first day and starving!



  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Looking at your food...

    Id change to porridge\oatmeal\oats for breakfast. Very filling and will keep you satisfied a while, special k isnt really that healthy and certainly is not filling! The sugar and cream in the coffee must go... If you cant drink it without try to cut it out! Theres a lot of calories there than could be used on more veg or salad to bulk out meals. Veg and salad are fantastic not too many calories or sugar for the amount your getting! I try to drink as little of my calories as possible and bulk everything out with salad and veg.
    Not everyones the same but going to 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30%fat really helped me. That was doubling up mfps protein and reducing my carbs. Still a good balance, but really changed this journey and stopped me being constantly hungry! I use protein shakes on days where im struggling to get my protein up and they are super filling. I wish id known about these percentages from the beginning so worth thinking about! (Settings,goals,change goals) xx
  • headlock_lynn
    headlock_lynn Posts: 79 Member
    Congratulations on getting started and making such a GREAT start. Remember to drink lots, that's one of the keys to not feeling hungry and reaching for the snacks. Also, as someone else pointed what you are eating. Make sure you get enough protein as that will help fill you for longer periods. My husband laughs because I have a huge salad at lunch but as I say lettuce doesn't have many calories so in order to be full I have to eat a lot. Eat lots of things that have few calories that way you can fill up but like I say the protein is a biggie. You can have a good size portion of fish or chicken without blowing your calorie count. Good luck. Stay with it go for a walk or something when those hunger pains hit. You can do it.
  • ashlielinn
    ashlielinn Posts: 920
    You will adjust! Also, I realized a big part of this journey is learning it's OKAY TO FEEL HUNGRY! I think that was a big mental challenge for me. Just because you don't feel stuffed all the time, it doesn't mean you're not getting enough to eat! Now, if you're feeling faint, you should obviously eat, but having your tummy grumble for 30mins until your mid-afternoon snack is fine! Don't panic if you feel a little hungry - you'll adjust and soon it won't bother you! :)
  • becka66218
    The first week is the worst with hunger pain. Just wait till your secound week when fatigue kicks in. Funny part im usually not even hungry half the time.
  • 5pmsomewherenow
    5pmsomewherenow Posts: 163 Member
    *Make breakfast the best meal of the day... they are right it really sets the foundation for the rest of the day.
    *Explore a wide variety of foods, including lean proteins, whole grains, lotsa veggies, healthy fats, & fruits.
    *I've found I really need a plan for the full day - giving some thought to what I'm going to eat each day to lead a healthy life.
    *Everyone else here has said it: 64oz of water each day, or more.

    You're not crazy...calorie monitoring will work on your psyche, while you change your eating habits. A lot of it is in your mind. Each time I lower my calorie goal a little more, I go through it for about 48 hours until re-adjustment sets in. Often, at home, I have to ask my self "am I REALLY hungry, or am I thirsty, bored, stressed, or something else?" Let's go for a walk instead...

    Exercise does help because it revs up your metabolism, and quells your appetite if you've laid a good foundation before you exercise. Once you start loosing some pounds & inches, you'll be so pleased with the results and will feel so much better, you'll be motivated to find the best way to eat a wonderful variety of very healthy foods and your body will crave them. The though of the other junk just won't be as appealing anymore. You're changing your lifestyle for the better, it takes some monumental effort. It's worth it in the long run. You can do it.

    Get some MFP friends, and make your diary available to your friends to see. I'll send you a friend request, and we can all help.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    Today was my first day of counting my calories and limiting them. My goal is 1490 and I came up under that including eating the calories I lost from working out. I just ate dinner not long ago and I'm SO HUNGRY! Before this I was probably consuming around 3000, because I have obsessive eating issues. Has anyone else had this? And please tell me my body will adjust soon and I won't feel like I haven't eaten in days even though I ate like an hour ago.

    If I am reading correctly it says that you ate and are under your calories for the day?? If so, then have a snack that is within your calories...Even if you go over by a few calories on occasion that is okay but if you are hungry and still have calories left over by all means...Eat them if you are hungry!! You CAN do this!! :)
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Your doing it right. Great!

    I would keep a container of high fiber cereal. The little stick ones. (its my secret weapon)
    Eat 1/2 a cup when I just couldn't take it. Dry of course. Then suck down that water.
  • alikrorp225
    Definitely eat at least five times a day. It's always better to find some filling snack in between your major meals to stave off the hunger pains. I've been at it almost a month and I still have "hungry" days from time to time. It's just my body adjusting as I go. I definitely agree that I have less hunger pains when I add leafy greens to one of my meals. Try to make your protein intake for the day at lunch. Protein is more difficult to digest, so it's better to avoid it at dinner(especially if dinner is late) or avoid consuming a large portion at dinner. Eat a hearty salad with dark leafy greens at dinner. It keeps you feeling full through the evening/night, so you won't snack late(packing on calories). These "tips" have helped me lose. Stick with it! Eat healthy! Let the weight loss be a "bonus" instead of the goal. Focus on being healthy first.
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    Try to get for each meal a good combo or carbs, protein, and healthy fats... frequent meals work for me. It will take a while before you find what works for you and to develop new habits as well as for your body to get use to your new choices... water consumption (at least for me) is a must, must, must...

