my dr says I may have cancer

I have had debilitating pain for over a year and lots and lots of tests later my dr says it could be cancer. A tumor growing in my hip. I feel like I am walking around in a dream. Stuff like this doesn't happen to me.....I just want to go to sleep and cry.


  • Breezy415
    Breezy415 Posts: 54 Member
    So sorry to hear that!!! Hopefully your doctor can give you some answers and make a plan of action!!!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I'm sorry. And you know doctors should NOT tell you that without something to back it up. And if it's taken him/her this long to decide this then you need to find a new doctor. So many doctors out there are incompentent.
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    I will say a prayer for you, take it it one day at a time. If you feel this Dr. is giving you the run around, get a second opinion.
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    Dont panic just yet. You said the doc said you "might" have cancer, not that you "do". Also if you do, stay positive. Many people have had cancer and gotten through it. I will pray for peace and healing.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    If my doctor told me I 'might' have cancer, I'd knock him out with a right cross, then id go outside and slit the tires on his car. What a f'ing @$$hole. You need a new doctor. Unless its certain, he/she should shut the hell up about that.
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    I had debilitating pain for 6 months once - abdominal pain. They ran every test in the book, then they started throwing around the word "cancer." I didn't have cancer, but they never could agree on what was causing the pain. And, I saw a lot of doctors.

    I'm sorry you're going through this. I really hope it isn't cancer and that you get the answers you need, soon. It sucks to be in pain and be tested for scary illnesses.

    Be your own advocate - and make sure you get second opinions! Take care and good luck.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I know it's easy for me to say buy try to stay positive even if it's positive. Keep us informed. I'll keep you in my prayers. :flowerforyou:
  • 5kidsforme
    5kidsforme Posts: 131 Member
    Don't panic. Just try to get to another Dr. for a 2nd opinion. It doesn't hurt to see another Dr. Try to take it one day at a time. Try not to go to a "dark place". My husband had kidney cancer and he survived (I would often sink to a very dark place imagining the worse). Try to stay positive and think of all the blessings you have. He only has one kidney but he is alive. I will say a pray for you.
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    I had a doctor tell me I had a mass on my kidney and it could be cancer. After tons of tears and tests it turned out to be nothing but a cyst. Doctors should not be telling people it "might" be cancer. When it is a sure thing, then tell me otherwise just keep your mouth shut.

    Hang in there. Things will work out.
  • Assassins_Angel
    im so sorry to hear that!! we are all here to support you through this difficult time nonetheless but everyone is right they shouldnt say it "may" be cancer without evidence to back it up! x
  • BeautifulKristen
    Sorry to hear that. Lets hope that you will not have cancer! But if you do you can fight thru with with all the chemotherapy
  • kolkol
    kolkol Posts: 300 Member
    oh no I hope he is wrong!!!
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    :(.... will pray for ya.... like someone else said, sometimes Dr's jump the gun, and say something before they know for sure!!! Hopefully he is wrong! Hang in there, and deal with things one day at a time....
  • lisasch67
    lisasch67 Posts: 135 Member
    I had a cancer scare earlier this year... everything turned out to be false alarms. I'd tell you to be calm and not panic, but I know it's no use. Just persevere and try to distract yourself till you know for sure. Just like losing weight tell yourself you can do this and get through this... one day at a time.
  • yokurio
    yokurio Posts: 116 Member
    That really sucks. I hope the best for you, and if the doctor is wrong, feel free to punch him/her in the face. =-)
  • loki3981
    loki3981 Posts: 249 Member
    Good thought coming your way for you and your family. *hug*
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    prayers and hugs! Be positive till there is something to worry about. Keep us updated.
  • wantstolooseweight
    wantstolooseweight Posts: 166 Member
    may* being the operative word, tell him to run some tests and come back with a decent answer and untill then I know its hard but try to stop worrying...

    I had 2 years of tests for stomach pain, constapation, runs, bloating 10 years ago he reckoned "it might be bowel cancer" he was wrong I had coeliac disease simple and sorted out by a change of diet.

    I'm hoping to all hopes you have a pulled muscle but stay positive and fight for a confirmation of a diagnosis!

    I hate the C word and I think Dr's really need to be certain when they use it because they just frighten people and their families!

    Stay strong x

    Also remember they always tell you the "worst possible scenario" because their covering their own arses
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    No doctor should use the words "might have" in the same sentence unless they have run and have proof. Get another doctor and do some tests. Keep positive and God bless!
  • GymAnJuice
    GymAnJuice Posts: 512 Member
    prayers being sent your way sweet pea x