How do I get off this plateau?



  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    If you go to "community," then type, "eat more to weigh less" in the search box it will pop up...the name is written in italic script, so you'll know you have the right group. Once your in there, you will find a thread on any question you could possibly think of!!

    Feel free to add me for support and motivation!

    I am part of that group and a huge advocate of it. Since I upped my calories and started lifting heavy 6 weeks ago, I have dropped 6 lbs and 3 % body fat. Feel free to add me as well. My diet isn't always the cleanest, but its still working :D
  • kesslertg
    kesslertg Posts: 54 Member
    I thought I would comment on this too as I'm stuck 10 lbs away from goal. Here is a post I made a few days ago. My current weight is 195.8lbs as of this morning. Perhaps you can see something of yourself in here and maybe it will help:

    I would like to say I'm back on track but that would not be entirely true. My mindset is not in the same place as when I started this group and weighed 217 lbs. It's not that I'm complacent. It's more sense of "willpower fatigue." Lol. I'm just a bit tired of having to exercise so much self-control. That is the reason for the plateau in the 195-199 lb range. But I feel that if I can hold the line in this range I'll get re-invigorated and more disciplined and then I can take off 10 more lbs. So I just need to wait it out and hang on until the "Gung-Ho" Tom returns. I have to admit that my clothes fit so much better now and that is a real treat. : ) Everyone have a great weekend.