    Gook job on making the decision of a healthier life style :)
  • rainwalkerSK
    You've gotten a lot of advice, and at the risk of being completely unhelpful, I'm going to put in my two cents and say that I don't think that a lot of it is going to do you any good at this stage. Whether you eat high fiber or high protein or some protein with some fat or swap out these calories for other calories, you've gone from eating 3000 calories a day to less than half that. You're going to be hungry.

    The good news is that this is temporary. For me, the first week was painful, but it got easier quickly. The other good news is that this is important: we tend to treat discomfort (hunger) as an illness that needs to be medicated away (with food). I spent a lot of that first week talking to myself: "Yes, you are hungry. This will not kill you." The reason that this is important is that you need to learn to separate physiological hunger from psychological hunger. Satisfying physiological hunger is important: it's imperative that you give your body the fuel it needs to succeed. Satisfying psychological hunger is what got me into trouble in the first place.

    At the beginning, for me anyway, it was the psychological hunger that was the hardest to deal with, the loudest voice in my head. Psychological hunger, for me, was food-specific: I didn't just want food, I wanted cheese fries specifically. As time has gone on, and I'm still early on in my journey, the psychological cravings abated. They're still there, but they're easier to tune out, easier to dismiss.

    Truly, make sure that you're eating enough to fuel your body. Try eating more frequently. Eat more fiber, more protein, figure out what works for you. If, after a week, you're still incessantly hungry, up your calories by 100 and see if that helps. But stick with it, learn to control your eating rather than letting it control you, and it will get a lot easier.
  • ExcusesStopHere
    Okay, this is all A LOT to take in, but I'll do what I can. I drank half the coffee I usually do, but that coffee with cream and sugar will be hard to cut. This will all be a lot easier when I go back to school because my family LOVES anything that is a fried greasy sugary mess. Not only that but it is rude to tell my mom "No I don't want to eat that" when I'm only home about twice a year. But every chance I get I'll eat the low calorie nutritious foods.

    I do appreciate all the help and advice! I did read it all and I've taken a lot of key points out. The hardest will not be eating healthy, but not eating things just because I like the taste lol
  • smuffette1967
    smuffette1967 Posts: 10 Member
    i eat 1200 cal and i am great
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Okay, this is all A LOT to take in, but I'll do what I can. I drank half the coffee I usually do, but that coffee with cream and sugar will be hard to cut. This will all be a lot easier when I go back to school because my family LOVES anything that is a fried greasy sugary mess. Not only that but it is rude to tell my mom "No I don't want to eat that" when I'm only home about twice a year. But every chance I get I'll eat the low calorie nutritious foods.

    I do appreciate all the help and advice! I did read it all and I've taken a lot of key points out. The hardest will not be eating healthy, but not eating things just because I like the taste lol

    you don't have to give up the foods you REALLY love -- just eat smaller portions of them. There's nothing wrong with enjoying something that people view as "bad" for you.

    I eat cookies every single day.

    I eat M&M's in my Greek yogurt every single day.

    Tonight I went to my parent's house and they offered to buy my sister and I dinner - I knew it wouldn't be "healthy", but I didn't want to hurt my parents feelings by declining. So, I ate what they ordered, enjoyed it, thanked them and knew it wasn't the end of the world that I didn't eat a healthy meal. The time with my parents at dinner was something I can't get back and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

    Losing weight is a long journey. Don't forget to live while you're doing it.
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    I promise it will get easier. Once I started drinking water consistently throughout the day, I noticed I hardly ever felt hungry between meals/snacks.

    It took me about two weeks to adjust. Once my body wasn't getting the sugar and crap and was getting more water/protein/fiber, I felt about 110% better.

    Make sure you space out your meals/snacks too. I try to eat something every couple of hours.
  • Rosco63
    Rosco63 Posts: 37
    It looks to me like your not really heavy at all, and I can see you only want to lose about ten lbs. you are young and your body needs to be fed. When I think back to when I was your age, I was always heavier than my friends but looked better because I lifted weights. I am not about to preach to you, because heaven knows I dealt with my own issues when I was younger, and it is certainly not my place to tell you what weight you are comfortable at....but I can almost guarantee that if you hit the weights you will feel strong and look strong, and those few pounds won't matter. I don't know a single person my age who looks at old photos of themselves and doesn't think, "wow I looked great, what was I so worried about".