my weight loss journey... but I wanted to know from the ladies if your belly turned out smooth? I'm still young, turning 20 this month but ive given birth so I have stretch marks in my belly and lower abdomen that are starting to sag a little... did yours go away or at least did the belly tighten up with time? My weight was 180 and I plan to get down to 130 or 120. I'm 5'3''

    sadly, my tummy will never return! gave up hope after two pregnancies, a lot of stretch marks and a cesearan, i have the classic muffin top!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    I hate my stomach! It will never look right. Even if I starve myself, which I have. Sucks.

    You're running every day! I bet you will get your flat stomach back. Just sayin.
  • islandjacquelin
    I have stretch marks and loose skin but it isn't that bad and is worth it because I would rather have loose skin and be healthy than have that skin filled up with unhealthy fat.

    I totally agree!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    A few things to consider. A tummy may not fully return, but you will give it a better chance with the more muscle your body has, so shooting for 130 or 120 may not be a good option. Many people have trouble getting six packs due to the lack of muscle mass. So you are at 180, lets consider you are 35% body fat. So your lean body mass (LBM) is 180 - (180*.35) = 117 lbs. LBM is the amount of muscle, tissue, bone, etc.. pretty much anything that isn't fat. If you got to 120 lbs @ 20% body fat, you would only have 96lbs of LBM, so you would lose 20 lbs of muscle. Realistically, if you want a tight body with definition, you should aim for 18% and a body with 117 lbs of muscle will look better than a body with 96. So to see your weight goal, lets reverse engineer your goal. If you want 18% body fat, and you want 117 lbs of muscle, then you should aim for:

    117 * 1.18 = 138.

    Below are two stories of women who gained weight to look better. I believe a lot of the problem is many women concentrate on weight, that the lose too much lean body mass and make it harder to look ripped/fit. And the best way to cut body fat is with heavy weight lifting.

