Starvinggg sensation -help!!!

I was wondering if anyone could give me some super foods or even diet pills that would help suppress my hunger... I am always hungry 24/7 and seem to only think about food food food.... It's beyond frustrating and depressing and was wondering if anyone knows of any super foods or methods that help them curve their appetite more? I have already tried up taking my fiber and water... Anything else?


  • missashley884
    missashley884 Posts: 188 Member
    protein! protein will be your best friend in curbing hunger.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    The answer to "why am I always hungry?" is almost always that you need to eat more food.
    I can't see your diary so I don't know how much you are eating - but if it is 1200 cals a day, don't worry about what kind of food, just eat more! The great thing about MFP is that you can learn that you don't have to starve yourself to lose weight.

    Eat a moderate deficit and do a bit of exercise.
    Keep doing it.
    It really is that simple.